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Number of items: 55.

Conference -Talk
Fritzsche, D. ORCID: (1992)
Potsdamer Geowissenschaftler und ihr Einfluß auf die deutsche und internationale Polarforschung ,
Symposium Geschichte der Geowissenschaften in den deutschen Ländern, Freiberg, 17 September 1992 - 20 September 1992 .

Conference -Talk
Plötz, J. (1992)
Taucher im südlichen Eismeer, Tauchverhalten und Nahrungsbiologie der Weddellrobbe ,
Seminar des Zoologischen Instituts, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 11. Dezember 1992, Braunschweig. .

Conference -Talk
Plötz, J. (1992)
Auswirkungen des Umweltschutzprotokolls auf die Antarktisforschung ,
Polartagung im Alfred-Wegener-Institut, 11. November 1992, Bremerhaven. .

Conference -Invited talk
Cortese, G. (1992)
Plankton distribution and major oceanic circuits during the Mesozoic ,
Annual Meeting of the Paleontology Ph.D. Panel, October, 27th 28th, Modena University, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1992)
Enzyme kinetics in cold water ,
Symposium 100 Years Biologische Anstalt Helgoland "The Challenge to Marine Biology in a Changing World", Helgoland. .

Conference -Poster
Tan, T. L. (1992)
Substrate utilizations of oligotrophic bacteria from the Antarctic Ocean ,
Sixth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, BarcelonaSeptember .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1992)
"Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der stratosphärischen Ozonschicht - Ozonloch auch in der Nordhemisphäre", ,
Chemisches Kolloquium Siegen, 30. Juni, Universität-GH Siegen. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. , Griffith, S. and Rohardt, G. ORCID: (1992)
Circulation and water mass modification in the Weddell Sea ,
EGS XVII General Assembly, 10. Apr., Edinburgh. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1992)
Preliminary results of a Drifting buoy deployment in Drake Passage ,
WOCE CP2 Mini-Symposium, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 15. Apr., La Jolla, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1992)
Circulation and water mass transformation in the Weddell Sea ,
FRISP-Workshop, 26. June, Münster. .

Conference -Talk
Breitzke, M. and Spiess, V. (1992)
Imaging the physical properties of deep sea sediments: a comparison between narrow-beam echosounding surveys and laboratory measurements of sediment cores ,
European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 14-18 Sept, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. .

Conference -Talk
Spiess, V. and Breitzke, M. (1992)
Seismic Signature of the Narrow Beam Parasound echosounder: analysis of analogue and digital echograms ,
European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, 14-18 Sept, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. .

Conference -Talk
Breitzke, M. and Spiess, V. (1992)
Automatisierte Messung von Ultraschall Transmissionsseismogrammen an marinen Sedimentkernen ,
52. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 3 April, Leipzig. .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. and Spiess, V. (1992)
Imaging the physical properties of deep sea sediments by full waveform transmission seismograms across gravity cores ,
International Conference on Paleoceanography ICP IV, 21-25 Sept, Kiel, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Richter, M. and Breitzke, M. (1992)
Correlation of high-resolution echosounding and physical property measurements on the Ceará Rise ,
International Conference on Paleoceanography ICP IV, 21-25 Sept, Kiel, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Haupt, B. , Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID: and Stattegger, K. (1992)
Towards modelling the paleocirculation and sedimentation of the northern North Atlantic ,
International Conference on Paleoceanography IV, Kiel, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Biebow, N. , Hamich, A. , Schiebel, A. , Söding, E. , Bäcker, H. , Brenner, W. and Thiede, J. (1992)
Evidence for accretionary prisms in the southeastern part of the Caltanisetta area ,
Geological Development of the Sicilian-Tunesian Platform, 4.-6.November 1992, Urbino, Italy. .

Conference -Poster
Biebow, N. and Matthießen, J. ORCID: (1992)
Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from Recent sediments offshore Peru and East Greenland ,
8th International Palynological Congress, 6.-12. September 1992, Aix-en-Provence, France. .

