Items where Division is "Integrative Ecophysiology" and Year is 2008

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Number of items: 39.


Anestis, A. , Pörtner, H. O. , Lazou, A. and Michaelidis, B. (2008)
Metabolic and molecular stress responses of sublittoral bearded horse musselModiolus barbatusto warming sea water: implications for vertical zonation ,
Journal of Experimental Biology, 211 (17), pp. 2889-2898 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31118

Bock, C. , Lurman, G. J. , Wittig, R. M. , Webber, D. M. and Pörtner, H. O. (2008)
Muscle bioenergetics of speeding fish: In vivo31P-NMR studies in a 4.7 T MR scanner with an integrated swim tunnel ,
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering, 33B (1), pp. 62-73 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30093
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Deigweiher, K. , Koschnick, N. , Pörtner, H. O. and Lucassen, M. (2008)
Acclimation of ion regulatory capacities in gills of marine fish under environmental hypercapnia ,
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 295 (5), R1660-R1670 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31464

Eckerle, L. , Lucassen, M. , Hirse, T. and Pörtner, H. (2008)
Cold induced changes of adenosine levels in common eelpout (Zoarces viviparus): a role in modulating cytochrome c oxidase expression ,
Journal of Experimental Biology, 211 (8), pp. 1262-1269 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30382

Gerdes, D. , Isla, E. , Knust, R. , Mintenbeck, K. and Rossi, S. (2008)
Response of Antarctic benthic communities to disturbance: first results from the artificial Benthic Disturbance Experiment on the eastern Weddell Sea Shelf, Antarctica ,
Polar Biology, 31 (12), pp. 1469-1480 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.32390

Gutowska, M. , Pörtner, H. and Melzner, F. (2008)
Growth and calcification in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis under elevated seawater pCO2 ,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 373 , pp. 303-309 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.32306

Heilmayer, O. , Thatje, S. , McClelland, C. , Conlan, K. and Brey, T. (2008)
Changes in biomass and elemental composition during early ontogeny of the Antarctic isopod crustacean Ceratoserolis trilobitoides ,
Polar Biology, 31 (11), pp. 1325-1331 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30542
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Kiko, R. , Michels, J. , Mizdalski, E. , Schiel, S. and Werner, I. (2008)
Living conditions, abundance and composition of the metazoan fauna in surface and sub-ice layers in pack ice of the western Weddell Sea during late spring ,
Deep-Sea Research II, 55 (8), pp. 1000-1014 .
doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.12.012 , hdl:10013/epic.31872

Lannig, G. , Cherkasov, A. S. , Pörtner, H. O. , Bock, C. and Sokolova, I. M. (2008)
Cadmium-dependent oxygen limitation affects temperature tolerance in eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginicaGmelin) ,
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 294 (4), R1338-R1346 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30067

Loong, A. , Ang, S. , Wong, W. , Pörtner, H. , Bock, C. , Wittig, R. , Bridges, C. , Chew, S. and Ip, Y. (2008)
Effects of hypoxia on the energy status and nitrogen metabolism of African lungfish during aestivation in a mucus cocoon ,
Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 178 (7), pp. 853-865 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30597
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Mintenbeck, K. , Brey, T. , Jacob, U. , Knust, R. and Struck, U. (2008)
How to account for the lipid effect on carbon stable-isotope ratio (δ13C): sample treatment effects and model bias ,
Journal of Fish Biology, 72 (4), pp. 815-830 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.30081
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Pörtner, H. O. ORCID: and Farrell, A. P. (2008)
Physiology and climate change ,
Science, 322 (5902), pp. 690-692 .
doi:10.1126/science.1163156 , hdl:10013/epic.32305


Pörtner, H. O. (2008)
Meeresorganismen unter CO2-Stress ,
In: Industrial Ecology, Erfolgreiche Wege zu nachhaltigen industriellen Systemen (ed. Gleich, A. von, Gößling-Reisemann, S.) Vieweg andTeubner, pp., Vieweg+Teubner, ISBN: 9783835101852 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31165


Thesis -Bachelor
Bennecke, S. (2008)
Das Sauerstoffbindungsverhalten des Hämocyanins von Sepia officinalis bei variierenden Umweltparametern ,
Bachelor thesis, Universität Bremen.

Thesis -Diplom
Seemann, F. (2008)
Nahrungsaufnahme und -umsatz der Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus, L.) aus dem Wattenmeer ,
Diplom thesis, Universität Bremen.

Thesis -Diplom
Stark, A. (2008)
CO2-Effekte auf Metabolismus und Fitness von marinen Wirbellosen der Gezeitenzone - Studien am Spritzwurm Sipunculus nudus - ,
Diplom thesis, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.


Conference -Poster
Deigweiher, K. , Lucassen, M. ORCID:, Bock, C. ORCID: and Pörtner, H. O. ORCID: (2008)
The effect of high CO2 concentrations on energy budgets of isolated gills from Antarctic Notothenioids ,
Second International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. Abstract book. Monaco.10.-09.10.2008. .

