Items where Author is "Gerland, S."

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Ades, M. , Adler, R. , Aldeco, L. , Alejandra, G. , Alfaro, E. , Aliaga-Nestares, V. , Allan, R. , Allan, R. , Alves, L. , Amador, J. , Andersen, J. , Anderson, J. , Arndt, D. , Arosio, C. , Arrigo, K. , Azorin-Molina, C. , Bardin, M. , Barichivich, J. , Barreira, S. , Baxter, S. , Beck, H. , Becker, A. , Bell, G. , Bellouin, N. , Belmont, M. , Benedetti, A. , Benedict, I. , Bernhard, G. , Berrisford, P. , Berry, D. , Bettio, L. , Bhatt, U. , Biskaborn, B. , Bissolli, P. , Bjella, K. , Bjerke, J. , Blake, E. , Blenkinsop, S. , Blunden, J. , Bock, O. , Bosilovich, M. , Boucher, O. , Box, J. , Boyer, T. , Braathen, G. , Bringas, F. , Bromwich, D. , Brown, A. , Brown, R. , Brown, T. , Buehler, S. , Cáceres, L. , Calderón, B. , Camargo, S. , Campbell, J. , Campos Diaz, D. , Cappelen, J. , Carrea, L. , Carrier, S. , Carter, B. , Castro, A. , Cetinic, I. , Chambers, D. , Chen, L. , Cheng, L. , Cheng, V. , Christiansen, H. , Christy, J. , Chung, E. S. , Claus, F. , Clem, K. , Coelho, C. , Coldewey-Egbers, M. , Colwell, S. , Cooper, O. , Cosca, C. , Covey, C. , Coy, L. , Dávila, C. , Davis, S. , de Eyto, E. , de Jeu, R. , De Laat, J. , Decharme, B. , Degasperi, C. , Degenstein, D. , Demircan, M. , Derksen, C. , Dhurmea, K. , Di Girolamo, L. , Diamond, H. , Diaz, E. , Diniz, F. , Dlugokencky, E. , Dohan, K. , Dokulil, M. , Dolman, A. , Domingues, C. , Domingues, R. , Donat, M. , Dorigo, W. , Drozdov, D. , Druckenmiller, M. , Dunn, R. , Durre, I. , Dutton, G. , Elkharrim, M. , Elkins, J. , Epstein, H. , Espinoza, J. , Famiglietti, J. , Farrell, S. , Fausto, R. , Feely, R. , Feng, Z. , Fenimore, C. , Fettweis, X. , Fioletov, V. , Flemming, J. , Fogt, R. , Forbes, B. , Foster, M. , Francis, S. , Franz, B. , Frey, R. , Frith, S. , Froidevaux, L. , Ganter, C. , Garforth, J. , Gerland, S. , Gilson, J. , Gleason, K. , Gobron, N. , Goetz, S. , Goldenberg, S. , Goni, G. , Gray, A. , Groo, J. U. , Gruber, A. , Gu, G. , Guard, C. , Gupta, S. , Gutiérrez, D. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Hagos, S. , Hahn, S. , Haimberger, L. , Hall, B. , Halpert, M. , Hamlington, B. , Hanna, E. , Hanssen-Bauer, I. , Harris, I. , Hazeleger, W. , He, Q. , Heidinger, A. , Heim, J. , Hemming, D. , Hendricks, S. ORCID:, Hernández, R. , Hersbach, H. , Hidalgo, H. , Ho, S. P. , Holmes, R. , Hu, C. , Huang, B. , Hubbard, K. , Hubert, D. , Hurst, D. , Ialongo, I. , Ijampy, J. , Inness, A. , Isaac, V. , Isaksen, K. , Ishii, M. , Jeffries, M. , Jevrejeva, S. , Jia, G. , Jiménez, C. , Jin, X. , John, V. , Johnsen, B. , Johnson, G. , Johnson, K. , Johnson, B. , Jones, P. , Jumaux, G. , Kabidi, K. , Kaiser, J. , Karaköylü, E. , Karlsen, S. R. , Karnauskas, M. , Kato, S. , Kazemi, A. , Kelble, C. , Keller, L. , Kennedy, J. , Kholodov, A. , Khoshkam, M. , Kidd, R. , Killick, R. , Kim, H. , Kim, S. J. , King, A. , King, B. , Kipling, Z. , Klotzbach, P. , Knaff, J. , Korhonen, J. , Korshunova, N. , Kramarova, N. , Kratz, D. , Kruger, A. , Kruk, M. , Krumpen, T. ORCID:, Labbé, L. , Ladd, C. , Lakatos, M. , Lakkala, K. , Lander, M. , Landschützer, P. , Landsea, C. , Lareau, N. , Lavado-Casimiro, W. , Lazzara, M. , Lee, T. , Leuliette, E. , L�heureux, M. , Li, B. , Li, T. , Lieser, J. , Lim, J. Y. , Lin, I. I. , Liu, H. , Locarnini, R. , Loeb, N. , Long, C. , López, L. , Lorrey, A. , Loyola, D. , Lumpkin, R. , Luo, J. J. , Luojus, K. , Lyman, J. , Malkova, G. , Manney, G. , Marchenko, S. , Marengo, J. , Marin, D. , Marquardt