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Number of items: 355.

Conference -Poster
Fritzsche, D. ORCID:, Schwager, M. , Thorsteinsson, T. and Kipfstuhl, S. (1998)
Stratigraphie von Eiskernen mit optischen Methoden ,
19. Internationale Polartagung Bern, 28 September 1998 - 2 October 1998 .

Conference -Poster
Udisti, R. , Castellano, E. , Traversi, R. , Stenni, B. , Maggi, V. , Fritzsche, D. ORCID: and Flora, O. , University of Florence, University of Milano (1998)
Chemistry, stable isotope and physical properties of the Dome C surface snow (east Antarctica) ,
The Sixth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology ISAG-6, Lanzhou, 5 September 1998 - 9 September 1998 .
[thumbnail of Udisti1998.pdf]

Conference -Conference paper
Andruleit, H. , Schröder-Ritzrau, A. and Thiede, J. (1998)
Pelagic biota in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. A comparison of coccolithophore and radiolarian fluxes in the Greenland Sea ,
Proc Second Internat Conf Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands) Pelagic Biogeography ICoPB II, IOC-Workshop Report .

Conference -Conference paper
Arntz, W. (1998)
Marine ecology in Antarctica and its connections to global change ,
Atti 12° Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia, Isola di Vulcano, 1996 (m Picazzo, ed ) A I O L, Genova .

Conference -Conference paper
Bathmann, U. and Smetacek, V. (1998)
Biological-physical studies of krill life cycles in Antarctica: The SO-GLOBEC program starts 1999 ,
Bericht über den 6 JGOFS-Workshop am 4 /5 12 1997 in Bremen (M Pätzold, G Wefer, Hrsg ) Ber FB Geowiss Univ Bremen .

Conference -Conference paper
Biele, J. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Warming, J. , Beninga, I. , Stebel, K. , Schrems, O. , Rosen, J. and von der Gathen, P. ORCID: (1998)
The evolution of polar stratospheric clouds above Spitsbergen in winter 1996/97 ,
4th European Symposium on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, Schliersee, 1997 (N R P Harris, I Kilbane-Dawe, G T Amanatidis, eds ) Air pollution research report 66 .

Conference -Conference paper
Boike, J. ORCID: and Hubberten, H. W. (1998)
Climatological and hydrological influences on stabel hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of active layer waters, Levionson-Lessing Lake Area, Taymyr Peninsula ,
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Permafrost, June 23-27, 1998, Yellowknife, Canada .

Conference -Conference paper
Bracher, A. ORCID: and Lucas, M. I. (1998)
Mycosporine-like-amino-acids in phytoplankton of different regions in the Southern Ocean and their possible sunscreen effect to UV-radiation ,
Bericht über den 6 JGOFS-Workshop am 4 /5 12 1997 in Bremen (M Pätzold, G Wefer, Hrsg ) Berichte FB Geowiss, Univ Bremen .

Conference -Talk
Brey, T. ORCID: (1998)
Predicting echinoderm P/B ratios by artificial neural networks ,
Mooi, R., Telford, M., (eds). Echinoderms: San Francisco. Balkema, Rotterdam .

Conference -Conference paper
Buchholz, F. , David, P. , Matthews, J. , Mayzaud, P. and Patarnello, T. (1998)
Impact of a climatic gradient on the physiological ecology of a pelagic crustacean (PEP) ,
Proceedings of the 3rd European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 23-27 May 1998, Marine Systems .

Conference -Conference paper
Clayton, M. and Wiencke, C. (1998)
The Antarctic marine macroalgal flora Levels of endemism and characteristics of endemic species ,
New Zealand Natural SciencesSuppl. 34 .

Conference -Conference paper
Dethloff, K. , Weisheimer, A. , Handorf, D. ORCID:, Rinke, A. ORCID:, Kurgansky, M. , Petoukhov, V. and Jansen, W. (1998)
Decadal climate variability in conceptional models of the atmosphere and the atmosphere-ocean system ,
XXIII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice .

Conference -Conference paper
Diepenbroek, M. , Grobe, H. ORCID:, Reinke, M. , Schlitzer, R. ORCID:, Sieger, R. and Siems, U. (1998)
Management of marine data with the PANGAEA information system SEPAN ,
Bohle-Carbonell, M. (ed.) Marine science and technology programme. Experiences in project data management, MAST Report(European Commission) .
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Conference -Conference paper
Elbrächter, M. (1998)
A review of coccoid dinoflagellates: Blastodiniales, Phytodiniales, Pyrocystales ,
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapellige Universitet Vitenskabsmusset Rapport botanisk serie .

Conference -Conference paper
Freese, D. and Reuter, A. (1998)
Strahlungsinduzierte Dynamik stratiformer Bewölkung in der Arktis ,
Ann Meteorol .

Conference -Conference paper
Fritzsch, B. , Johanni, R. and Köberle, C. (1998)
Parallelization of a global ocean circulation model with coupled sea ice ,
Proc Fourth Europ SGI/CRAY MPP Workshop (H Lederer, F Hertweck, eds), Garching .