Conference -Talk
George, K. H. , Büntzow, M. , Gheerardyn, H. , Mahatma, R. , Martínez Arbizu, P. , Menzel, L. , Plum, C. , Rose, A. , Schulz, M. , Tiltack, A. and Wandeness, A. (2008)
Distributional patterns of deep-sea representatives of Ancorabolidae and Argestidae (Crustacea: Copepoda) ,
Workshop on Cosmopolitan Deep-Sea Species at the DZMB, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 13 December 2008 - 15 December 2008 .

Conference -Talk
George, K. H. , Rose, A. , Seifried, S. , Martínez Arbizu, P. , Willen, E. , Veit-Köhler, G. , Menzel, L. , Drewes, J. , Bröhldick, K. , Moura, G. and Schminke, H. (2008)
Comparing harpacticoid species diversity (Crustacea: Copepoda) of the Angola deep-sea Basin (Southeast Atlantic, DIVA 1) and the Northern Gulf of Mexico deep-sea ,
2nd International DIVA Workshop (DIVA 1&2), Ferrol, Spain, 25 March 2008 - 30 March 2008 .

Conference -Invited talk
Lannig, G. ORCID: (2008)
Meeresorganismen unter Belagerung: Auswirkung von Umweltbelastung im Klimawandel ,
Expertengespräch, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, Berlin 7. Oktober 2008. .

Conference -Invited talk
Lannig, G. ORCID: (2008)
Wege in die Wissenschaft - ein persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht ,
Jugend forscht - 43. Bundeswettbewerb, Bremerhaven, Germany.-25. Mai .

Conference -Invited talk
Lucassen, M. ORCID: and Pörtner, H. O. ORCID: (2008)
Thermal limits and adaptation in marine ectotherms: Physiological acclimation and underlying molecular processes in marine fishes ,
ESF workshop "Genetics of thermal adaptation in ectotherms"; 5.-6. Oct. 2008; Wageningen (Netherlands). .

Conference -Invited talk
Mark, F. C. ORCID: (2008)
Cephalopod haemocyanins - does form follow function? ,
Biological Seminar, Università di Padova, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Mark, F. C. ORCID:, Melzner, F. , Bock, C. ORCID:, Pörtner, H. O. ORCID:, Ellington, C. and Claireaux, G. (2008)
Thermal effects on cephalopod energy metabolism a case study for Sepia officinalis ,
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 150A (3), S171 doi: 10.1016/j.cpba.2008.04.452 Abstracts of the Annual Main Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology, 6th-10th July 2008, Marseille, France. .
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Conference -Talk
Menzel, L. and George, K. H. (2008)
Distribution Patterns of Argestidae Por, 1986 (Copepoda Harpacticoida) in the South Atlantic Ocean – first results from DIVA 2 ,
2nd International DIVA Workshop (DIVA 1&2), Ferrol, Spain, 25 March 2008 - 30 March 2008 .

Conference -Talk
Menzel, L. and George, K. H. (2008)
Do geographically separated deep-sea basins in the South Atlantic have a different harpacticoid fauna? – results from the expeditions DIVA 1 (M48/1) and DIVA 2 (M63/2) ,
10th International Conference on Copepoda, Pattaya, Thailand, 13 July 2008 - 19 July 2008 .

Conference -Talk
Montiel, A. , Gutt, J. , Heilmayer, O. and Gerdes, D. (2008)
Contribución de la expedición ANT XXIII/8 al conocimiento de la diversidad de las comunidades bentónicas del Mar de Weddell (Antártica) ,
IV Simposio Lantinomaricano sobre Investigaciones Antárticas y VII Reunión Chilena de Investigación Antártica, Valparaiso. .

Conference -Paper
Pörtner, H. , Bock, C. , Knust, R. , Lannig, G. , Lucassen, M. , Mark, F. and Sartoris, F. (2008)
Cod and climate in a latitudinal cline: physiological analyses of climate effects in marine fishes ,
Climate Research
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31372
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Conference -Talk
Riascos, J. , Carstensen, D. , Laudien, J. ORCID:, Guentner, A. and Heilmayer, O. (2008)
Age-related tolerance to osmotic stress: implications for reproduction and recruitment ecology of Mesodesma donacium in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem ,
Physiomar 08, Physiological aspects of marine molluscs, Brest, France. .

Conference -Paper
Sokolova, I. and Lannig, G. (2008)
Interactive effects of metal pollution and temperature on metabolism in aquatic ectotherms: implications of global climate change ,
Climate Research
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31371

Conference -Paper
Storch, D. , Poertner, H. , Santelices, P. , Barria, J. and Fernández, M. (2008)
Temperature tolerance of Zoea I from two different populations of the kelp crab Taliepus dentatus ,
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 150A (3), S169, doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2008.04.446, Abstracts of the Annual Main Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, 6th - 10th July 2008, Marseille, France. .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31874

Conference -Paper
Wittmann, A. , Schröer, M. , Bock, C. , Steeger, H. , Paul, R. and Pörtner, H. (2008)
Indicators of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance in the lugworm Arenicola marina ,
Climate Research
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.31471

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 02:23:12 2025 CET.