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Number of items: 35.

Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (1989)
Ein Sommer-Winter Vergleich der Copepodenpopulation im östlichen Weddellmeer ,
Institut für Polarökologie, Universität Kiel. .

Conference -Conference paper
Richter-Menge, J. A. , Ackley, S. F. and Lange, M. A. (1989)
Comparison of the compressive strength of Antarctic frazil ice and columnar saline ice grown in the laboratory ,
POAC 89: The 10th Internat Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, Lule, Sweden, 1989 (K B E Axelsson and L A Fransson, eds ) 1 Res rep TULEA 1989 08, Luleå University of Technology .

Conference -Conference paper
Riebesell, U. (1989)
Bedeutung der Aggregatbildung für die Partikelsedimentation: Überblick über den Stand des Wissens. ,
(W H Berger, G Wefer, Hrsg.) Partikelfluß und Kohlenstoffkreislauf im Ozean. Workshop vom 3.-4. Juli 1989, Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Bericht 6 .

Conference -Conference paper
Schenke, H. W. and Schreiber, R. (1989)
Efficient hydrographic surveying of EEZ with new multibeam echosounder technology for shallow and deep water ,
Proc Internat Ocean Technology Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Conference -Conference paper
Steinbrecht, W. , Rothe, K. W. , Walther, H. , El Naggar, S. E. D. and Augstein, E. (1989)
LIDAR daylight measurements of stratospheric ozone at the North Pole and the Equator ,
Ozone in the atmosphere Proc Quadr Ozone Symp , Göttingen, 1988 (R D Bojkov, P Fabian, eds ) Deepak Publ , Hampton, Vi .

Conference -Conference paper
Olbers, D. ORCID: (1989)
Inverse Modelling activities at the AWI ,
In: WOCE Workshop (WCRP - 28) on Inversion of Ocean General Circulation Models. London 10 - 12 July 1989, WMO-TD-No. 331 .

Conference -Conference paper
Steinbrecht, W. , Rothe, K. W. , Walther, H. , El Naggar, S. E. D. and Augstein, E. (1989)
LIDAR daylight measurements of stratospheric ozone at the North Pole and the Equator. ,
In: Ozone in the atmosphere: Proc. Quadr. Ozone Symp., Göttingen, 1988 (R.D. Bojkov, P. Fabian, eds.) Deepak Publ., Hampton., VI .

Conference -Conference paper
Schulz-Baldes, M. , Farke, H. and Rehm, E. (1989)
Field experiments with caissons: fate of lead and chromium in tidal ecosystems ,
Pollution and Productivity Proceed. Int. Symp. on Utilization of coastal Ecosystems Planning 21-27 Nov 1982. Rio Grande, Brasil. Vol. 2. .

Conference -Conference paper
Olbers, D. ORCID: (1989)
Diffusion parameterizations for the climatological circulation of the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean ,
Proceedings Hawaiian Winter Workshop, University of Hawaii, pp 181-203. Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Physik No. 1, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1989)
ZUr Physiologie polarer Anpassungen mariner Invertebraten: Ergebnisse und laufende Untersuchungen ,
Symposium über marine Polarforschung, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1989)
Ist kaltes Wasser lebensfeindlich? ,
Antrittsvorlesung, Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel. .

Conference -Talk
Breitzke, M. and Dresen, L. (1989)
A normal mode summation method for the recompression of multi-mode data ,
51st Meeting of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Berlin, Germany. .

Conference -Conference paper
Gomez, M. (1989)
Einsatz von CD ROM in der bibliothekarischen Praxis: Erfahrungen, Probleme and Vorteile ,
Spezialbibliotheken in den Neunziger Jahren. Leverkusen : Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Spezialbibliotheken e.V .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1989)
Polarforschung - gestern und heute ,
Eröffnung der Ausstellung, Rathaus Syke .

Conference -Talk
Diekmann, B. ORCID: (1989)
Granulometrie und REM-Sandkornmorphoskopie alpiner Gletscherablagerungen ,
Tagung "Sediment 89", Mai 1989, Innsbruck, Österreich. .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1989)
Polarforschung am Alfred-Wegener-Institut ,
Tagung Industriemeister-Vereinigung BHV e.V. .

Conference -Conference paper
Krüger, B. C. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, El Naggar, S. E. D. and Walther, H. (1989)
Measurements of ozone profiles by a LIDAR method during the Arctic winter and spring 1988 ,
Ozone in the atmosphere Proc Quadr Ozone Symp , Göttingen, 1988 (R D Bojkov, P Fabian, eds ) Deepak Publ , Hampton, Vi .