Collow, A. , Marra, J. , Marszelewski, W. , Martens, B. , Martínez-Güingla, R. , Massom, R. , May, L. , Mayer, M. , Mazloff, M. , McBride, C. , McCabe, M. , McClelland, J. , McEvoy, D. , McGree, S. , McVicar, T. , Mears, C. , Meier, W. , Meijers, A. , Mekonnen, A. , Mengistu Tsidu, G. , Menzel, W. , Merchant, C. , Meredith, M. , Merrifield, M. , Miller, B. , Miralles, D. , Misevicius, N. , Mitchum, G. , Mochizuki, Y. , Monselesan, D. , Montzka, S. , Mora, N. , Morice, C. , Mosquera-Vásquez, K. , Mostafa, A. , Mote, T. , Mudryk, L. , Mühle, J. , Mullan, A. , Müller, R. , Myneni, R. , Nash, E. , Nauslar, N. , Nerem, R. , Newman, P. , Nicolas, J. , Nieto, J. , Noetzli, J. , Osborn, T. , Osborne, E. , Overland, J. , Oyunjargal, L. , Park, T. , Pasch, R. , Pascual Ramírez, R. , Pastor Saavedra, M. , Paterson, A. , Pearce, P. , Pelto, M. , Perovich, D. , Petropavlovskikh, I. , Pezza, A. , Phillips, C. , Phillips, D. , Phoenix, G. , Pinty, B. , Pitts, M. , Po-Chedley, S. , Polashenski, C. , Preimesberger, W. , Purkey, S. , Quispe, N. , Rajeevan, M. , Rakotoarimalala, C. , Ramos, A. , Ramos, I. , Randel, W. , Raynolds, M. , Reagan, J. , Reid, P. , Reimer, C. , Rémy, S. , Revadekar, J. , Richardson, A. , Richter-Menge, J. , Ricker, R. ORCID:, Ripaldi, A. , Robinson, D. , Rodell, M. , Rodriguez Camino, E. , Romanovsky, V. , Ronchail, J. , Rosenlof, K. , Rösner, B. , Roth, C. , Rozanov, A. , Rusak, J. , Rustemeier, E. , Rutishäuser, T. , Sallée, J. B. , Sánchez-Lugo, A. , Santee, M. , Sawaengphokhai, P. , Sayouri, A. , Scambos, T. , Scanlon, T. , Scardilli, A. , Schenzinger, V. , Schladow, S. , Schmid, C. , Schmid, M. , Schoeneich, P. , Schreck, I. , Selkirk, H. , Sensoy, S. , Shi, L. , Shiklomanov, A. , Shiklomanov, N. , Shimpo, A. , Shuman, C. , Siegel, D. , Sima, F. , Simmons, A. , Smeets, C. , Smith, A. , Smith, S. , Soden, B. , Sofieva, V. , Sparks, T. , Spence, J. , Spencer, R. , Spillane, S. , Srivastava, A. , Stabeno, P. , Stackhouse, J. , Stammerjohn, S. , Stanitski, D. , Steinbrecht, W. , Stella, J. , Stengel, M. , Stephenson, T. , Strahan, S. , Streeter, C. , Streletskiy, D. , Sun-Mack, S. , Suslova, A. , Sutton, A. , Swart, S. , Sweet, W. , Takahashi, K. , Tank, S. , Taylor, M. , Tedesco, M. , Thackeray, S. , Thompson, P. , Timbal, B. , Timmermans, M. L. , Tobin, S. , Tømmervik, H. , Tourpali, K. , Trachte, K. , Tretiakov, M. , Trewin, B. , Triñanes, J. , Trotman, A. , Tschudi, M. , Tye, M. , van As, D. , van de Wal, R. , van der A, R. , van der Schalie, R. , van der Schrier, G. , van der Werf, G. , van Heerwaarden, C. , Van Meerbeeck, C. , Verburg, P. , Vieira, G. , Vincent, L. , Vömel, H. , Vose, R. , Walker, D. , Walsh, J. , Wang, B. , Wang, H. , Wang, L. , Wang, M. , Wang, M. , Wang, R. , Wang, S. H. , Wanninkhof, R. , Watanabe, S. , Weber, M. , Webster, M. , Weerts, A. , Weller, R. , Westberry, T. , Weyhenmeyer, G. , Widlansky, M. , Wijffels, S. , Wilber, A. , Wild, J. , Willett, K. , Wong, T. , Wood, E. , Woolway, R. , Xue, Y. , Yin, X. , Yu, L. , Zambrano, E. , Zeyaeyan, S. , Zhang, H. M. , Zhang, P. , Zhao, G. , Zhao, L. , Zhou, X. , Zhu, Z. , Ziemke, J. , Ziese, M. , Andersen, A. , Griffin, J. , Hammer, G. , Love-Brotak, S. , Misch, D. , Riddle, D. and Veasey, S. (2019)
State of the climate in 2018 ,
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100 (9), SI-S305 .
doi:10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1 , hdl:10013/epic.9a8177fa-e94f-4d60-992c-b3792224b81f