Conference -Conference paper
van Beusekom, J. and Weber, A. (1992)
Decreasing diatom abundance in the North Sea: The possible significance of aluminium ,
Marine Eutrophication and Population Dynamics. G. Colombo, I. Ferrari, V.U. Ceccherelli and R. Rossi (Eds.). Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1992)
Forschung am Ende der Welt - oder: Schlechtes Wetter für unser Klima ,
Freie Waldorfschule Evinghausen & Heimatverein "Schmittenhöhe" Kalkriese und Umgebung e.V. .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1992)
Forschung am Ende der Welt ,
Bramstedt (Niedersachsenhaus - Heimatverein) .

Conference -Poster
Diekmann, B. ORCID: (1992)
Glaciogenic and postglacial sequences in the Karoo of Tanzania ,
82. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung e. V., 27.-29.02.1992, Stuttgart, Deutschland .

Conference -Conference paper
Androsov, A. (1992)
Tidal oscillations in the strait of Messina ,
Atmospheres_ Hydrospheres and Space Sciences ANAALES GEOPHYSICALE part II Oceans, Atmosphere, Hydrology and Nonlinear Geophysics Supplement 11 to Volume 10. P.187. .

Conference -Talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1992)
Abundance and importance of allochtonic phytoplankton in the ecosystem of the German Bight ,
BAH-Meeting "The Challenge to Marine Biology in a Changing World", Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Germany .

Conference -Talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1992)
Phytoplankton and heavy metals in the German Bight ,
ICES-Meeting Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 1992 - unspecified .

Conference -Invited talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1992)
Silicate-copper interaction in diatoms - First results of mesocosm studies near Helgoland ,
Department of Marine Chemistry and Biology, University of Oldenburg, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1992)
Arctic - North Sea - German Bight: aspects on primary production ,
Department of Zoology, University of Munich, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Grune, S. and Rick, S. (1992)
Effects of primary production and respiration processes on the contaminant transfer in the German Bight ,
PRISMA Meeting, Hamburg .

Conference -Conference paper
Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Donachie, S. , Peters, G. , Vetter, R. A. H. and Buchholz, F. (1992)
Die Bedeutung von Bakterien bei der Produktion chitinolytischer Enzyme im Verdauungstrakt von Meganyctiphanes norvegica. ,
Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft.1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Behrmann, G. (1992)
Cytoarchitectural studies of the cortex of the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena (Linné, 1758) ,
Proceedings of the sixth annual conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Remo, Italy, 20 February 1992 - 22 February 1992 .
[thumbnail of Behrmann_1992.pdf]

Conference -Conference paper
Behrmann, G. (1992)
The peripheral nerve endings in the skin of the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena (Linné, 1758 ,
Proc of Symposium Whales: Biology - Threats - Conservation (J J Symoens), Brussels .
[thumbnail of Fulltext]

Conference -Conference paper
Eicken, H. and Lange, M. A. (1992)
Drill hole and ice-core studies of sea-ice thickness in Arctic and Antarctic ,
Sea Ice Thickness Workshop, New Carrollton, Maryland, 1991 Al Phys Lab , Univ of Washington, Seattle .

Conference -Conference paper
Hacker, J. M. and Hartmann, J. (1992)
The structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over the subtropical ocean ,
4th Air-Sea Interaction Conference, Melbourne .

Conference -Paper
Jaeger, K. , Weller, R. and Schrems, O. (1992)
<title>FTIR studies of photochemical reactions of carbonyl sulfide with ozone</title> ,
in:8th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, Lübeck-TravemündeSPIE Vol.1575 .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.12100

Conference -Conference paper
Jarre-Teichmann, A. (1992)
MAXIMS A computer program for estimating the food consumption of fish ,
ICES Council Meeting 1992,G .

Conference -Conference paper
Kohnen, H. and Henning, K. (1992)
A mobile oil spill fighting unit ,
Proc Fifth Symp on Antarctic Logistics and Operations, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 1992 (O Melander, L R Fontana, eds ) Dir Nat Antart .

Conference -Conference paper
Kohnen, H. and Müller, N. (1992)
The transport concept at the Antarctic stations for field operations of the Alfred Wegener Institute ,
Proc Fifth Symp on Antarctic Logistics and Operations, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 1992 (O Melander, L R Fontana, eds ) Buenos Aires, Dir Nac Nat Antart .