Conference -Conference paper
Garbrecht, T. , Lüpkes, C. ORCID: and Wamser, C. (1998)
Der Einfluss von Presseisrücken auf die bodennahe Luftschicht ,
Annalen der Meteorologie .
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Conference -Conference paper
Gernandt, H. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Kaneto, S. and Herber, A. ORCID: (1998)
Interannual ozone changes in the lower and middle stratosphere above the Antarctic in spring ,
Proceedings XVIII. Quadriennal Ozone Symposium, L'Aquila, Italy, 1996 (R D Bojkov, G Visconti, eds.), International Ozone Commission, Vol. 1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Gernandt, H. , Dethloff, K. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Notholt, J. and von der Gathen, P. ORCID: (1998)
Chemical and dynamical aspects of variability and long-term changes in the Arctic stratosphere, The Arctic and global change, Multidisciplinary approach and international efforts at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. ,
Proc. Fourth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Ravello, Italy, Italian Nat Res Council, Inst sull' Inquinamento Atmosferico .

Conference -Conference paper
Groß, C. , Tüg, H. and Hanken, T. (1998)
UV-B radiation measurements at Koldewey-Station ,
The Arctic and Global Change: Proc Fourth Ny-Aalesund Seminar, Ravello, Italy, 1998 (R Casacchia, H Koutsileos, M Morbidoni, P D Petrelli, M R Pettersen, R Salvatori, R Sparapani, E Stoltz Larsen, eds ) .

Conference -Conference paper
Guerin, O. , David, P. , Tarling, G. A. , Matthews, J. B. L. and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, biomass acoustical estimation compared with net catches ,
Proc 4th Europ Conf Underwater Aoustics, Rome (Alippi and Cannelli, eds), Roma .

Conference -Conference paper
Handorf, D. ORCID:, Dethloff, K. , Weisheimer, A. and Petoukov, V. K. (1998)
Dekadische Klimavariabilität in einem vereinfachten Klimamodell ,
Annalen der Meteorologie, 37, pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Handorf, D. ORCID:, Heinz, G. and Foken, T. (1998)
Untersuchung des Energieaustausches bei stark stabiler Schichtung mittels der Wavelettransformation ,
Annalen der Meteorologie, 37, pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Hense, I. , Bathmann, U. , Dengg, J. and Dieterich, C. (1998)
Modelling phytoplankton dynamics in the frontal systems of the Southern Ocean ,
Bericht über den 6 JGOFS-Workshop am 4 /5 12 1997 in Bremen (M Pätzold, M, G Wefer, G , Hrsg ) Ber FB Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen .

Conference -Conference paper
Knudsen, B. M. , Larsen, N. , Mikkelsen, I. S. , Braathen, G. O. , Fast, H. , Gernandt, H. , Kanzawa, H. , Nakane, H. , Dorokhov, V. , Yushkov, V. , Hansen, G. , Gil, M. , Shearman, R. J. , Morcrette, J. J. and Kyrö, E. (1998)
Ozone depletion in and below the Arctic vortex for 1997 ,
Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, Schliersee, Germany; Air Pollution Report, 66 .

Conference -Conference paper
Kohnen, H. , Müller, N. , Strähle, G. and Deininger, W. (1998)
Development of environmental protective technologies for snow tractors ,
Proc 7th Symposium on Antarctic Logistics and Operations, Cambridge, U K ,1996 (J Hall, ed ) British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Kohnen, H. and Lukin, V. (1998)
Dismantling of Georg Forster Station an clean-up of the eastern Schirmacher Oasis ,
Proc 7th Symposium on Antarctic Logistics and Operations, Cambridge, U K , 1996 (J Hall, ed) British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge .

Conference -Poster
Kriews, M. , Stölting, I. , Schrems, O. and Kipfstuhl, J. (1998)
Determination of Trace Elements in Greenland Ice Cores. ,
Posterbeitrag, auf dem 4. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 28.9-1.10,1998, Mainz .

Conference -Conference paper
Lass, S. , Saborowski, R. ORCID: and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Food selection and feeding activity of Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, in the Clyde Sea and in the Kattegat ,
Zoology 101, Supplement I (DZG 91.1) .

Conference -Conference paper
McGee, T. J. , Gross, M. , Newman, P. , Beyerle, G. , Beninga, I. , Dahl, A. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Wahl, P. and Schrems, O. (1998)
Lidar temperature measurements at Ny-Ålesund (79N) during winter, 1998 ,
Proceedings 19th International Laser Radar Conference, NASA/CP-1998-207671/PT1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Mironov, D. and Terzherik, A. Y. (1998)
Spring convection in an ice-covered lake: observations, scaling and a simple mixed-layer model ,
Proc. 3rd Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Magdeburg, Germany, 30 August -- 3 September 1998,Umweltforschugszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Sektion Gewässerforschung Magdeburg .

Conference -Conference paper
Müller, R. , Crutzen, P. J. , Grooß, J. U. , Brühl, C. , Gernandt, H. , Rusell, J. M. and Tuck, A. F. (1998)
Chlorine activation and ozone depletion in the Arctic stratospheric vortex during the first five winters of HALOE observations on the UARS ,
Atmospheric ozone. Proceedings XVIII Quadriennal Ozone Symposium, L'Aquila, Italy, 1996 (R D Bojkov, G Visconti, eds ) International Ozone Commission .

Conference -Conference paper
Neuber, R. ORCID:, Beyerle, G. , Beninga, I. , Rairoux, P. , Schrems, O. , Wahl, P. , Gross, M. , McGee, T. , Iwasaka, Y. , Fujiwara, M. , Shibata, T. , Klein, U. , Steinbrecht, W. and von der Gathen, P. ORCID: (1998)
The Ny-Ålesund Aerosol and Ozone Measurements Intercomparison campaign 1997/98 (NAOMI-98) ,
Proceedings 19th International Laser Radar Conference, NASA/CP-1998-207671/PT1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Neuber, R. ORCID:, von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Biele, J. , Rosen, J. and Gernandt, H. (1998)
The effect of different PSC particles on local ozone depletion during Arctic winter 1996/97 ,
Polar stratospheric ozone 1997. Proceedings 4th European Symposium on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, Schliersee, 1997 (N. R. P. Harris, I. Kilbane-Dawe, G. T. Amanatidis, eds) Air pollution research report .