Vihma, T. , Pirazzini, R. , Fer, I. , Renfrew, I. A. , Sedlar, J. , Tjernström, M. , Lüpkes, C. ORCID:, Nygard, T. , Notz, D. , Weiss, J. , Marsan, D. , Cheng, B. , Birnbaum, G. ORCID:, Gerland, S. , Chechin, D. ORCID: and Gascard, J. C. (2014)
Corrigendum to “Advances in understanding and parameterization of small-scale physical processes in the marine Arctic climate system: a review” published in Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 9403–9450, 2014 ,
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (18), p. 9923 .
doi:10.5194/acp-14-9923-2014 , hdl:10013/epic.44166
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Vihma, T. , Pirazzini, R. , Fer, I. , Renfrew, I. A. , Sedlar, J. , Tjernström, M. , Lüpkes, C. ORCID:, Nygard, T. , Notz, D. , Weiss, J. , Marsan, D. , Cheng, B. , Birnbaum, G. ORCID:, Gerland, S. , Chechin, D. ORCID: and Gascard, J. C. (2014)
Advances in understanding and parameterization of small-scale physical processes in the marine Arctic climate system: a review ,
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP), 14 (17), pp. 9403-9450 .
doi:10.5194/acp-14-9403-2014 , hdl:10013/epic.44135
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Nicolaus, M. ORCID:, Hudson, S. R. , Gerland, S. and Munderloh, K. (2010)
A modern concept for autonomous and continuous measurements of spectral albedo and transmittance of sea ice ,
Cold Regions Science and Technology, 62 (1), pp. 14-28 .
doi:10.1016/j.coldregions.2010.03.001 , hdl:10013/epic.36084
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Wilkinson, J. P. , DeCarolis, G. , Ehlert, I. , Evers, K. U. , Gerland, S. , Huges, N. , Jochmann, P. , Kern, S. , Nicolaus, M. ORCID:, Notz, D. , Rosa, S. , Sakai, S. , Shen, H. , Smedsrud, L. and Wadhams, P. (2009)
Ice tank experiments highlight changes in sea ice types ,
EOS Transactions, 90 (10), pp. 81-82 .
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Richter-Menge, J. , Overland, J. , Proshutinsky, A. , Romanovsky, V. , Bengtsson, L. , Brigham, L. , Dyurgerov, M. , Gascard, J. C. , Gerland, S. , Graversen, R. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Karcher, M. ORCID:, Kuhry, P. , Maslanik, J. , Melling, H. , Maslowski, W. , Morison, J. , Perovich, D. , Przybylak, R. , Rachold, V. , Rogor, I. , Shiklomanov, A. , Stroeve, J. , Walker, D. and Walsh, J. (2006)
State of the Arctic Report. ,
NOAA OAR Special Report, NOAA/OAR/PMEL, Seattle, WA .
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Dowdall, M. , Gerland, S. , Karcher, M. ORCID:, Gwynn, J. P. , Rudjord, A. L. , Kolstadt, K. and Christensen, G. (2005)
Geostatistical Methods Applied to Sampling Optimisation for the Temporal Monitoring of Technetium-99 in the Arctic Marine Environment. ,
StrålevernRapport 2005:19. Østerås: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, 2005 .
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Gerland, S. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Nicolaus, M. ORCID: and Winther, J. G. (2004)
Seasonal development of structure and optical surface properties of fast ice in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard ,
Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 492 , pp. 26-34 .
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Gwynn, J. P. , Dowdall, M. , Gerland, S. , Selnaes, O. and Wiencke, C. (2004)
Technetium-99 in Arctic marine algae from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard ,
Ber.Polarforsch.Meeresforsch, 492 , pp. 35-45 .

