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Number of items: 82.

Conference -Talk
Fritzsche, D. ORCID:, Dietrich, R. and Adler, W. (1993)
Die Eisdecke in der Umgebung der Schirmacheroase, Dronning-Maud-Land (Ostantarktika) - ein Beitrag zu Relief, Bewegung und Massenhaushalt ,
17. Internationale Polartagung, Obergurgl, Österreich, 20 September 1993 - 24 September 1993 .

Conference -Poster
Dietrich, R. , Fritzsche, D. ORCID: and Hermichen, W. D. (1993)
A sketch on ice sheet dynamics near the Schirmacher Oasis, Dronning Maud Land, based on a multidisciplinary data fund ,
Fifth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology, Cambridge, UK, 5 September 1993 - 10 September 1993 .

Conference -Poster
Fritzsche, D. ORCID: (1993)
Subglacial topography and ice thickness in the surroundings of the Schirmacher Oasis, Dronning Maud Land ,
Fifth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology, Cambridge, UK, 5 September 1993 - 10 September 1993 .

Conference -Talk
Fritzsche, D. ORCID: (1993)
Elektromagnetische Reflexionsmessungen an Gletschern im Umfeld der Schirmacheroase (Dronning Maud Land, Ostantarktis) ,
53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 23 March 1993 - 26 March 1993 .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. (1993)
Resolution of thin layers in echosounder recordings of the Parasound system ,
AGU Fall Meeting, 6-10 Dec, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1993)
Zur Ökophysiologie vertikalwandernder Crustaceen ,
6. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Rostock. .

Conference -Talk
Breitzke, M. (1993)
Hochauflösende Untersuchung der Dämpfungseigenschaften von Tiefsee Sedimenten ,
53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 22-27 März, Kiel. .

Conference -Conference paper
Kindermann, L. , Redies, H. , Brandner, S. and Creutzfeldt, O. (1993)
The Relation between Synaptic Structure and Functional Properties of Small Neuronal Networks in Cat Auditory Cortex ,
Gene - Brain - Behaviour, Thieme. .

Conference -Poster
Kindermann, L. , Redies, H. , Brandner, S. and Creutzfeldt, O. (1993)
The Relation between Synaptic Structure and Functional Properties of Small Neuronal Networks in Cat Auditory Cortex ,
Göttinger Neurobiologentagung .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1993)
On the Formation of Deep and Bottom Water in the Weddell Sea ,
EISMINT Workshop, 15. Nov., Bremerhaven. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1993)
The Weddell Gyre Study 1989-1993: Circulation and water mass formation ,
Ice-Station-Weddell-1 Workshop. Okt. Tvärminne. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. and Rohardt, G. ORCID: (1993)
The Weddell Gyre Study 1989-1993: Circulation and water mass formation ,
Nansen Centennial Symposium, 21. Juni, Bergen. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. (1993)
Zirkulation und Wassermassen im Atlantischen Sektor des Südpolarmeeres ,
Sonderforschungsbereich 261, 08. Juni, Bremen. .

Conference -Talk
Fahrbach, E. and Rohardt, G. ORCID: (1993)
The Weddell Gyre Study 1989-1993: Circulation and water mass formation ,
EGS XVIII General Assembly, 7. Mai, Wiesbaden. .

Conference -Paper
Lorenzen-Schmidt, H. , Weller, R. , Schrems, O. and Nielsen, C. J. (1993)
Kinetics and mechanisms of the reaction of O(1D)-atoms with CBrF 3 and CBrF 2 CBrF 2 in the gas phase and in solid argon matrices ,
9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, 23-27 August, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (Canada). .
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.19423

Conference -Poster
Peil, S. (1993)
"FTIR spectroscopic studies of low temperature polar stratospheric cloud model surfaces" ,
"9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, 23-27 August, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (Canada). .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1993)
"What can FTIR spectroscopy tell us about stratospheric ozone chemistry?", ,
9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, 23-27 August, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta (Canada). .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1993)
"Das Ozonloch - mögliche Ursachen und Auswirkungen" ,
Nautischer Verein Niedersachsen e.V., Jahreshauptversammlung, 27. April, Elsfleth/Weser. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1993)
"Das Ozonloch - mögliche Ursachen und Auswirkungen" ,
Nautischer Verein zu Bremen, 16. Februar, Bremen. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1993)
Temperature Adaptation in Marine Animals ,
Institut für Ozeanographie, Universität Sao Paulo, Brasilien. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1993)
Chitinolytic Enzymes: Activity in Relation to Moult and Growth in the Antarctic Krill, Euphausia superba ,
Symposium on Chitin Enzymology, Senigallia, Italien. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1993)
Wege der Temperaturanpassung mariner Tiere ,
Kolloquium der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland und Antrittsvorlesung, IHF, Universität Hamburg. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1993)
Environmental Influences on the Moulting Cycle of Crustaceans ,
Symposium on Mechanisms of Adaptation in Invertebrates to Changing Environments - Multifactorial Analyses, Eisenach. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schrems, O. (1993)
FTIR-spectroscopic studies of low temperature Polar Stratospheric Cloud model surfaces ,
Invited Lecture, European Research Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Matrix Isolated Species, 17-22 July, Helsinki, Finland. .