Conference -Conference paper
Ohm, K. , Reuter, R. , Stolze, M. and Willkomm, R. (1998)
Shipboard oceanographic fluorescence lidar development and evaluation based on measurements in Antarctic waters ,
Proc 3rd EARSEL Workshop, Lidar Remote Sensing of Land and Sea, 1997 EARSeL Advances in Remote Sensing .

Conference -Conference paper
Ostroumov, V. , Siegert, C. , Alekseev, A. , Demidov, V. and Alekseeva, T. (1998)
Permafrost as a frozen geochemical barrier ,
Proc 7th Internat Conf on Permafrost, Yellowknife, 1998 (A G Lewkowicz, M Allard, eds ) .

Conference -Conference paper
Rairoux, P. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Niedermeier, S. , Rodriguez, M. , Ronneberger, F. , Sauerbrey, R. , Schillinger, H. , Stein, B. , Waite, D. , Wedekind, C. , Wille, H. and Wöste, L. (1998)
Femtosecond white light lidar ,
Proc 19th Internat Laser Radar Conference, NASA/CP-1998-207671/PT1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Schöne, T. and Schenke, H. W. (1998)
Gravity field determination in ice covered regions by altimetry ,
in: Forsberg, Feissel, Dietrich (eds.): Geodesy on the Move, Springer Verlag, IAG Symposia, Volume 119, pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Smetacek, V. (1998)
How mainstream biological oceanography can profit from harmful-algal-bloom studies and vice versa ,
Harmful Algae (B Reguera, J Blanco, M L Fernandez, T Wyatt, eds ) Xunta de Galicia and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO .

Conference -Conference paper
Socal, G. , Luchetta, A. , Civitarese, G. , Owrid, G. , Nöthig, E. M. ORCID:, Wiktor, J. , Andreassen, I. , Schauer, U. , Sörensson, F. and Strass, V. ORCID: (1998)
Spatial variability of phytoplankton and new production in the waters around Sv ,
The Arctic and Global Change, Proceedings of the Fourth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Ravello, Italy, 1998 (R. Casacchia, H. Koutsileos, M. Morbidoni, P. D. Petrelli, M. R. Pettersen, R. Salvatori, R. Sparapani, E. Stoltz Larsen, eds.), Italian National Research Co .

Conference -Conference paper
Stebel, K. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Beyerle, G. , Biele, J. , Beninga, I. , Scheuch, P. , Schütt, H. , Schrems, O. and von der Gathen, P. ORCID: (1998)
Polar stratospheric clouds above Spitsbergen ,
Atmospheric Ozone. Proc Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1996 (R D Bojkov, G Visconti, eds) .

Conference -Conference paper
Steinbrecht, W. , Gross, M. R. , McGee, T. J. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Wahl, P. , Klein, U. , Langer, J. and von der Gathen, P. ORCID: (1998)
Results of the Ny-Ålesund Ozone Measurements Intercomparison NAOMI ,
Proceedings 19th International Laser Radar Conference, NASA/CP-1998-207671/PT1 .

Conference -Poster
Vopel, K. and Thiel, H. (1998)
Testing for long-term effects of physical disturbance on abyssal nematode communities - preliminary results from environmental risk studies (Poster) ,
OSI-Symposium, Univ of South Carolina, Georgetown .

Conference -Talk
Vopel, K. , Hasemann, C. , König, B. and Dehmlow, J. (1998)
Why do benthic harpacticoid copepods migrate into the bottom water at night-time? ,
OSI-Symposium, Georgetown, South Carolina .

Conference -Conference paper
Weller, R. ORCID:, Neuber, R. ORCID: and Schrems, O. (1998)
Vertical ozone distribution over the central Atlantic Ocean (70 N-60 S) ,
Polar stratospheric ozone 1997: Proc 4th Europ Symp on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, Schliersee, 1997 (N R P Harris, I Kilbane-Dawe, Amanatidis, eds ) Air pollution research report .

Conference -Conference paper
Wille, H. , Niedermeier, S. , Rairoux, P. , Rodriguez, M. , Ronneberger, F. , Sauerbrey, R. , Schillinger, H. , Stein, B. , Waite, D. , Wedekind, C. and Wöste, L. (1998)
Characterization of white light generated in the atmosphere and the use for atmospheric remote sensing with LIDAR ,
Proc 19th Internat Laser Radar Conference, NASA/CP-1998-207671/PT1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Wenzel, M. , Schröter, J. ORCID: and Sloyan, B. (1998)
Assimilation of hydrographic data into a global ocean circulation model ,
in Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment Ocean Circulation and Climate, Halifax, CanadaMay 1998 .

Conference -Conference paper
Nechaev, D. , Schröter, J. ORCID: and Yaremchuk, M. I. (1998)
Large Scale Circulation in the South Atlantic as an inverse of WOCE and Climatological Data ,
in Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment Ocean Circulation and Climate, Halifax, CanadaMay 1998 .

Conference -Conference paper
Schlitzer, R. ORCID:, DeLasHeras, M. and Schröter, J. ORCID: (1998)
Fitting a global ocean circulation model to CFC observations ,
in Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment Ocean Circulation and Climate, Halifax, CanadaMay 1998 .

