Items where Author is "Lisovski, Simeon"

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Number of items: 35.


Briedis, M. , Bauer, S. , Adamík, P. , Alves, J. A. , Costa, J. S. , Emmenegger, T. , Gustafsson, L. , Koleček, J. , Krist, M. , Liechti, F. , Lisovski, S. , Meier, C. M. , Procházka, P. and Hahn, S. (2020)
Broad‐scale patterns of the Afro‐Palaearctic landbird migration ,
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29 (4), pp. 722-735 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.5519dc50-d68f-4613-a3dc-63622cf57ce5
[thumbnail of Briedis_et_al-2020-GEB.pdf]

Lisovski, S. , Bauer, S. , Briedis, M. , Davidson, S. C. , Dhanjal‐Adams, K. L. , Hallworth, M. T. , Karagicheva, J. , Meier, C. M. , Merkel, B. , Ouwehand, J. , Pedersen, L. , Rakhimberdiev, E. , Roberto‐Charron, A. , Seavy, N. E. , Sumner, M. D. , Taylor, C. M. , Wotherspoon, S. J. and Bridge, E. S. (2020)
Light‐level geolocator analyses: A user's guide ,
Journal of Animal Ecology, 89 (1), pp. 221-236 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.0313ee40-6b4d-4ad5-89cd-471db94f1fbc
[thumbnail of Lisovski_et_al-2019-JAnimEcol.pdf]

Brlík, V. , Koleček, J. , Burgess, M. , Hahn, S. , Humple, D. , Krist, M. , Ouwehand, J. , Weiser, E. L. , Adamík, P. , Alves, J. A. , Arlt, D. , Barišić, S. , Becker, D. , Belda, E. J. , Beran, V. , Both, C. , Bravo, S. P. , Briedis, M. , Chutný, B. , Ćiković, D. , Cooper, N. W. , Costa, J. S. , Cueto, V. R. , Emmenegger, T. , Fraser, K. , Gilg, O. , Guerrero, M. , Hallworth, M. T. , Hewson, C. , Jiguet, F. , Johnson, J. A. , Kelly, T. , Kishkinev, D. , Leconte, M. , Lislevand, T. , Lisovski, S. , López, C. , McFarland, K. P. , Marra, P. P. , Matsuoka, S. M. , Matyjasiak, P. , Meier, C. M. , Metzger, B. , Monrós, J. S. , Neumann, R. , Newman, A. , Norris, R. , Pärt, T. , Pavel, V. , Perlut, N. , Piha, M. , Reneerkens, J. , Rimmer, C. C. , Roberto‐Charron, A. , Scandolara, C. , Sokolova, N. , Takenaka, M. , Tolkmitt, D. , Oosten, H. , Wellbrock, A. H. , Wheeler, H. , der Winden, J. , Witte, K. , Woodworth, B. K. and Procházka, P. (2020)
Weak effects of geolocators on small birds: A meta‐analysis controlled for phylogeny and publication bias ,
Journal of Animal Ecology, 89 (1), pp. 207-220 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.77e3b33c-3a6f-402b-a687-dad52558ee14
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Lisovski, S. , Németh, Z. , Wingfield, J. C. , Krause, J. S. , Hobson, K. A. , Seavy, N. E. , Gee, J. and Ramenofsky, M. (2019)
Migration pattern of Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow along the Pacific Flyway ,
Journal of Ornithology, 160 (4), pp. 1097-1107 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.2c406374-bbfd-4d8e-9858-35225fd78693
[thumbnail of Lisovski_et_al-2019-JOrn.pdf]

Wille, M. , Lisovski, S. , Risely, A. , Ferenczi, M. , Roshier, D. , Wong, F. Y. , Breed, A. C. , Klaassen, M. and Hurt, A. C. (2019)
Serologic Evidence of Exposure to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 Viruses in Migratory Shorebirds, Australia ,
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 25 (10), pp. 1903-1910 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30451ccd-34b6-4938-854d-3bbde4faa989
[thumbnail of Wille_et_al_2019-EmergInfDis.pdf]

Zhao, M. , Klaassen, C. A. , Lisovski, S. and Klaassen, M. (2019)
The adequacy of aging techniques in vertebrates for rapid estimation of population mortality rates from age distributions ,
Ecology and Evolution, 9 (3), pp. 1394-1402 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.5e1f0f64-17d4-49ca-8b56-1f71e8446e73
[thumbnail of Zhao_et_al-2018-EcolEvol.pdf]