Conference -Invited talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1993)
Mesocosm studies near Helgoland ,
PRISMA Meeting, Hamburg .

Conference -Invited talk
Rick, J. ORCID: and Rick, S. (1993)
Silicate-copper effects on the structure of the planktonic community ,
PRISMA Meeting, Hamburg .

Conference -Talk
Diekmann, B. ORCID: (1993)
Petrographic and diagenetic signatures of climatic changes in Late Palaeozoic, glaciogenic sediments of SW Tanzania ,
EUG VII (European Union of Geosciences), Strasbourg, France, 4 April 1993 - 8 April 1993 .

Conference -Conference paper
Diepenbroek, M. and Grobe, H. ORCID: (1993)
SEDAN - The German paleoclimate data center for marine and lacustrine sediments ,
Anderson, D.M. (ed) PAGES Workshop Reports Series, Global Paleoenvironmental Data. A report from the workshop sponsored by Past Global Changes (PAGES) August, 1993 .
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Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID:, Bonn, W. J. , Fütterer, D. and Kuhn, G. ORCID: (1993)
Pleistozäne Sedimentfazies im Südpolarmeer ,
17. Internationale Polartagung, Obergurgl. .

Conference -Poster
Peil, S. and Schrems, O. (1993)
Formation of nitric acid hydrates at cryogenic temperatures ,
European Research Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Matrix Isolated Species, 17-22 July, Helsinki, Finland. .

Conference -Poster
Spiess, V. , Bleil, U. , Breitzke, M. , Schneider, R. , Gohl, K. ORCID: and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. ORCID: (1993)
High resolution seismic survey for potential ODP sites at the West African continental margin off Congo, Angola and Namibia ,
AGU Fall Meeting, 6-10 Dec, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Biebow, N. , Brenner, W. , Dullo, W. C. and Schiebel, A. (1993)
Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Peruvian continental shelf ,
21. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises für Paläobotanik und Palynologie, 21.-22. Mai 1993, Berlin. .

Conference -Poster
Biebow, N. , Brenner, W. , Dullo, W. C. and Schiebel, A. (1993)
Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Peruvian continental shelf ,
5th. International Conference on modern and fossil Dinoflagellates, 18.-24. April 1993, Zeist, Netherlands. .

Conference -Poster
Biebow, N. , Hamich, A. , Schiebel, A. and Söding, E. (1993)
Hinweise auf Akkretionsprismen im SE-Teil des Zentralsizilianischen Beckens ,
83. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung: Aktive Kontinentalränder in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, 25.-27. February 1993, Berlin. .

Conference -Talk
Biebow, N. , Bohrmann, G. , Dullo, W. C. , Hempel, P. and Schiebel, A. (1993)
Sediment accumulation on the active margin of the Peru shelf ,
83. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung: Aktive Kontinentalränder in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, 25.-27. February 1993, Berlin. .

Conference -Conference paper
Biebow, N. , Hamich, A. , Schiebel, A. and Söding, E. (1993)
Hinweise auf Akkretionsprismen im SE Teil des Zentralsizilianischen Beckens ,
83. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung: Aktive Kontinentalränder in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, Berlin, Terra Nostra .

Conference -Conference paper
Biebow, N. , Bohrmann, G. , Dullo, W. C. , Hempel, P. and Schiebel, A. (1993)
Sediment accumulation on the active margin of the Peru shelf ,
83. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung: Aktive Kontinentalränder in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, Berlin, Terra Nostra .

Conference -Poster
Richter, M. and Breitzke, M. (1993)
Korrelation hochauflösender Sedimentecholotregistrierungen und sedimentphysikalischer Messungen im Gebiet der Ceará-Schwelle ,
53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 22-27 März, Kiel .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. and Spiess, V. (1993)
Hochauflösende Analyse der physikalischen Eigenschaften von Tiefsee-Sedimenten mit Hilfe von Ultraschall-Transmissionsseismogrammen ,
53. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 22-27 März, Kiel. .