Conference -Conference paper
Becker, G. , Müller, R. , McKenna, D. S. and Rex, M. ORCID: (1998)
Modelled ozone loss rates compared to results of the Match experiments ,
Proceedings 4th European Symposium on Polar Stratospheric Ozone, Schliersee, 1997, (N. R. P. Harris, I. Kilbane-Dawe, G. T. Amanatidis, eds), Air pollution research report 66 .

Conference -Conference paper
Lehrer, E. , Langendoerfer, U. , Wagenbach, D. , Platt, U. , König-Langlo, G. , Wessel, S. , Minikin, A. and Schrems, O. (1998)
Tropospheric ozone depletion and related aerosol chemistry at polar regions ,
EGS-Abstracts Nice 1998 .

Conference -Conference paper
Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Tarling, G. and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Impact of a climatic gradient on the physiological ecology of the Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica (Euphausiacea). ,
Proceedings and Abstracts, 4th International Crustacean Congress, AmsterdamJuly 1998. .

Conference -Conference paper
Schumann, P. , Saborowski, R. ORCID: and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Effects of nutrition and temperature on the activity of citrate synthase, amylase and trypsin in the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica). ,
Proceedings and Abstracts, 4th International Crustacean Congress, Amsterdam 20-24 July 1998 .

Conference -Conference paper
Karsten, U. , Hanelt, D. , Bischof, K. , Tüg, H. , Brouwer, P. E. M. and Wiencke, C. (1998)
Enhanced ultraviolet radiation over the Arctic - what are the consequences for seaweed physiology and ecology? ,
The Arctic and Global Change : Multidisciplinary approach and international efforts at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Proceedings from the Fourth Ny-Ålesund Seminar, Ravello, Italy, 5-6 March 1998 / Edited by R. Casacchia, H. Koutsileos, M. Morbidoni, P.D. Petrell .

Conference -Poster
Ramdohr, S. , Plötz, J. and Bornemann, H. (1998)
Breeding and lipid metabolism of the southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) at King George Island ,
In: Hofer, H., Pietra, C. & Hofmann, R.R. (eds), 2nd International Symposium on Physiology and Ethology of Wild and Zoo Animals, Berlin 7-10 October 1998, Advances in Ethology, Supplements to Ethology .

Conference -Conference paper
Strass, V. ORCID:, Naveira Garabato, A. C. and Pollard, R. T. (1998)
Enhancement of primary production at the Antarctic Polar Front by mesoscale dynamics ,
1998 Ocean Sciences Meeting Abstract, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Eos .

Conference -Conference paper
Dietrich, R. , Dach, R. , Perlt, J. , Schenke, H. W. , Schoene, T. , Pohl, M. , Soltau, G. , Engelhardt, G. , Mikolaiski, H. W. , Seeber, G. , Menge, F. , Niemeier, W. , Salbach, H. , Lindner, K. , Kutterer, H. J. and Mayer, M. (1998)
The SCAR GPS Campaigns: Accurate Geodetic Reference in Antarctica ,
in: Forsberg, Feissel, Dietrich (eds.): Geodesy on the Move, Springer Verlag, IAG Symposia, Volume 119, pp. .

Conference -Conference paper
Klenke, M. (1998)
Using Backscatter and Coherence Information from Air- and Spaceborne SAR Imagery for the Delineation of Hydrological Response Units in a Mesoscale Catchment in Germany ,
Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Tromsø, Norway .

Conference -Conference paper
Hochschild, V. and Klenke, M. (1998)
Comparison of Multifrequency Airborne E-SAR Data with Ground Measurements of Hillslope Hydrology ,
Proceedings of the Second International Conference Fusion of Earth Data, Sophia Antipolis, France .

Conference -Conference paper
Karcher, M. ORCID: and Oberhuber, J. M. (1998)
Modeling the ventilation of the upper and intermediate water of the Arctic Ocean with an isopycnic model ,
WCRP Report 106, WMO/TD No. 908 .

Conference -Conference paper
Rack, W. , Rott, H. and Nagler, T. (1998)
Areal Changes and Motion of Northern Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula ,
Proc. of IEEE IGARSS Symp. .

Conference -Invited talk
Rex, M. ORCID: (1998)
Arctic and Antarctic ozone layer observations - chemical and dynamical aspects of variability and long-term changes in the polar stratosphere ,
invited lecture at the International Symposium on Polar Aspects of Global Change, Tromsø, Norway. .

Conference -Invited talk
Rex, M. ORCID: (1998)
Der Chemischer Ozonabbau in der arktischen Stratosphaere ,
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), Institute of Remote Sensing (ife), Universität Bremen, Juli 1998. .

Conference -Poster
Bischof, K. , Hanelt, D. , Tueg, H. , Karsten, U. and Wiencke, C. (1998)
Acclimation of photosynthesis of Laminaria saccharina to ultraviolet radiation in Arctic coastal waters (Spitsbergen, Norway) ,
Conference of the German Botanical Society, Bremen, Germany .

Conference -Talk
Soltwedel, T. ORCID:, Roth, P. and Delauney, L. (1998)
Oxygen sensors for deep-sea research - Conclusions (Vortrag) ,
ALIPOR Annual Meeting, Aberdeen, Schottland, UK.-09.01.1998 .

Conference -Talk
Soltwedel, T. ORCID:, Mokievsky, V. and Schewe, I. ORCID: (1998)
Gradients in benthic activity and biomass on the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean (Vortrag) ,
Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, USA.-13.02.1998 .

