Items where Author is "Gohl, K"

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Hochmuth, K. , Gohl, K. , Leitchenkov, G. , Sauermilch, I. , Whittaker, J. , Uenzelmann‐Neben, G. , Davy, B. and De Santis, L. (2020)
The Evolving Paleobathymetry of the Circum‐Antarctic Southern Ocean Since 34 Ma: A Key to Understanding Past Cryosphere‐Ocean Developments ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21 (8) .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.4e550416-617d-4573-980c-60003c482cde
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Hoernle, K. , Timm, C. , Hauff, F. , Tappenden, V. , Werner, R. , Jolis, E. , Mortimer, N. , Weaver, S. , Riefstahl, F. and Gohl, K. (2020)
Late Cretaceous (99-69 Ma) basaltic intraplate volcanism on and around Zealandia: Tracing upper mantle geodynamics from Hikurangi Plateau collision to Gondwana breakup and beyond ,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 529 , p. 115864 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.c2955d95-8612-4471-8bf5-26dfb6fb3712

Hochmuth, K. , Gohl, K. , Uenzelmann-Neben, G. and Werner, R. (2019)
Multiphase magmatic and tectonic evolution of a large igneous province - Evidence from the crustal structure of the Manihiki Plateau, western Pacific ,
Tectonophysics, 750 , pp. 434-457 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.1232ed1f-a548-47ce-a48c-0f21c431e9f9

Dziadek, R. , Gohl, K. and Kaul, N. (2019)
Elevated geothermal surface heat flow in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica ,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 506 , pp. 530-539 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.855bded2-d7e0-4a0e-9b1d-0a1d4afee34b

Straume, E. , Gaina, C. , Medvedev, S. , Hochmuth, K. , Gohl, K. , Whittaker, J. , Abdul Fattah, R. , Doornenbal, J. and Hopper, J. (2019)
GlobSed: Updated Total Sediment Thickness in the World's Oceans ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20 (4), pp. 1756-1772 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.2b3895de-8443-4c8a-9c1e-4f750eaa800e
[thumbnail of Straume-etal_GlobSed-global-sediment-thickness-oceans_G3_2019.pdf]

Golynsky, A. , Ferraccioli, F. , Hong, J. , Golynsky, D. , von Frese, R. , Young, D. , Blankenship, D. , Holt, J. , Ivanov, S. , Kiselev, A. , Masolov, V. , Eagles, G. , Gohl, K. , Jokat, W. , Damaske, D. , Finn, C. , Aitken, A. , Bell, R. , Armadillo, E. , Jordan, T. , Greenbaum, J. , Bozzo, E. , Caneva, G. , Forsberg, R. , Ghidella, M. , Galindo-Zaldivar, J. , Bohoyo, F. , Martos, Y. , Nogi, Y. , Quartini, E. , Kim, H. and Roberts, J. (2018)
New Magnetic Anomaly Map of the Antarctic ,
Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (13), pp. 6437-6449 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.bc6af40b-ddd9-45b6-9e93-43894a4a88db
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Barrett, R. , Davy, B. , Stern, T. and Gohl, K. (2018)
The Strike-Slip West Wishbone Ridge and the Eastern Margin of the Hikurangi Plateau ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19 (4), pp. 1199-1216 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.994081fe-7ddf-4f29-a8c7-a2d2915493df
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Dziadek, R. , Gohl, K. , Diehl, A. and Kaul, N. (2017)
Geothermal heat flux in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica: New insights from temperature measurements, depth to the bottom of the magnetic source estimation, and thermal modeling ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (7), pp. 2657-2672 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.51478
[thumbnail of Dziadek-etal_geothermal-heatflux-ASE_G3_2017.pdf]

Gohl, K. , Freudenthal, T. , Hillenbrand, C. , Klages, J. , Larter, R. , Bickert, T. , Bohaty, S. , Ehrmann, W. , Esper, O. , Frederichs, T. , Gebhardt, C. , Küssner, K. , Kuhn, G. , Pälike, H. , Ronge, T. , Simões Pereira, P. , Smith, J. , Uenzelmann‐Neben, G. and van de Flierdt, C. (2017)
MeBo70 Seabed Drilling on a Polar Continental Shelf: Operational Report and Lessons From Drilling in the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (11), pp. 4235-4250 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.51793
[thumbnail of Gohl-etal_MeBo-operations-AmundsenSeaEmbayment_G3_2017.pdf]