Zhao, M. , Christie, M. , Coleman, J. , Hassell, C. , Gosbell, K. , Lisovski, S. , Minton, C. and Klaassen, M. (2018)
Body size shapes inter-specific migratory behaviour: evidence from individual tracks of long-distance migratory shorebirds ,
Journal of Avian Biology, 49 (1), jav-01570 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.149f7936-7449-48f5-a543-02cb5e47b133
[thumbnail of Zhao_et_al-2018-JAvianBiol.pdf]

Brlík, V. , Ilieva, M. , Lisovski, S. , Voigt, C. C. and Procházka, P. (2018)
First insights into the migration route and migratory connectivity of the Paddyfield Warbler using geolocator tagging and stable isotope analysis ,
Journal of Ornithology, 159 (3), pp. 879-882 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.d1a6f0a2-fe26-40da-83ea-1cda5dc2b673
[thumbnail of Brlik_et_al-2018-JOrn.pdf]

Hiemer, D. , Salewski, V. , Fiedler, W. , Hahn, S. and Lisovski, S. (2018)
First tracks of individual Blackcaps suggest a complex migration pattern ,
Journal of Ornithology, 159 (1), pp. 205-210 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.060fa2c7-9e4f-4c5a-a3b8-938ae6a84e24
[thumbnail of Hiemer_et_al-2017-JOrn.pdf]

Lisovski, S. ORCID:, Schmaljohann, H. , Bridge, E. S. , Bauer, S. , Farnsworth, A. , Gauthreaux, S. A. , Hahn, S. , Hallworth, M. T. , Hewson, C. M. , Kelly, J. F. , Liechti, F. , Marra, P. P. , Rakhimberdiev, E. , Ross, J. D. , Seavy, N. E. , Sumner, M. D. , Taylor, C. M. , Winkler, D. W. , Wotherspoon, S. J. and Wunder, M. B. (2018)
Inherent limits of light-level geolocation may lead to over-interpretation ,
Current Biology, 28 (3), R99-R100 .
doi:10.1016/j.cub.2017.11.072 , hdl:10013/epic.689a135b-f7af-4b4f-8cf2-ebbdba59cba6
[thumbnail of Lisovski_et_al-2018-CurrBiol.pdf]

Lisovski, S. (2018)
Light-level geolocation in polar regions with 24-hour daylight ,
Wader Study, 125 (2), pp. 129-134 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.0e8b1e2d-38e6-4b88-8ce8-ee6ecf0787ca
[thumbnail of Lisovski-2018_WaderStudy.pdf]

Russell, T. , Lisovski, S. , Olsson, M. , Brown, G. , Spindler, R. , Lane, A. , Keeley, T. , Hibbard, C. , Hogg, C. J. , Thomas, F. , Belov, K. , Ujvari, B. and Madsen, T. (2018)
MHC diversity and female age underpin reproductive success in an Australian icon; the Tasmanian Devil ,
Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 4175- .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.1f121858-845c-4204-a30f-a75c6e79dba1
[thumbnail of Russell_et_al-2018_ScientifcReports.pdf]

Bracey, A. , Lisovski, S. , Moore, D. , McKellar, A. , Craig, E. , Matteson, S. , Strand, F. , Costa, J. , Pekarik, C. , Curtis, P. , Niemi, G. and Cuthbert, F. (2018)
Migratory routes and wintering locations of declining inland North American Common Terns ,
The Auk, 135 (3), pp. 385-399 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.70223bf3-d5d3-49fa-8cd8-11e38891feed
[thumbnail of BraceyLisovski_et_al-2018-AUK.pdf]

Bauer, S. , Lisovski, S. , Eikelenboom‐Kil, R. J. , Shariati, M. and Nolet, B. A. (2018)
Shooting may aggravate rather than alleviate conflicts between migratory geese and agriculture ,
Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (6), pp. 2653-2662 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.c0cd4709-f39a-417c-b53d-2ac5cb355709
[thumbnail of Bauer_et_al-2018-JAppEcol.pdf]