Conference -Poster
Rutgers v. d. Loeff, M. ORCID:, Rachor, E. , Thiel, H. , Soltwedel, T. ORCID:, Meyer, R. and Rudels, B. (1998)
Resuspension and particle transport in the benthic nepheloid layer in and near Fraim Strait in relation to abundances and 234Th depletion (Poster) ,
Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, USA.-13.02.1998. .

Conference -Poster
Schewe, I. ORCID: and Soltwedel, T. ORCID: (1998)
Life under perennial ice coverage: The deep-sea meiobenthos of the central Arctic Ocean (Poster) ,
10th International Meiofauna Conference, Plymouth, UK.-31.07.1998. .

Conference -Poster
Schewe, I. ORCID: and Soltwedel, T. ORCID: (1998)
Life under perennial ice coverage: The deep-sea meiobenthos of the central Arctic Ocean (Poster) ,
Organism-Sediment-Interaction Symposium, Georgetown, South Carolina, USA.-26.10.1998. .

Conference -Talk
Birnbaum, G. ORCID: (1998)
Modelling of atmosphere - sea ice interaction in the region of medium-sized polynyas ,
Annales Geophysicae,Supplement II to Vol. 16,C579. .

Conference -Invited talk
Groben, R. (1998)
Molekularbiologische Arbeiten am Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung. ,
45. Bremerhavener MNU-Tagung, 16./17.11.98, Bremerhaven, Germany.. .

Conference -Poster
Rogenhagen, J. and Jokat, W. ORCID: (1998)
Sediment thickness in the western Weddell Sea (Antarctica) ,
23rd General Assembly European Geophysical Society, Nice, France .

Conference -Talk
Rogenhagen, J. and Jokat, W. ORCID: (1998)
Sedimentmächtigkeiten im westlichen Weddellmeer (Antarktis) ,
Tagung Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft .

Conference -Invited talk
Oerter, H. (1998)
Massenbilanzstudien in der Antarktis ,
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Lehrstuhl II Physische Geographie und Forschungsstelle Geographie der Polarländer.05.1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Oerter, H. (1998)
An update on the EPICA drilling program ,
WAISCORES Meeting, University of Maine, Orono, USA.09.1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Klages, M. (1998)
Beschaffung und Einsatz eines tieftauchenden autonomen Unterwasserfahrzeugs für wissenschaftliche und technische Zwecke ,
Vortrag im Rahmen der Begutachtung des HGF-Strategiefondsprojekts, 5. März 1998, Bremen. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bathmann, U. (1998)
Southern Ocean GLOBEC: Overview and new concepts ,
eingeladener Vortrag an 4 brasilianischen Universitäten. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bathmann, U. and Nöthig, E. M. ORCID: (1998)
Biological control of particle flux in polar oceans Arctic and Antarctic ,
eingeladener Vortrag International Symposium on polar aspects of global change, Norway. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bathmann, U. (1998)
Die Rolle der Diatomeen im globalen Silikat-Kreislauf ,
eingeladener Vortrag Universität Greifswald. .

Conference -Poster
Bathmann, U. (1998)
Southern Ocean GLOBEC: Distribution and Biology of Zooplankton and Euphausiids at the Polar Frontal Region in the Atlantic Sector ,
Poster auf dem 1st International GLOBEC science meeting, Paris. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bathmann, U. , Hense, I. and Dietrich, C. (1998)
Biological processes in the Antarctic Polar Front ,
Vortrag in Liege, Belgien. .

Conference -Poster
Premke, K. and Arndt, H. (1998)
Consumption of heterotrophic flagellates by ciliates: Methodological studies and preliminary results ,
THE FLAGELLATES, Birmingham, UK.-10.09.1998. .

Conference -Talk
Stein, R. ORCID:, Behrends, M. , Boucsein, B. , Fahl, K. ORCID:, Kleiber, H. P. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Müller, C. and Niessen, F. ORCID: (1998)
Biogener und terrigener Sedimenteintrag im spätquartären zentralen Arktischen Ozea. ,
BMBF Status Seminar, 22.-23. Januar, Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Jokat, W. ORCID: and Jackson, R. (1998)
Seismic studies on Arctic Ridges ,
Interridge Workshop, "Mapping and Sampling the Arctic Ridges", Hannover. .

Conference -Invited talk
Kühn, S. and Smetacek, V. (1998)
Diatom parasitoids: A neglected link between nanoprotists and large diatoms ,
ASLO Symposium, San Diego, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Bartsch, I. ORCID: (1998)
Changes in the Helgoland marine flora and recent introductions. ,
Workshop: Changes in the marine flora of the North Sea, University College Scarborough, EnglandJuly. .

Conference -Invited talk
Karcher, M. ORCID: (1998)
Exploring Ice and Oceans of the high North - Research with computers and ships ,
Scientific Conference SEA YOUR FUTURE at the European Week for Science and Technological Culture 1998, ECSITE (European Collaborative for Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions), 29.-31. August, Lisbon, Portugal. .