Conference -Conference paper
Neuber, R. ORCID:, von der Gathen, P. ORCID: and Schrems, O. (1993)
Ozonabbau in der arktischen Stratosphäre ,
AGF-Publikation Atmosphärisches Ozon - Prozesse und Wirkungen .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1993)
Modelling the mass-balance in large-scale ice-sheet models with examples from Antarctica, Greenland, and the Quaternary ice sheets on the northern hemisphere ,
EISMINT Workshop on ice-atmosphere interactions, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)November 1993. .

Conference -Invited talk
Pörtner, H. O. ORCID: (1993)
Quantitative studies of acid-base regulation in marine invertebrates: aspects of tissue function and environment. ,
Society for Experimental Biology, Canterbury Conference. .

Conference -Conference paper
Wiencke, C. (1993)
Antarctic, Arctic and amphipolar distributed seaweeds - temperature damands and phytogeographical implications ,
Proc. 5th International biogeography workshop Cape Town 1993 .

Conference -Conference paper
Zilitinkevich, S. and Södermann, J. K. D. (1993)
The Meteorology and Oceanography Centre, Erice ,
Managing the Mediterranean: Information for Decision Making Proc Workshop, VeniceISDGM - Venice .

Conference -Conference paper
Zilitinkevich, S. (1993)
LAND-3/Protection of the coastal marine environment in the Southern Mediterranean Sea ,
Combined Proc Tenth Project Director's and Scientific Committee Meetings of the ICSC - World Laboratory, Lausanne, 1993 .

Conference -Conference paper
Viehoff, T. , Lemke, P. ORCID:, Dierking, W. ORCID: and Schmidt-Gröttrup, M. (1993)
Air-sea-ice interactions in the Weddell Sea ,
Proceedings of the First ERS-1 Symposium 'Space at the Service of our Environment', Cannes, 4-6 November 1992, ESA SP-359, pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Urban, H. J. (1993)
Un programa para estudiar los efectos del fenó- meno de El Nino, aplicado a bivalvos ,
Curso Taller Internacional sobre Indicadores biol gicos del Fen meno El Nino en el Pacifico Sudeste Cali, Colombia, 23-30 marzo Secretaria General de la CPPS, Libro de Resú- menes de los trabajos presentados por los autores al Curso-Taller .

Conference -Conference paper
Siegert, C. (1993)
Aluminas in Quaternary sedimentary rocks of Yakutia: New findings concerning mineral formation in permafrost regions ,
Permafrost. Proc Sixth Intern Conf on Permafrost, Beijing, 1993 .

Conference -Conference paper
Schrems, O. , Künzi, K. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Neuber, R. ORCID:, Fabian, R. and Notholt, J. (1993)
Stratosphärische Ozonvariationen im Bereich des arktischen Polarwirbels II ,
Bericht zum 3 Statusseminar des Ozonforschungsprogramms des BMFT .

Conference -Conference paper
Reeh, N. and Oerter, H. (1993)
Mass balance and related topics of the Greenland ice sheet ,
Geological Surevey of Greenland (GGU) Open file series 93/5, Copenhagen .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1993)
Problems in modelling Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets during the last glacial cycles ,
European Research Conference on ice sheet-climate interactions, Aghia Pelaghia (Greece)September 1993. .

Conference -Conference paper
Lemke, P. ORCID: (1993)
Global Change and Arctic sea ice ,
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions (POAC), 17 - 20 August 1993, Hamburg, pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Klöser, H. (1993)
Benthic diatom communities at Potter Cove (King George Island) ,
Proc of the Fourth Polar Diatom Colloqium, Dept of Quaternary Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 1992 (A Leventer, ed BPRC Misc Ser M-322, Byrd Polar Research Center, Columbus, Ohio .

Conference -Conference paper
Jenkinson, I. (1993)
Viscosity and elasticity of Gyrodinium of Aureolum and Noctiluca scintillans exudates, in relation to mortality of fish and damping of turbulence ,
Toxic Phytoplankton Blooms in the Sea (T J Smayda, Y Shimizu, eds ) .

Conference -Conference paper
Huybrechts, P. and T'siobbel, S. (1993)
A first simulation of northern hemisphere glaciation during the last ice-age using a 3-D thermomechanical ice sheet model ,
Proceedings of Global Change Symposium, BrusselsMay 1993 .

Conference -Conference paper
Huybrechts, P. (1993)
Modeling the present evolution of the Greenland ice sheet ,
Mass balance and related topics of the Greenland ice sheet (N Reeh, H Oerter, eds.), Groenlands Geologiske Undersoegelse Open File Series 93/5 .

Conference -Conference paper
Hinze, H. , Hagen, R. A. , Monk, J. , Niederjasper, F. , Schenke, H. W. and Schöne, T. (1993)
Ein bathymetrisches Kartenwerk als Grundlage für Wissenschaft und Nautik in der Antarktis ,
8 Symp d Dt Hydrogr Ges , Graal-Müritz .