Hop, H. , Pearson, T. , Hegseth, E. N. , Kovacs, K. M. , Wiencke, C. , Kwasniewski, S. , Eiane, K. , Mehlum, F. , Gulliksen, B. , Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. , Lydersen, C. , Weslawski, J. M. , Cochrane, S. , Gabrielsen, G. W. , Leakey, R. , Lønne, O. J. , Zajaczkowski, M. , Falk-Petersen, S. , Kendall, M. , Wängberg, S. , Bischof, K. , Voronkov, A. Y. , Kovaltchouk, N. A. , Wiktor, J. , Poltermann, M. , di Prisco, G. , Papucci, C. and Gerland, S. (2002)
The ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard ,
Polar research, 21 , pp. 167-208 .

Svendsen, H. , Beszczynska-Möller, A. , Hagen, J. O. , Lefauconnier, B. , Tverberg, V. , Gerland, S. , Bischof, K. , Papucci, C. , Zajaczkowski, M. , Azzolini, R. , Bruland, O. , Wiencke, C. , Winther, J. G. and Dallmann, W. (2002)
The physical environment of Kongsfjorden-Krossfjorden, an Arctic fjord system in Svalbard ,
Polar research, 21 , pp. 133-166 .

Gerland, S. , Oerter, H. , Kipfstuhl, J. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID: and Miller, H. (1999)
Continuous density log of a 181 metre long ice core from the summit of Berkner Island, Antarctica ,
Annals of Glaciology, 29 , pp. 215-219 .

Gerland, S. , Sammonds, P. and Oerter, H. (1997)
Indentation testing on ice from the Filchner Ronne Ice shelf area, Antarctica: preliminary results ,
Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Report, 11 , pp. 8-12 .

Gerland, S. , Kuhn, G. ORCID: and Bohrmann, G. (1997)
Physical properties of a porcellanite layer (Southwest Indian Ridge) constrained by geophysical logging ,
Marine Geology, International Journal of Marine Geology, Geochemistry and Geophysics, 140 , pp. 415-426 .

Gerland, S. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Eicken, H. and Miller, H. (1995)
Elektromagnetische Messungen zur Bestimmung der Dicke von Meereis ,
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 2 , pp. 38-43 .

Gerland, S. and Villinger, H. (1995)
Nondestructive density determination on marine sediment cores from gamma-ray attenuation measurements ,
Geo-Marine Letters, 15 (2), pp. 111-118 .


Gerland, S. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Hall, R. , Holfort, J. , Hansen, E. , Løyning, T. B. and Rennner, A. (2006)
Spring sea ice thickness in the western Fram Strait: Preliminary results ,
P. Wadhams & G. Amanatidis (eds.): Arctic Sea Ice Thickness: Past, Present and Future. Climate Change and Natural Hazards Series 10, EUR22416, European Commission, Brussels, 2006pages, ISBN: .92-79-02803-0 .
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Conference -Talk
Wang, C. , Renner, A. , Gerland, S. , Anfinsen, S. , Brandt, O. , Doulgeris, A. , Dumont, M. , Eltoft, T. , Fors, A. , Granskog, M. , Haapala, J. , Helm, V. ORCID:, Hendricks, S. ORCID:, Hudson, S. , Hughes, N. , Lensu, M. , Li, Z. , Moen, M. , Sandven, S. , Skourup, H. , Spreen, G. and Zygmuntowska, M. (2012)
In-situ calibration and validation of CryoSat-2 observations over Arctic first year sea ice north of Svalbard ,
Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science Conference, 13 November 2012 - 16 November 2012 .