Conference -Talk
Schröder, A. and Knust, R. (1998)
Long term changes in the benthos of the German Bight (North Sea) - Possible influences of fisheries? ,
Marine Benthos Dynamics: Environmental and Fisheries Impacts, ICES Symposium, IMBC, Crete 1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wolf-Gladrow, D. ORCID: (1998)
Der Ozean als Teil des globalen Kohlenstoffkreislaufs ,
Kolloquium, Limnologisches Institut an der Universitaet Konstanz. November. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wolf-Gladrow, D. ORCID: (1998)
Does iron limit marine productivity? ,
Botanikertagung, Bremen. August bis 6. September. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wolf-Gladrow, D. ORCID: (1998)
Direkte Effekte von CO2 auf marines Plankton ,
Institut fuer Meereskunde, Kiel. Februar. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schauer, U. , Rudels, B. , Fahrbach, E. and Loeng, H. (1998)
Barents Sea Water input to the Eurasian Basin and its variability ,
International Workshop on Exchange Processes Between the Arctic Shelves and Basins. 17-19 February 1998, Yokohama Japan, Proceedings .

Conference -Conference paper
Schauer, U. , Rudels, B. , Fahrbach, E. and Loeng, H. (1998)
Barents Sea Water input to the Eurasian Basin and its variability ,
International Workshop on Exchange Processes Between the Arctic Shelves and Basins. 17-19 February 1998, Yokohama Japan, Proceedings .

Conference -Talk
Heuers, J. (1998)
Resilience and resistance: two different types of response to the severe winter 1995/96 ,
33 rd EMBS Symposium, 7.-11.9.1998, Wilhelmshaven. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Grazer deterrants and predator avoidance - New views of predator-prey interactions in the ocean ,
US Geol. Survey, Menlo Park, California, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Relationships between ocean biogeochemistry and the evolutionary ecology of plankton ,
University of Helsinki, Finnland. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Wheels within wheels or how local ecology drives ocean elemental cycles ,
The Oceanography Society Meeting, session: Policy and late-breaking events, UNESCO, Paris, France. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Die biologischen Triebkräfte der marinen Stoffkreisläufe ,
Vortragsreihe zum "International Year of the Oceans": Neue Ergebnisse und Konzepte in der Meeresforschung, Universität Wien, Österreich. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Die biologischen Triebkräfte der marinen Stoffkreisläufe ,
Universität Bielefeld, Kolloquiums-Vortrag. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
The "merry-go-round ecosystems" of Antarctica:. A study in stability ,
Opening plenary lecture, SCAR VII Int. Biol. Symp., Christchurch, New Zealand. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Dirty tricks and key-stone species, mixotrophs etc. Strategies to avoid the constraints of size-relationships ,
EU Advanced Study Course on "Concepts & Models". Mols Laboratory, Ebeltoft, Jutland, Denmark. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Leben in der Schwebe: Evolution und Ökologie des Planktons im Ozean ,
Internationaler Kongress über das Wasser, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik, Bonn. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Iron in the sea: Is today`s ocean anemic ,
The Stazione Zoologica "Anton Dohrn": 125 Years. A Symposium to Honor the Memory of Prof. Gaetano Salvatore, Neapel, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Ulleweit, J. , Hardewig, I. , Tesch, C. , Knust, R. and Pörtner, H. O. ORCID: (1998)
Life of the shallow water fish species Zoarces viviparus under different climatic conditions: Ecological and physiological backgrounds ,
International Workshop on Animal Physiology, Bogensee.-06.06.1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Southern Ocean GLOBEC ,
GLOBEC Open Science Meeting, UNESCO, Paris. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bock, C. ORCID: (1998)
Functional MRI study of brain recovery after ischaemia ,
Summer School ´98 of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, The International House of Japan, Tokio, Japan.06-01.07.98. .

Conference -Poster
Reinhardt, H. , Kriews, M. , Beninga, I. , Schrems, O. , Lüdke, C. , Hoffmann, E. and Skole, J. (1998)
Untersuchungen von Elementsignaturen in arktischen und antarktischen Eisbohrkernen mit der Laserablations-ICP-MS ,
Posterbeitrag im Rahmen des 4. Symposiums Massenspektrometrischer Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse zusammen mit dem 14. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen, 28.09.-01.10.1998, Universität Mainz. .
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Conference -Invited talk
Köhler, A. (1998)
Carcinogenesis in the liver of flatfish and metabolic changes ,
Einladung von Prof. David Hinton, Veterinary School, Davis University, 5.-7., August 1998, Bodega Bay, Kalifornien, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Köhler, A. (1998)
Use of liver histopathology in biological effect monitoring. ,
Workshop on Combined Effects in the Marine Environment. Arctic Mointoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)., 16.-17., November 1998, Kopenhagen, DK. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wacker, U. ORCID: (1998)
Zur Simulation von Mischphasenwolken in der numerischen Wettervorhersage ,
Kolloquium, Univ. Bonn, Meteorologisches Institut.11.98. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wacker, U. ORCID: (1998)
Simulation von Wolken in der hochauflösenden numerischen Wettervorhersage ,
Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität Innsbruck.07.1998 .

Conference -Invited talk
Reise, K. ORCID: (1998)
Seegraswiesen und Grünalgenmatten: Verteilung und langfristige Veränderungen ,
Nationalparkamt Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer, Tönning. .

Conference -Invited talk
Reise, K. ORCID: (1998)
Long-term change of seagrass beds in the northern Wadden Sea ,
ECSA Workshop, Wattenmeerstation Sylt. .

Conference -Invited talk
Reise, K. ORCID: (1998)
Meer oder weniger? Das Wattenmeer im ökologischen Wandel ,
Marum Universität Bremen. .

Conference -Invited talk
Reise, K. ORCID: (1998)
Exotics of the North Sea shore: Introduction ,
Workshop, Wattenmeerstation Sylt. .