Nitsche, F. , Larter, R. , Gohl, K. , Graham, A. and Kuhn, G. (2016)
Bedrock channels in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica / Dowdeswell, J. A. , Canals, M. , Jakobsson, M. , Todd, B. J. , Dowdeswell, E. K. and Hogan, K. A. (editors) ,
Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1), pp. 217-218 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.49129
[thumbnail of Nitsche-etal_bedrock-channels-PIB_GeoSocLondMem46_2016.pdf]

Nitsche, F. , Larter, R. , Gohl, K. , Graham, A. and Kuhn, G. (2016)
Crag-and-tail features on the Amundsen Sea continental shelf, West Antarctica / Dowdeswell, J. A. , Canals, M. , Jakobsson, M. , Todd, B. J. , Dowdeswell, E. K. and Hogan, K. A. (editors) ,
Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1), pp. 199-200 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.49130
[thumbnail of Nitsche-etal_crag-tail-features-AmundsenSea-shelf_GeoSocLondMem46_2016.pdf]

Graham, A. , Jakobsson, M. , Nitsche, F. , Larter, R. , Anderson, J. , Hillenbrand, C. D. , Gohl, K. , Klages, J. , Smith, J. and Jenkins, A. (2016)
Submarine glacial-landform distribution across the West Antarctic margin, from grounding line to slope: the Pine Island–Thwaites ice-stream system ,
Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1), pp. 493-500 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.49137
[thumbnail of Graham-etal_subglacial-landforms-PineIslandThwaites_GeoSocLondMem46_2016.pdf]

Graham, A. , Nitsche, F. , Larter, R. and Gohl, K. (2016)
Submarine landform assemblage produced beneath the Dotson–Getz palaeo-ice stream, West Antarctica ,
Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1), pp. 345-348 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.49136
[thumbnail of Graham-etal_Dotson-Getz-ice-stream_GeoSocLondMem46_2016.pdf]

Klages, J. , Kuhn, G. , Hillenbrand, C. D. , Graham, A. , Smith, J. , Larter, R. and Gohl, K. (2016)
A glacial landform assemblage from an inter-ice stream setting in the eastern Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica / Dowdeswell, J. A. , Canals, M. , Jakobsson, M. , Todd, B. J. , Dowdeswell, E. K. and Hogan, K. A. (editors) ,
Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1), pp. 349-352 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.49140

Klages, J. , Kuhn, G. , Graham, A. , Hillenbrand, C. D. , Smith, J. , Nitsche, F. , Larter, R. and Gohl, K. (2015)
Palaeo-ice stream pathways and retreat style in the easternmost Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, revealed by combined multibeam bathymetric and seismic data ,
Geomorphology, 245 , pp. 207-222 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.45647
[thumbnail of Klages_etal_2015_Palaeo-ice_stream_pathways_eastern_ASE_GEOMORPHOLOGY.pdf]

Klages, J. , Kuhn, G. , Hillenbrand, C. D. , Graham, A. , Smith, J. , Larter, R. , Gohl, K. and Wacker, L. (2014)
Retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from the western Amundsen Sea shelf at a pre- or early LGM stage ,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 91 , pp. 1-15 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.43306

Kipf, A. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. , Gohl, K. , van den Bogaard, P. , Hoernle, K. , Maicher, D. and Klügel, A. (2014)
Seamounts off the West Antarctic margin: A case for non-hotspot driven intraplate volcanism ,
Gondwana Research, 25 (4), pp. 1660-1679 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.42470
[thumbnail of Kipf-etal_Marie-Byrd-Seamounts_GondwanaResearch_2014.pdf]

Johnson, J. , Bentley, M. , Smith, J. , Finkel, R. , Rood, D. , Gohl, K. , Balco, G. , Larter, R. and Schaefer, J. (2014)
Rapid Thinning of Pine Island Glacier in the Early Holocene ,
Science, 343 (6174), pp. 999-1001 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.43110
[thumbnail of Johnson-etal_rapid-thinning-PineIslandGlacier-early-Holocene_Science_2014.pdf]

Hillenbrand, C. D. , Kuhn, G. , Smith, J. , Gohl, K. , Graham, A. , Larter, R. , Klages, J. , Downey, R. , Moreton, S. , Forwick, M. and Vaughan, D. (2013)
Grounding-line retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from inner Pine Island Bay ,
Geology, 41 (1), pp. 35-38 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.40151

Klages, J. , Kuhn, G. , Hillenbrand, C. D. , Graham, A. , Smith, J. , Larter, R. and Gohl, K. (2013)
First geomorphological record and glacial history of an inter-ice stream ridge on the West Antarctic continental shelf ,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 61 , pp. 47-61 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.40556