Conference -Invited talk
Helmke, E. and Weyland, H. (1993)
Some aspects of deep-sea microbiology with emphasis on the environment of the Southern Ocean ,
Proceedings International Marine Biotechnology Conference (W. Fenical, M. Greenberg, H. O. Halvorson, F. C. Hunter-Cevera, eds. ) Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA,pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Gerland, S. (1993)
Zerstörungsfreie Widerstandsmessungen im Labor an marinen Sedimenten Protokoll ,
Proc 14 Kolloquium Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung, Borkheide, 1992 (V Haak, H Rodemann, Hrsg ) .

Conference -Conference paper
Gerdes, D. and Hesse, K. (1993)
Chemical and biological characteristics of different water masses in the German Bight ,
Prog Int Coastal Congress (ICC), Kiel, 1992 (H Sterr, ed ) Lang, Frankfurt .

Conference -Invited talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1993)
Antarctic benthic research of the Alfred Wegener Institute: Past, present and future ,
5th Simposio de Estudios Antárticos, Barcelona, Spain. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1993)
Aktuelle Forschungsthemen der Meeresstation der BAH ,
25. Stationskolloquium der Vogelwarte. .

Conference -Talk
Marcucci, M. , Chiari, M. and Cortese, G. (1993)
Radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Jurassic cherts of the Northern Apennines ,
4th Zonenshain International Conference on Plate Tectonics, Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Cortese, G. (1993)
Biology and Ecology of radiolarians ,
Lecture for Zoology Course, Zoological Institute, November, 8th, Florence University, Italy. .

Conference -Invited talk
Cortese, G. (1993)
Biostratigraphical boundaries: the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary ,
Annual Meeting of the Paleontology Ph.D. Panel, October, 27th 28th, Modena University, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Riebesell, U. (1993)
CO2 limitation of marine phytoplankton growth rates ,
Third Scientific Meeting of ´The Oceanography Society, Seattle, U.S.A..-16. April 1993. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1993)
Carbon dioxide as a limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth ,
University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.. März 1993. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1993)
Implications of phytoplankton CO2 limitation for the global carbon cycle ,
University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A.. April 1993. .

Conference -Invited talk
Kattner, G. (1993)
Verteilung und Rolle von Nährsalzen und gelösten organischen Substanzen im Meer ,
Kolloquium, Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. .

Conference -Conference paper
Entzian, G. , Peters, D. , Feister, U. , Grasnick, K. H. and Gernandt, H. (1993)
Dynamische Bedingungen für die Entstehung von Ozon-Mini-Holes, EASOE - Winter 1991/92 ,
BMFT - 3. Statusseminar zum Ozonforschungsprogramm .

Conference -Talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1993)
Population dynamics of Antarctic benthic invertebrates: Are there unique adaptations? ,
Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA. .

Conference -Conference paper
Drinkwater, M. R. , Hosseinmostafa, A. R. and Dierking, W. ORCID: (1993)
C-band microwave backscatter of sea ice in the Weddell Sea during the winter of 1992 ,
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS'93,Vol. 2 .

Conference -Talk
Schiel, S. (1993)
Seasonale variations in distribution and population structure of calanoid copepods in the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica. ,
5th International Conference on Copepoda, Baltimore, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (1993)
Lebensstrategien antarktischer Copepoden ,
Institut für Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel. .

Conference -Conference paper
Bickmeyer, U. ORCID: (1993)
Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von cis-Platin auf die Katecholamin-Sekretion von Nebennierenmarkszellen des Rindes und Kalzium-Ströme von Nervenzellen der Maus ,
In: Akute und chronische Toxizität von Spurenelementen. Ed. K. Dörner. WVG mbH Stuttgart .

Conference -Conference paper
Weinsberg, F. , Bickmeyer, U. ORCID:, Redelings, K. H. and Wiegand, H. (1993)
Bovine chromaffine cells in culture- effects of tetrandrine on events associated with exocytosis ,
Pilsen Medical Report (Plzen.lek.Sborn. Suppl.) .

Conference -Conference paper
Bickmeyer, U. ORCID: (1993)
Development of High-Voltage-Activated and Low-Voltage-Activated Calcium Currents in Vitro ,
Pilsen Medical Report (Plzen.lek.Sborn) .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1993)
Glaciological modelling of the East Antarctic ice sheet: the case for its stability ,
VEGA-symposium on the occasion of the VEGA medal awarded to Prof. David Sugden, Stockholm (Sweden)april 1993. .

This list was generated on Sat Jan 18 11:55:12 2025 CET.