Dhanjal-Adams, K. L. , Bauer, S. , Emmenegger, T. , Hahn, S. , Lisovski, S. and Liechti, F. (2018)
Spatiotemporal Group Dynamics in a Long-Distance Migratory Bird ,
Current Biology, 28 (17), 2824-2830.e3 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.ac193db3-b7e9-4145-bed6-ddf78abb6690
[thumbnail of Dhanjal-Adams_et_al_2018-CurrBiol.pdf]

Lisovski, S. , Dijk, J. G. , Klinkenberg, D. , Nolet, B. A. , Fouchier, R. A. and Klaassen, M. (2018)
The roles of migratory and resident birds in local avian influenza infection dynamics ,
Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (6), pp. 2963-2975 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.99ebb66d-870e-4bd5-845d-729900bd8402
[thumbnail of Lisovski_et_al-2018-JApplEcol.pdf]

Schmaljohann, H. , Lisovski, S. and Bairlein, F. (2017)
Flexible reaction norms to environmental variables along the migration route and the significance of stopover duration for total speed of migration in a songbird migrant ,
Frontiers in Zoology, 14 (1), 17- .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.0ed4d4fc-5402-45b0-998e-cf9c81de875e
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Wingfield, J. C. , Pérez, J. H. , Krause, J. S. , Word, K. R. , González-Gómez, P. L. , Lisovski, S. ORCID: and Chmura, H. E. (2017)
How birds cope physiologically and behaviourally with extreme climatic events ,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 372 (1723), p. 20160140 .
doi:10.1098/rstb.2016.0140 , hdl:10013/epic.4e97d3bc-c07e-42a9-aa84-e3c9f931ce9d
[thumbnail of Wingfield_et_al-2017_PhilTrans.pdf]

Raven, N. , Lisovski, S. , Klaassen, M. , Lo, N. , Madsen, T. , Ho, S. Y. and Ujvari, B. (2017)
Purifying selection and concerted evolution of RNA-sensing toll-like receptors in migratory waders ,
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 53 , pp. 135-145 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.75dbade4-4c70-4f69-93bc-21cc5bb9f9a1
[thumbnail of Raven_et_al-2016-IGE.pdf]

Zhao, M. , Christie, M. , Coleman, J. , Hassell, C. , Gosbell, K. , Lisovski, S. , Minton, C. and Klaassen, M. (2017)
Time versus energy minimization migration strategy varies with body size and season in long-distance migratory shorebirds ,
Movement Ecology, 5 (1), 23- .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.302f4294-02f5-4ea4-a895-3d061abd8dee
[thumbnail of Zhao_et_al-2017-MovEcol.pdf]

van Gils, J. A. , Lisovski, S. , Lok, T. , Meissner, W. , Ożarowska, A. , de Fouw, J. , Rakhimberdiev, E. , Soloviev, M. Y. , Piersma, T. and Klaassen, M. (2016)
Body shrinkage due to Arctic warming reduces red knot fitness in tropical wintering range ,
Science, 352 (6287), pp. 819-821 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.96b9d800-eff9-40a6-b98a-7ef1dd36ac2f
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Lisovski, S. , Hoye, B. J. and Klaassen, M. (2016)
Geographic variation in seasonality and its influence on the dynamics of an infectious disease ,
Oikos, 126 (7), pp. 931-936 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.67b41075-27d5-4d54-914a-b51bff5d4ac2
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Krietsch, J. , Esefeld, J. , Braun, C. , Lisovski, S. and Peter, H. U. (2016)
Long-term dataset reveals declines in breeding success and high fluctuations in the number of breeding pairs in two skua species breeding on King George Island ,
Polar Biology, 39 (4), pp. 573-582 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.372a1415-cb9d-4adc-acd7-fb7b3d81f4ca
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Lisovski, S. , Gosbell, K. , Christie, M. , Hoye, B. J. , Klaassen, M. , Stewart, I. D. , Taysom, A. J. and Minton, C. (2016)
Movement patterns of Sanderling (Calidris alba) in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and a comparison of methods for identification of crucial areas for conservation ,
Emu - Austral Ornithology, 116 (2), pp. 168-177 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.b65990fd-c1ab-4892-bd86-ad164ac68381
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Lisovski, S. ORCID:, Fröhlich, A. , von Tersch, M. , Klaassen, M. , Peter, H. U. and Ritz, M. S. (2016)
Sex-Specific Arrival Times on the Breeding Grounds: Hybridizing Migratory Skuas Provide Empirical Support for the Role of Sex Ratios ,
The American Naturalist, 187 (4), pp. 532-539 .
doi:10.1086/685282 , hdl:10013/epic.baddc548-967a-44de-8e73-7ddd9bb5d874
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Yamaura, Y. , Schmaljohann, H. , Lisovski, S. , Senzaki, M. , Kawamura, K. , Fujimaki, Y. and Nakamura, F. (2016)
Tracking the Stejneger's stonechatSaxicola stejnegerialong the East Asian-Australian Flyway from Japan via China to southeast Asia ,
Journal of Avian Biology, 48 (2), pp. 197-202 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.cae38c30-b3f8-48b3-adc6-b3b225f6c299
[thumbnail of Yamaura_et_al-2015-AvianBiol.pdf]