Conference -Poster
Nicolaus, M. ORCID:, Petrich, C. , Hudson, S. R. , Granskog, M. and Gerland, S. (2011)
Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Light Transmittance Through Sea Ice ,
Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, USA. .
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Conference -Poster
Hudson, S. R. , Hamre, B. , Granskog, M. , Stamnes, J. , Gerland, S. , Nicolaus, M. ORCID: and Lei, R. (2010)
Factors Controlling Light Transmission through Thin First-year Arctic Sea Ice: Observations and Modelling ,
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA. .
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Conference -Talk
Hendricks, S. ORCID:, Gerland, S. , Smedsrud, L. H. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Pfaffhuber, A. A. and Nilsen, F. (2010)
Sea Ice Thickness Variability in Storfjorden, Svalbard Archipelago ,
International Symposium on Sea Ice in the Physical and Biogeochemical System, TromsoeMay - 4 June 2010. .
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Conference -Poster
Nicolaus, M. ORCID:, Hudson, S. R. , Gerland, S. , Rosa, S. and Sirevaag, A. (2009)
A modern concept for autonomous and continuous measurements of spectral albedo and transmittance of sea ice ,
AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA. .
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Conference -Poster
Nicolaus, M. ORCID:, Gerland, S. , Hudson, S. R. , Haapala, J. , Hanson, S. , Palo, T. and Perovich, D. K. (2008)
Seasonality of spectral albedo and transmittance of sea ice in the Transpolar Drift, Arctic Ocean ,
AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA. .
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Conference -Poster
Nicolaus, M. ORCID:, Gerland, S. , Pedersen, C. A. and Rinne, E. (2007)
Seasonal Variability of Snow Stratigraphy and Spectral Optical Properties on Sea Ice ,
AGU Fall Meeting. .
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Conference -Conference paper
Gerland, S. , Karcher, M. ORCID:, Dowdall, M. , Divine, D. , Iosjpe, M. , Pavlov, V. and Gwynn, J. P. (2005)
Spectral and geostatistical analysis of measured and modelled Technetium-99 timeseries data in the Nordic marine environment ,
2nd Intern. Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment & 6th Intern. conference on environmental radioactivity in the Arctic and the Antarctic,Nice, France, 2-6 October 2005, Extended Abstract. .
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Conference -Conference paper
Gerland, S. , Perovich, D. K. , Haapala, J. , Harms, I. , Ivanov, B. V. , Pedersen, C. A. , Haas, C. ORCID:, Hansen, E. , Karcher, M. ORCID:, Magnusdottir, G. , McPhee, M. G. , Morison, J. , Winther, J. G. and Njastad, B. (2004)
Arctic sea ice, climate change and related climate feedback mechanisms ,
Proceedings of the ACIA International Scientific Symposium on Climate Change in the Arctic, Reykjavik, Iceland, 9-12 November 2004,. .
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Conference -Conference paper
Gerland, S. , Karcher, M. ORCID:, Iosjpe, M. , Harms, I. and Kolstad, A. K. (2002)
Distribution of technetium-99 discharges in the North Atlantic and Arctic: measurements and model results ,
Proceedings from the 5th International conference on environmental radioactivity in the Arctic and Antarctic, 16 - 20 June 2002, St Petersburg, Russia .

Conference -Conference paper
Karcher, M. ORCID:, Gerland, S. , Harms, I. H. , Iosjpe, M. , Heldal, H. E. and Kershaw, P. J. (2002)
The dispersion of technetium-99 in the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean in the 1990s according to model results and observations ,
Proceedings of the 'International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment' 1-5 Sept. 2002, Monaco .
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Conference -Poster
Gerland, S. , Karlöff, L. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID:, Oerter, H. and Winther, J. G. (1999)
Comparison of density-depth variation in three Antarctic ice cores with different accumulation history ,
European Research Conference "Polar Regions and Quaternary Climate. Towards High resolution records of the last climatic cycle - The Antarctic Perspective", Giens, FranceSept. 1999. .

Conference -Conference paper
Oerter, H. , Gerland, S. , Oerter, H. , Kipfstuhl, J. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID: and Frenzel, A. (1996)
Continous Density Measurementson the Ice Core B25 from Berkner Island, Antarctica ,
Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf Programme, Report no. 10 .

Conference -Poster
Gerland, S. , Oerter, H. , Kipfstuhl, J. , Frenzel, A. and Wilhelms, F. ORCID: (1996)
Kontinuierliche Dichtemessungen am Eiskern B25, Berkner Island, Antarktis ,
18. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Potsdam.-22.3.1996 .

Conference -Conference paper
Gerland, S. (1993)
Zerstörungsfreie Widerstandsmessungen im Labor an marinen Sedimenten Protokoll ,
Proc 14 Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Borkheide, 1992 (V Haak, H Rodemann, Hrsg ) .

"Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung"

"Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung" PhD
Gerland, S. (1993)
Zerstörungsfreie hochauflösende Dichteuntersuchungen mariner Sedimente = Non-destructive high resolution density measurements on marine sediments ,
Berichte zur Polarforschung (Reports on Polar Research), Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 123 , 130 p. .
doi:10.2312/BzP_0123_1993 , hdl:10013/epic.10124
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