Conference -Conference paper
Bathmann, U. and von Bodungen, B. (1989)
Partikelsedimentation im Europäischen Nordmeer: Biologische Steuerung ,
Partikelfluß und Kohlenstoffkreislauf im Ozean: Bericht und Kurzfassung über den Workshop vom 3 -4 Juli 1989 in Bremen (W H Berger, G Wefer, Hrsg) Ber FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen .

Conference -Conference paper
Bosselmann, A. (1989)
Larval plankton and recruitment of macrofauna in a subtidal area in the German Bight ,
Reproduction, genetics and distributions of marine organism Proc 23rd European Marine Biology Symposium (J S Ryland, P A Tyler, eds ), Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark .

Conference -Conference paper
Burns, B. A. , Viehoff, T. and Schmidt, M. (1989)
Development of digital algorithms for sea ice monitoring with AVHRR imagery ,
Proc 4th AVHRR Data Users' Meeting, Rothenburg o d Tauber .

Conference -Conference paper
Hinze, H. and Seeber, G. (1989)
Aspects and results of Antarctic ice shelves velocity, flowline and deformation determination by GPS and NNSS ,
Proc 5th Internat Geodetic Symp Satellite Positioning, Las Cruces, New Mexico .

Conference -Conference paper
Hoese, B. and Janssen, H. H. (1989)
Morphological and physiological studies on the Marsupium in terrestrial isopods ,
2nd Symposium on the Biology of Terrestrial Isopods, Urbino, ItalyMonitore zool ital .

Conference -Conference paper
Janssen, H. H. (1989)
The peculiar morphology and ultrastructure of the heat shell, Corculum cardissa (Bivalvia, Cardiacea, Fraginae), a consequence of adaption to endosymbiotic zooxanthellae ,
Archiv für Molluskenkunde (Tagungsband d 10 Internat Malakologen-Kongreß, Tübingen .

Conference -Conference paper
Kattner, G. , Hirche, H. J. and Krause, M. (1989)
Spatial changes in lipids of copepods from the Arctic (Fram Strait) ,
Rapp-v Réun Cons int Explor Mer .

Conference -Conference paper
Krause, G. and Budéus, G. (1989)
Ozeanische Fronten in der Nordsee und im Nordmeer ,
Annalen der Meteorologie , volume 26, pp .

Conference -Conference paper
Alpers, W. , Brüning, C. and Schröter, J. ORCID: (1989)
On the focussing issue of synthetic aperture radar imaging of ocean waves ,
Proc IGARSS, Amhearst, Mass .

Conference -Conference paper
Kurdelski, L. P. (1989)
A TEX-user interface ,
OOPSLA '89 Konferenz .

Conference -Conference paper
Künitzer, A. (1989)
Factors affecting the population dynamics of Amphiura filiformis (Echinodermata Ophiuroidea) and Mysella bidentata (Bivalvia Galeommatacea) in the North Sea ,
Reproduction, genetics and distributions of marine organisms Proc 23rd Europ Mar Biol Symp (J S Ryland, P A Tyler, eds ) Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark .

Conference -Conference paper
Künitzer, A. (1989)
The bottom fauna of the central North Sea ,
ICES Council Meeting 1989,L .

Conference -Conference paper
Künitzer, A. and Niermann, U. (1989)
A bibliography on common literature of identification of macrozoobenthos ,
Taxonomy of North Sea benthos Proc of a Workshop, org in Helgoland, 1988 Delta Inst , Yerseke .

Conference -Conference paper
Lange, M. A. , Hellmann, H. , Richter-Menge, J. A. and Ackley, S. F. (1989)
Elastic properties of frazil ice from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica ,
POAC 89: The 10th Internat Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, Lule, Sweden, 1989 (K B E Axelsson and L A Fransson, eds ) 1 Res rep TULEA 1989 08, Lule University of Technology .

Conference -Conference paper
Lange, M. A. , Richter-Menge, J. A. and Ackley, S. F. (1989)
Comparison of the strength of Antarctic frozil ice and columna saline ice grown in the laboratory ,
POAC 89: The 10th Internat Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions, Lule, Sweden, 1989 (K B E Axelsson and L A Fransson, eds ) 1 Res rep TULEA 1989 08, Lule University of Technology .

Conference -Conference paper
Melles, M. and Fütterer, D. (1989)
Glacial and glacial marine sediments in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica ,
Polar Geomorphology: abstracts and papers Symposium No 5 of the Second International Conference on Geomorphology, Bremen 1989 (G Stäblein, ed ) .

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