Seafloor Characterisation of the Gakkel Ridge using Multibeam Sonar, Backscatter and Sidescan Data

jhatzky [ at ]


The Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean was the object of the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition (AMORE) which was carried out by the research icebreakers R/V "Polarstern" (Germany) and USCGC "Healy" (USA) in the boreal summer 2001. This largely unexplored mid-ocean ridge (MOR) is of particular scientific interest due to its volcanic activity and tectonic structure. With spreading rates of 13mm/a in the western and 6 mm/a in the eastern part Gakkel Ridge is the slowest spreading MOR on earth (Michael et al., 2001). The surveyed area which is situated between 82°N / 8°W and 87°N / 75°E has a length of 1100 km and a varying width from 18 to 46 km. The range of measured depths reaches from 566 m on the top of a huge seamount to 5673 m in the central rift valley. Prominent underwater features of remarkable morphologic diversity (e.g. small volcanoes embedded in massive ridge flanks) were discovered in this region.One of the most important goals of the expedition was the compilation of a high resolution grid which serves as basis for a three dimensional digital terrain model (DTM), the derivation of contour lines and the production of bathymetric maps. Accordingly, two hull-mounted multibeam sonars were used for the depth data acquisition: the "Hydrosweep DS-2" system onboard "Polarstern" and the "Seabeam 2112" system onboard "Healy". In order to calculate a combined grid out of two independent data sets different technical specifications of both sonar systems (e.g. frequency, opening angle, number of beams, accuracy) had to be taken into account. Dense sea ice cover made the sonar measurements difficult. Thick floes caused hydroacoustic disturbances that heavily debased the data quality. Outliers and blunders of depths and navigation data had to be corrected in a drawn-out post-processing by appropriate software tools. Both echo sounding systems recorded backscatter information and sidescan data during the entire cruise. Onboard "Polarstern" the sub-bottom profiling system "Parasound" was operated additionally in order to explore sediment layers on the seabed. The analysis of the collected sonar data in combination with topographic information derived from the compiled DTM (e.g. elevation difference, slope) facilitates a characterisation of the seafloor. An attempt to subdivide the seabed into classes of different ground types (peridotite, basalt, gabbro, mud and sediment) is primary based on backscatter information and will show preliminary results for selected test areas. The outcome of this classification can be verified with the aid of ground truth since "Polarstern" and "Healy" accomplished more than 200 geologic sampling stations (box/gravity corer, pipe/frame dredge, TV grab) along the ridge system.

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Conference (Poster)
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Event Details
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, Abstract 05372.
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Cite as
Hatzky, J. and Schenke, H. W. (2003): Seafloor Characterisation of the Gakkel Ridge using Multibeam Sonar, Backscatter and Sidescan Data , Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, Abstract 05372 .

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