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Number of items: 28.

Conference -Conference paper
Hirche, H. J. and Bohrer, R. N. (1987)
Spatial variability of plankton productivity in the Greenland Sea ,
ICES Symposium,paper 18 .

Conference -Invited talk
Gomez, M. (1987)
Demonstration of a self developed integrated library system. ,
77.Bibliothekartag, Augsburg, GermanyJune 1987.. .

Conference -Invited talk
Gomez, M. (1987)
Compact Disc Databases in Marine Science Libraries: A Panel Discussion. ,
13th Annual Conference International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers, Halifax, N.S., CanadaOctober 1987. .
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Conference -Conference paper
van Beusekom, J. (1987)
Seasonal cycles of dissolved aluminium and silicate in the North Sea: contrasts between central and coastal areas ,
Proceedings of the International conference on "Heavy Metals in the Environment", New Orleans .

Conference -Talk
Breitzke, M. , Dresen, L. , Csokas, J. , Gyulai, A. and Ormos, T. (1987)
Untertägige Parameterbestimmung und Vorfelderkundung mit Hilfe von seismischen 3-Komponenten-Registrierungen und geoelektrischen Messungen ,
47. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 31 März - 4 April, Clausthal-Zellerfeld. .

Conference -Poster
Kindermann, L. , Redies, H. and Sieben, U. (1987)
Real-Time Analysis of the Activity of Small Neuronal Networks Recorded with One Multi-Unit Electrode ,
Göttinger Neurobiologentagung. .

Conference -Conference paper
Kindermann, L. , Redies, H. and Sieben, U. (1987)
Real-Time Analysis of the Activity of Small Neuronal Networks Recorded with One Multi-Unit Electrode ,
New Frontiers in Brain Research, Thieme .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1987)
Zur Lebensweise des Antarktischen und Nordischen Krills: Wachstumsuntersuchungen und biochemische Befunde ,
Kolloquium, Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel. .

Conference -Conference paper
Huybrechts, P. (1987)
Sensitivity experiments with a numerical ice sheet model including full thermo-mechanical coupling ,
Proceedings of the Belgian National Colloquium on Antarctic Research .
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Conference -Conference paper
Wiencke, C. (1987)
Adaption of algae under osmotic stress conditions ,
Proceedings XIV International Botanical Congress .

Conference -Conference paper
Wellershaus, S. (1987)
A comparison of two plankton copepod species living in estuarine very low salinity stretches in India and Germany ,
Silver Jubilee Souvenir-Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai, India .

Conference -Conference paper
Schenke, H. W. (1987)
Ergebnisse und Analysen bathymetrischer Vermessungen mit Fächer-sonarsystemen ,
Beiträge zum 3 Hydrographie-Symposium der DHyG, Bremerhaven .

Conference -Conference paper
Hubold, G. and Ekau, W. (1987)
Midwater fish fauna of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica ,
Proc V Congr Europ Ichthyol , Stockholm .

Conference -Conference paper
Albers, W. , Brandt, K. , Diebel, D. , Dörre, F. , Hengstermann, T. , Krause, G. , Reuter, R. and Budéus, G. (1987)
River run-off transport and mixing in the German Bight derived from airborne fluorosensor and shipboard measurements ,
Remote Sensing from Space: European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) Proceedings of the International Colloquium, University of Oldenburg, FRG, pp .

Conference -Conference paper
Gómez, M. (1987)
Downloadig ASFA CD-ROM and other online databases for internal library purposes and for the creation of the library online catalog ,
Proc 12th Annual Conference of the International Association of Marine Sciences Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC), 5-9 Oct 1987, Halifax, N S .

Conference -Conference paper
George, M. and Alheit, J. (1987)
Ovarian maturation cycle of sprat, Sprattus sprattus ,
ICES Council Meeting,H/47 .

Conference -Conference paper
Fütterer, D. and Grobe, H. ORCID: (1987)
Klimageschichte aus Tiefseesedimenten der Antarktis ,
Menschlicher Einfluß auf das Klima, Tagung Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Großforschungseinrichtungen, Bonn .
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Conference -Conference paper
Behrmann, G. (1987)
The echolocation system in the harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena ,
European Cetacean Society meeting .
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Conference -Conference paper
Augstein, E. (1987)
Meereis als Komponente des Systems Ozean - Atmosphäre ,
Menschlicher Einfluß auf das Klima Tagung Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Großforschungseinrichtungen, Bonn .

Conference -Conference paper
Alheit, J. (1987)
A new method for determinig batch fecundity of hake (Gens: Merluccius) ,
ICES Council Meeting .

Conference -Conference paper
Alheit, J. (1987)
The use of fish egg and larval surveys in fisheries evaluation ,
7 Semana das Pescas dos Acores, Portugal .

Conference -Conference paper
Alheit, J. , Wahl, E. and Cihangir, B. (1987)
Distribution, abundance, development rates, production and mortality of sprat eggs ,
ICES Council Meeting 1987/H:45 .

Conference -Conference paper
Alheit, J. , Cihangir, B. and Halbeisen, H. W. (1987)
Batch fecundity of mackerel, Scomer scombrus ,
ICES Council Meeting,H/46 .

Conference -Conference paper
Alheit, J. (1987)
Variation of batch fecundity of sprat, Sprattus sprattus, during the spawning season ,
ICES Council Meeting,H/44 .

Conference -Conference paper
Aleit, J. (1987)
Egg distribution and production of sprat, sprattus sprattus, in the German Bight, North Sea ,
ICES Council Meeting,H/45 .

Conference -Conference paper
Albers, W. , Brandt, K. , Diebel, D. , Dörre, F. , Hengstermann, T. , Reuter, R. and Budéus, G. (1987)
Cluster analysis an efficient method to identify hydrographic conditions ,
Remote Sensing from Space: Proc of the International Colloqium, University of Oldenburg, FRG .

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 23:26:27 2025 CET.