Items where Author is "Krbetschek, M."

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Number of items: 10.


Sirocko, F. , Dietrich, S. , Veres, D. , Grootes, P. M. , Schaber-Mohr, K. , Seelos, K. , Nadeau, M. J. , Kromer, B. , Rothacker, L. , Röhner, M. , Krbetschek, M. , Appleby, P. , Hambach, U. , Rolf, C. , Sudo, M. and Grim, S. (2013)
Multi-proxy dating of Holocene maar lakes and Pleistocene dry maar sediments in the Eifel, Germany ,
Quaternary Science Reviews, 62 , pp. 56-76 .
doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.09.011 , hdl:10013/epic.40699

Sirocko, F. , Cubasch, U. , Kaspar, F. , von Storch, H. , Widmann, M. , Litt, T. , Kuehl, N. , Mangini, A. , Pachur, H. J. , Claussen, M. , Kubatzki, C. , Junge, F. W. , Boettger, T. , Krbetschek, M. and Degering, D. (2004)
Climate change at the very end of a warm stage: First results from the last glacial inception at 117.000 yrBP ,
PAGES News, 12 (2), pp. 18-20 .

Andreev, A. ORCID:, Grosse, G. ORCID:, Schirrmeister, L. ORCID:, Kuzmina, S. A. , Novenko, E. Y. , Bobrov, A. A. , Tarasov, P. E. , Kuznetsova, T. V. , Krbetschek, M. , Meyer, H. ORCID: and Kunitsky, V. V. (2004)
Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol'shoy Lyakhovsky Island (Laptev Sea region, Arctic Siberia) ,
Boreas, 33 (4), pp. 319-348 .
doi:10.1080/03009480410001974 , hdl:10013/epic.20145
[thumbnail of Fulltext]

Krbetschek, M. , Gonser, G. and Schwamborn, G. (2000)
Luminescence dating results on sediment sequences of the Lena Delta ,
Polarforschung 70, pp. 83-88 .


Conference -Invited talk
Schwamborn, G. , Rachold, V. , Grigoriev, M. N. and Krbetschek, M. (2012)
Sedimentation history in the Lena Delta, N-Siberia ,
Russian-German cooperation in the scientific exploration of northern Eurasia and the adjacent Arctic ocean. Leopoldina Symposium in cooperation with St. Petersburg State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 10 September 2012 - 12 September 2012 .

Conference -Poster
Fuchs, M. , Krbetschek, M. and Schirrmeister, L. ORCID: (2008)
OSL-Untersuchungen an Permafrostsequenzen von Bungeland (Neusibirische Inseln) und deren statistische Auswertung ,
3. Mitteleuropäischen Geomorphologietagung in Salzburg (23. - 28.09. 2008). .

Conference -Conference paper
Fuchs, M. C. , Krbetschek, M. and Schirrmeister, L. ORCID: (2008)
Untersuchungen der optisch stimulierten Lumineszenz (OSL) an fluviatilen Quarzkörnern aus einem Permafrostprofil von Bungeland (Neusibirische Inseln) und deren statistische Auswertung ,
Veränderter Lebensraum : gestern, heute, morgen ; Tagung der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung e.V. 31. August - 6. September 2008 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien / Red.: Jürgen M. Reitner ... Wien : Geologische Bundesanst., 145-148. (Abhandlungen der Geolog .

Conference -Poster
Grosse, G. ORCID:, Schirrmeister, L. ORCID:, Krbetschek, M. , Schwamborn, G. , Oezen, D. , Kunitsky, V. V. , Kuznetsova, T. and Kuzmina, S. (2002)
New data on Late Quaternary terrestrial permafrost deposits of the Laptev Sea region by IR-OSL, radiocarbon and U/Th age determination ,
Terra Nostra .

Conference -Poster
Grosse, G. ORCID:, Schirrmeister, L. ORCID:, Krbetschek, M. , Kunitsky, V. , Kuznetsova, T. , Tumskoy, V. and Meyer, H. ORCID: (2001)
The new chronology of Quaternary permafrost sediments from Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island, New-Siberian Archipelago by several different age determination methods ,
20. Internationale Polartagung,, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung 26.-30. März 2001; Dresden. .

Conference -Conference paper
Schwamborn, G. , Rachold, V. , Grigoriev, M. N. and Krbetschek, M. (2000)
Late Quaternary sedimentation history of the Lena Delta ,
Proceedings of the Intern. Conf. on Past Global Changes, Prague, Sept 6-9 2000, Geolines 11 .

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