Conference -Invited talk
Pörtner, H. O. ORCID:, Hardewig, I. , Peck, L. S. and Sommer, A. (1998)
Energetic aspects of cold adaptation: critical temperatures in metabolic, ionic and acid-base regulation. ,
Society for experimental Biology, York Conference.. .
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Conference -Invited talk
Pörtner, H. O. ORCID:, Michaelidis, B. and Lallier, F. (1998)
Effects of CO2 on the physiology of marine ectotherms: distinguishing tolerant and intolerant animals. ,
Workshop: CO2 and marine life. Universität Bergen.. .

Conference -Talk
Beszteri, B. ORCID:, Ács, É. , Makk, J. and Kovács, G. (1998)
Molecular biological methods in diatom taxonomy ,
40th Hidrobiological days, Tihany, Hungary. .

Conference -Poster
Groben, R. and Medlin, L. (1998)
AIMS - Automated Identification and Characterization of Microbial Populations (MAS3-CT-0080). ,
Workshop: Sensoren und Meßtechnik, 10.12.98, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buschbaum, C. ORCID: (1998)
Muscheln und Schnecken im Wattenmeer: Habitatinseln für Hartsubstratorganismen ,
Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde. .

Conference -Talk
Groben, R. and Medlin, L. (1998)
AIMS: an automated identification system for microbial populations. ,
Workshop: Aquatic Flow Cytometry: Achievments and Prospects, 15./16.10.98, Büsum, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Groben, R. (1998)
AIMS: an automated identification system for microbial populations. ,
Hanse Meeting, 21.04.98, Groningen, The Netherlands. .

Conference -Conference paper
Weidemann, W. , Heilmayer, O. and Hetzel, U. (1998)
Untersuchungen verschiedener Populationen von Musculium lacustre (O.F. Müller 1774) in Bezug auf ihre organischen Kohlenstoffgehalte und ihren Reproduktionserfolg ,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) Tagungsbericht 1997 (Frankfurt) .

Conference -Poster
Mayer, C. , Jung-Rothenhäusler, F. , Huybrechts, P. and Le Meur, E. (1998)
Investigations on Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden glacier, NE Greenland ,
19. Internationalen Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Bern (Switzerland)September - 1 October 1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1998)
Modeling the response of polar ice sheets to climatic change ,
SCAR/IASC International Symposium on Polar Aspects of Global Change, Tromsø (Norway)August 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Le Meur, E. and Huybrechts, P. (1998)
A coupled ice sheet-viscoelastic Earth model as a tool to assess the present-day imbalance of the Greenland ice sheet ,
European Geophysical Society XXIII General Assembly, Nice (F)April 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Rakowsky, N. ORCID: (1998)
The Schur complement method as a fast parallel solver for elliptic PDEs in oceanography ,
IMMB '98 28-30 September 1998 Nijmegen, The Netherlands. .

Conference -Talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
El fenómeno El Niño: bases fÃsicas e implicancias biológicas. ,
UMAG Punta Arenas und CADIC Ushuaia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
El Niño: Biologische Auswirkungen im Ostpazifik. ,
Zoologisches Kolloquium Univ. Wien. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
El Niño-Biologische Auswirkungen ,
8. Symposium "Aktuelle Probleme der Meeresumwelt", BSH, Hamburg. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
Stand und Perspektiven der biologischen Antarktisforschung in Deutschland. ,
DFG-Kolloquium Programm Koordinierte Antarktisforschung, München. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
Suspension feeders - key players in Antarctic ecosystems? ,
SCAR Biology Symposium, Christchurch/NZ. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
El Niño: daños y beneficios. ,
Comisión Colombiana de Oceanografía, Bogotá/Kolumbien. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
Ecosystems that drifted apart: The Antarctic-Magellan connection. ,
Second International Symposium "Arctic-Antarctic: Poles Apart", Punta Arenas/Chile. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
El Niño: Ein quasiperiodisches Klimaereignis steuert Ökologie und Ökonomie. ,
Vortragsreihe "Aktuelle Probleme des globalen Wandels", Univ. Konstanz. .

Conference -Invited talk
Arntz, W. (1998)
El Niño: daños y beneficios: resumen 1982/82 y 1997/98. ,
International Symposium "El Niño en América Latina, sus impactos biológicos y sociales", Lima/Peru. .

Conference -Invited talk
Olbers, D. ORCID: (1998)
Physics and Models of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current ,
World Ocean Experiment Conference, Ocean circulation and climate, Halifax, Canada, May 24-29 .

Conference -Poster
Weinberg, E. V. , Eckert, C. , Masuda, Y. , Efremova, S. M. and Mehl, D. (1998)
The peculiarities of sponges spicule composition in Holocene - Pleistocene sediments of the underwater Akademichesky Ridge of Lake Baikal ,
5th Int. Sponge Symposium 1998 'Origin & Outlook': Book of Abstracts .

Conference -Poster
Eckert, C. and Müller, J. (1998)
Der Baikalsee ein kontinentales Klimaarchiv für die Zeit zu Beginn der Vereisung der Nordhemisphäre ,
ICDP/KTB-Kolloquium (4./5. Juni 1998, Ruhr-Universität Bochum). .

Conference -Invited talk
Hanelt, D. (1998)
Marine Makroalgen unter Starklichtstress ,
Botanikertagung 1998, Bremen. .

Conference -Talk
Hense, I. and Bathmann, U. (1998)
Spiny Phytoplankton - slowing down the Carbon Pump in the Southern Ocean? ,
ASLO Symposium. .

