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Number of items: 16.

Conference -Conference paper
Alheit, J. (1986)
Reproductive biology of sprat, Sprattus sprattus factors determining annual egg production ,
ICES Council Meeting,H/58 .

Conference -Conference paper
Detlefsen, V. and Knust, R. (1986)
X-cells in gills of North Sea dab (Limanda limanda L.) epizootology and impact on condition ,
ICES Council Meeting 1986 .

Conference -Conference paper
Ernst, W. (1986)
Hexachlorobenzene in the marine environment distribution, fate and ecotoxicological aspects ,
Hexachlorobenzene: Proc of an International Symposium (C R Morris, J R P Cabral, eds ) IARC Scient Publ 77, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon .

Conference -Conference paper
Hempel, G. (1986)
Progress in Antarctic research in the Federal Republic of Germany ,
Antarctic Challenge II: conflicting interests, cooperation, environmental protection, economic development Proc of an Interdisciplinary Symp , Kiel, 1985, (R Wolfrum, ed ) Duncker & Humblot, Berlin .

Conference -Conference paper
Ito, H. (1986)
Yield curve of pack ice (II) General shape ,
Proc of 1986 OMAE Speciality Symp Offshore and Arctic Frontiers (M M Salama, ed ) ETCE, New Orleans .

Conference -Conference paper
Ito, H. (1986)
Yield curve of pack ice (I) Physical meaning ,
In Proc of 1986 OMAE Speciality Symp Offshore and Arctic Frontiers (M M Salama, ed ) ETCE, New Orleans .

Conference -Conference paper
Rüger, H. J. (1986)
Distribution/growth temperatures, and gram reactions of psychrophilic sediment bacteria from tropical and sub-tropical regions off West-Africa ,
2ième Colloque Internat de Bactériologie Marine, CNRS, Brest, 1984, IFREMER, Actes des Colloques .

Conference -Conference paper
Schenke, H. W. (1986)
Genauigkeiten und Einsatzmöglichkeiten eines C/A-Code GPS-Empfängers ,
Beiträge zum 2 Hydrographie-Symposium Ortsbestimmung und Positionierung, Hamburg .

Conference -Conference paper
Suhrmeyer, L. and Kohnen, H. (1986)
Operating experiences with the "POLARSTERN" in Antarctica ,
Proc Internat Polar Transportation Conf 2 .

Conference -Conference paper
Tan, T. L. (1986)
Construction and use of a dialysis chamber for investigating in situ the toxicity of heavy metals on bacteria ,
Deuxieme Colloque International de Bacteriologie Marine, CNRS, Brest, 1984, IFREMER, Actes de Colloques .

Conference -Conference paper
Weyland, H. (1986)
Actinomycetes of the bottom sediments of various seas ,
Deuxieme Colloque Internationale de Bacteriologie Marine, CNRS, Brest, 1984, IFREMER, Actes de Colloques .

Conference -Conference paper
Budéus, G. , Diebel-Langohr, D. , Dörre, F. , Hengstermann, T. , Krause, G. , Reuter, R. and Schlittenhardt, P. (1986)
Distribution of Gelbstoff in coastal waters and its investigation with laser remote sensing ,
Workshop on high spectral resolution imaging for land and ocean remote sensing, OttawaOctober 1986 .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1986)
Physiologische und ökologische Untersuchungen an einer Population des Nordischen Krills ,
Universität Bremen. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1986)
Moulting in Krill Swarms ,
SCAR-Workshop on Krill Physiology, Rimouski, Kanada. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1986)
Biochemische Befunde und die Lebensweise des Krills ,
DFG-Tagung, Schwerpunkt Antarktisforschung, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven. .

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 23:20:09 2025 CET.