Lisovski, S. , Gosbell, K. , Hassell, C. and Minton, C. (2016)
Tracking the full annual-cycle of the Great Knot, Calidris tenuirostris, a long-distance migratory shorebird of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway ,
Wader Study, 123 (3), pp. 177-189 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.32a5a128-49f9-45b7-bebd-0813b4051aee
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Bauer, S. , Lisovski, S. and Hahn, S. (2015)
Timing is crucial for consequences of migratory connectivity ,
Oikos, 125 (5), pp. 605-612 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.d731317b-9d34-401c-a6a3-3ee4b21119a1
[thumbnail of Bauer_et_al-2016-Oikos.pdf]

Hahn, S. , Emmenegger, T. , Lisovski, S. , Amrhein, V. , Zehtindjiev, P. and Liechti, F. (2014)
Variable detours in long‐distance migration across ecological barriers and their relation to habitat availability at ground ,
Ecology and Evolution, 4 (21), pp. 4150-4160 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.e0674253-522d-4e53-a98b-636ae7342101
[thumbnail of Hahn_et_al-2014-EcolEvol.pdf]

Salewski, V. , Flade, M. , Poluda, A. , Kiljan, G. , Liechti, F. , Lisovski, S. and Hahn, S. (2013)
An unknown migration route of the ‘globally threatened’ Aquatic Warbler revealed by geolocators ,
Journal of Ornithology, 154 (2), pp. 549-552 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.9929288d-89be-4fc2-ab37-79cefa6ba700
[thumbnail of Salewski_et_al-2013-JOrn.pdf]

Lisovski, S. and Hahn, S. (2012)
G eo L ight - processing and analysing light-based geolocator data in R ,
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3 (6), pp. 1055-1059 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.deee5cd6-59d7-47a7-848c-299e2610718a
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Lisovski, S. , Hewson, C. M. , Klaassen, R. H. , Korner-Nievergelt, F. , Kristensen, M. W. and Hahn, S. (2012)
Geolocation by light: accuracy and precision affected by environmental factors ,
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3 (3), pp. 603-612 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.a02690d9-2362-4dce-83bf-e902ca9c6a1f
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Lisovski, S. , Pavel, V. , Weidinger, K. and Peter, H. U. (2009)
First breeding record of the light-mantled sooty albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata) for the maritime Antarctic ,
Polar Biology, 32 (12), pp. 1811-1813 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.ad7e5712-fd09-4d04-8cc5-08d180391bf1
[thumbnail of Lisovski_et_al-2009-PolBiol.pdf]


Conference -Paper
Lisovski, S. , Ramenofsky, M. and Wingfield, J. C. (2017)
Defining the Degree of Seasonality and its Significance for Future Research ,
Integrative and Comparative Biology
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.79f2a5e3-c64f-4abb-aac6-a446231fe341
[thumbnail of Lisovski_et_al-2017-ICB.pdf]

Conference -Paper
Williams, C. M. , Ragland, G. J. , Betini, G. , Buckley, L. B. , Cheviron, Z. A. , Donohue, K. , Hereford, J. , Humphries, M. M. , Lisovski, S. , Marshall, K. E. , Schmidt, P. S. , Sheldon, K. S. , Varpe, Ø. and Visser, M. E. (2017)
Understanding Evolutionary Impacts of Seasonality: An Introduction to the Symposium ,
Integrative and Comparative Biology
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.246f7bcc-2333-451b-ba07-acc8454fcb0a
[thumbnail of Williams_et_al_2017-ICB.pdf]

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