Conference -Conference paper
Lenz, W. , Rachor, E. and Watermann, B. (1992)
Geht es der Nordsee besser ? ,
SDN-Bilanz vor der 4 Internat Nordsee-Schutzkonferenz (INK), Hamburg, Schriftenreihe d Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseeküste, Wilhelmshaven .

Conference -Conference paper
Schenke, H. W. and Wübbena, G. (1992)
GPS-based attitude control of RV "POLARSTERN" for multibeam sonar operation ,
Hydrographic Symposium, Monaco, 1992 (Internat Hydrogr Bur , Monaco, ed ) .

Conference -Conference paper
Viehoff, T. (1992)
Air-sea-ice interactions in the Weddell Sea ,
First ERS-1 Symposium Space At The Service Of Our Environment, CannesESA SP-359 .

Conference -Conference paper
Vetter, R. A. H. , Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Peters, G. and Buchholz, F. (1992)
Die antarktische Konvergenz: Eine echte Temperaturbarriere? ,
Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft..1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Peters, G. , Vetter, R. A. H. , Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Mentlein, R. and Buchholz, F. (1992)
Quantifizierung der Syntheseraten chitinolytischer Enzyme des antarktischen Krills, Euphausia superba, mittels polyklonaler Antikörper. ,
Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft.1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Barcena, M. A. , Gersonde, R. and Flores, J. A. (1992)
Datos preliminares de las diatomeas subantarticas des sondes PS1752-1 (sector atlantico des Oceano Antartico) de la Campana ANT-VIII/3 ,
Geologia de la Antartida Occidental, Simposios, III Congreso Geologico de Espana y V II Congreso Lationamericano de Geologia, Salamanca, Espana (J Lopez-Martinez, ed ),T. 3 .

Conference -Conference paper
Krause, G. , Catewiscz, Z. and Macario, A. ORCID: (1992)
International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Workshop Report No. 69 - Supplement, pp 76 - 78, .

Conference -Talk
Soltwedel, T. ORCID: (1992)
Correlations between meiobenthos abundances and some biochemical parameters (Vortrag) ,
Joint Conference on European deep-sea biological research programmes, Linnean Society of London, London, UK.-22.04.1992. .

Conference -Invited talk
Jokat, W. ORCID: (1992)
Arctic´91 : Results from geophysical investigations in the central Arctic Ocean. ,
10. International meeting on marine geology, Gelendhzik, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Jokat, W. ORCID: (1992)
Results from geophysical measurement in the Weddell sea, Antarctica ,
10. International meeting on marine geology, Gelendhzik, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1992)
Glaciological and climatological probabilities and improbabilities of alternative glaciation models of Antarctica ,
LIRA International workshop on landscape evolution, Haarlem (The Netherlands)September-2 October 1992. .

Conference -Invited talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1992)
Population dynamics of marine benthic invertebrates: Are Antarctic animals something special? ,
Institut fur Polaroekologie, University Kiel, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1992)
Is the productivity of benthic invertebrates in the Antarctic lower than in other areas? ,
Institut fuer Hydrobiologie & Fischereiwissenschaft, Hamburg, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1992)
Sea urchin spine habitats - Population dynamics of the Antarctic bivalve Lissarca notorcadensis) ,
Polartag 1992, Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Kattner, G. (1992)
Biochemie der Lipide mariner Copepoden in der Arktis ,
Polarökologisches Kolloquium, Institut für Polarökologie, Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1992)
Entstehung von Partikelaggregaten in marinen Ökosystemen ,
Limnologisches Kolloquium der Universität Konstanz, Sonderforschungsbereich 248 "Stoffhaushalt des Bodensees", Konstanz. Juni 1992. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1992)
Aggregation of Phaeocystis sp. ,
Workshop 'On the trophic fate of Phaeocystis pouchetii'. Tromsø, Norwegen.-31. Mai 1992. .

Conference -Talk
Plötz, J. (1992)
Das Umweltschutzprogramm für die Antarktis ,
Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie, 25. Juli 1992, Hamburg. .

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