Nitsche, F. , Gohl, K. , Larter, R. , Hillenbrand, C. D. , Kuhn, G. , Smith, J. , Jacobs, S. , Anderson, J. and Jakobsson, M. (2013)
Paleo ice flow and subglacial meltwater dynamics in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica ,
The Cryosphere, 7 (1), pp. 249-262 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.40933
[thumbnail of Nitsche-etal_paleo-iceflow-subglacial-meltwater-PIB_Cryosphere_2013.pdf]

Grobys, J. , Gohl, K. , Uenzelmann-Neben, G. , Davy, B. and Barker, D. (2009)
Extensional and magmatic nature of the Campbell Plateau and Great South Basin from deep crustal studies ,
Tectonophysics, 472 (1-4), pp. 213-225 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.32789
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Uenzelmann-Neben, G. , Grobys, J. , Gohl, K. and Barker, D. (2009)
Neogene sediment structures in Bounty Trough, eastern New Zealand: Influence of magmatic and oceanic current activity ,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, prepri (2008), p. 1 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31740
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Parsiegla, N. , Stankiewicz, J. , Gohl, K. , Ryberg, T. and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. (2009)
Southern African continental margin: Dynamic processes of a transform margin ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10 (3), n/a-n/a .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.32133
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Parsiegla, N. , Gohl, K. and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. (2008)
The Agulhas Plateau: structure and evolution of a Large Igneous Province ,
Geophysical Journal International, 174 (1), pp. 336-350 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30643
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Stankiewicz, J. , Parsiegla, N. , Ryberg, T. , Gohl, K. , Weckmann, U. , Trumbull, R. and Weber, M. (2008)
Crustal structure of the southern margin of the African continent: Results from geophysical experiments ,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (B10) .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31462
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Nitsche, F. , Jacobs, S. , Larter, R. and Gohl, K. (2007)
Bathymetry of the Amundsen Sea continental shelf: Implications for geology, oceanography, and glaciology ,
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8 (10), n/a-n/a .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.28171
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Müller, R. , Gohl, K. , Cande, S. , Goncharov, A. and Golynsky, A. (2007)
Eocene to Miocene geometry of the West Antarctic Rift System ,
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54 (8), pp. 1033-1045 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.28442
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Grobys, J. , Gohl, K. , Davy, B. , Uenzelmann-Neben, G. , Deen, T. and Barker, D. (2007)
Is the Bounty Trough off eastern New Zealand an aborted rift? ,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (B3) .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.24305
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Hagedorn, B. , Gersonde, R. , Gohl, K. and Hubberten, H. (2007)
Petrology, geochemistry and K-Ar age constraints of the eastern de Gerlache Seamount alkaline basalts (Bellingshausen Sea, southeast Pacific) ,
Polarforschung, 76 (3), pp. 87-94 .
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Netzeband, G. , Gohl, K. , Hübscher, C. , Ben-Avraham, Z. , Dehghani, G. , Gajewski, D. and Liersch, P. (2006)
The Levantine Basin—crustal structure and origin ,
Tectonophysics, 418 (3-4), pp. 167-188 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.23813
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Miller, H. , Gohl, K. , Uenzelmann-Neben, G. , Müller, C. and Jokat, W. (2004)
Acoustic parameters and hydroacoustic equipment: Natural noise, industrial exploration and basic science ,
Polarforschung, 72 (2-3), pp. 109-114 .
[thumbnail of Miller-et-al_hydroacoustic-parameters-equipment_Polarforschung_2004.pdf]

Gersonde, R. , Kyte, F. , Bleil, U. , Diekmann, B. , Flores, J. , Gohl, K. , Grahl, G. , Hagen, R. , Kuhn, G. , Sierro, F. , Völker, D. , Abelmann, A. and Bostwick, J. (1997)
Geological record and reconstruction of the late Pliocene impact of the Eltanin asteroid in the Southern Ocean ,
Nature, 390 (6658), pp. 357-363 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.11548
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Nitsche, F. and Gohl, K. (1997)
Sedimentation Processes along the Bellingshausen Sea Continental Margin ,
Terra Antarctica, 4 (1), pp. 27-28 .
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Conference -Paper
Parsiegla, N. , Gohl, K. and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. (2007)
Geodynamic processes along the southern margin of Africa ,
short paper, 10th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition, 22-26 Oct., 2007, Wild Coast Sun, South Africa. .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.27084


Gohl, K. , Wellner, J. and Klaus, A. , Expedition 379 Scientists (2021)
Volume 379: Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History ,
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.a64e72e3-55e4-4433-864d-f68b91f9f7b2

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