Conference -Poster
Kriews, M. and Kühn, M. (1998)
Multielementanalytik in Meerwasser unter Verwendung eines automatischen Matrixabtrennungs- und Anreicherungs-System. ,
Posterbeitrag auf dem 4. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 28.9.-1.10.1998, Mainz. .

Conference -Poster
Lüdke, C. , Hoffmann, E. and Kriews, M. (1998)
Bestimmung der Zusammensetzung von größenklassierten Partikeln im arktischen Aerosol. Vortrag auf dem 4. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 28.9.-1.10.1998, Mainz. ,
Vortrag auf dem 4. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 28.9.-1.10.1998, Mainz. .

Conference -Talk
Kriews, M. , Stölting, I. and Schresm, O. (1998)
Einsatz der ICP-MS zur Charakterisierung von kontinuierlich gewonnenen Schneeproben aus der Arktis. ,
Vortrag auf dem 4. Symposium Massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, 28.9.-1.10.1998, Mainz. .

Conference -Poster
Weller, R. ORCID:, Kriews, M. , Minikin, A. , Bluszcz, T. and Schrems, O. (1998)
Black carbon measurements in surface air over the Atlantic (60°N-60°S) and at Neumayer Station, Antarctica. ,
Posterbeitrag auf dem Joint International Symposium on Global Atmospheric Chemistry, 19.-25.8.1998, Seattle, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Medlin, L. (1998)
The molecular clock and the origin of the secondary endosymbiosis. ,
Sept 1998 Invited Symposium Speaker, Satellite Meeting to 6th Int. Congress on Photosynthesis, Budapest Hungary. .

Conference -Invited talk
Medlin, L. (1998)
Evolution of the Haptophyta. ,
Sept 1998 Invited Symposium Speaker, The Flagellate Symposium, Birmingham UK. .

Conference -Invited talk
Medlin, L. (1998)
The molecular clock and the origin of the secondary endosymbiosis. ,
May 1998 Invited Seminar Speaker, Univ. Oslo, Norway. .

Conference -Invited talk
Boersma, M. ORCID: (1998)
Factors determining food quality for herbivorous zooplankton ,
ESF workshop on Plankton population dynamics: food web interactions and abiotic constrains, Konstanz, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Krause, R. (1998)
Vom Polarverein (1869) zur Geographischen Gesellschaft in Bremen - Bremens Beitrag zur Polarforschung und zur Geographie bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts ,
Eröffnungsvortrag der Session 1998/99 der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Bremen,N/A,N/A. .

Conference -Poster
El Naggar, S. E. D. and Rochlitzer, R. (1998)
An Electronic Personal Dosimeter ( ELUV-14) for Outdoor UV-B-Dosimetry ,
Abstracts of the European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation, Helsinki, Finnland June 29- July 2 .

Conference -Invited talk
Rex, M. ORCID: (1998)
The Match approach to measure ozone loss rates in the Arctic stratosphere ,
Seminar talk at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Rex, M. ORCID: (1998)
Arctic ozone loss in recent winters using the Match technique ,
POAM science meeting, Berkeley Springs, Oktober 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Schiel, S. (1998)
Biolumineszenz mariner Organismen (Probevorlesung) ,
Universität Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Gutt, J. (1998)
Megabenthic diversity: a polar comparison. ,
Contemporary issues in Marine Biodiversity. The Natural History Museum and The Linnean Society of London, London, England. Sept 1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (1998)
Die antarktische Copepodengemeinschaft im Wechsel der Jahreszeiten ,
Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg. .

Conference -Talk
Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Tarling, G. and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Impact of a climatic gradient on the physiological ecology of the Northern krill, Meganyctiphanes norvegica (Euphausiacea) ,
4th International Crustcean Congress, (20-24 July), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. .

Conference -Poster
Schumann, P. , Saborowski, R. ORCID: and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Effects of nutrition and temperature on the activity of citrate synthase, amylase, and trypsin in the Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) ,
4th International Crustacean Congress, (20-24 July), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. .

Conference -Invited talk
Mackensen, A. ORCID: (1998)
Stable carbon isotopes in benthic foraminifera: Reliable proxies in high-latitude paleoceanography? ,
Seminarvortrag Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen. .

Conference -Poster
Brugger, A. , Reitner, B. , Kolar, I. , Quéric, N. V. and Herndl, G. J. (1998)
Spatial and temporal distribution of bacteria and organic carbon in the shore zone of the River Enns ,
Workshop: Uferfiltrat, Dresden.-14.05.1999. .

Conference -Invited talk
Notholt, J. (1998)
Zeitliche und räumliche Variationen von Spurengasen aus bodengebundenen Messungen mit Hilfe eines Interferometers ,
Institut für Meteorologie, FB Geowissenschaten, Freie Universität Berlin. .

Conference -Invited talk
Notholt, J. (1998)
Temporal and spatial variations of trace gase measurements by the FTIR and FTUV/vis spectroscopy ,
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Lauder, Neuseeland. .

Conference -Talk
Weidemann, W. , Hetzel, U. and Heilmayer, O. (1998)
Untersuchungen verschiedener Populationen von Musculium lacustre (O.F. Müller 1774) in Bezug auf ihre organischen Kohlenstoffgehalte und ihren Reproduktionserfolg ,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 1997 (Frankfurt) .

Conference -Conference paper
Heilmayer, O. , Hetzel, U. and Weidemann, W. (1998)
Vergleichende Populationsdynamik sympatrisch und allopatrisch auftretender Populationen von Musculium lacustre (O.F. Müller 1774) ,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 1997 (Frankfurt) .

Conference -Poster
Hanfland, C. , Legeleux, F. , Höltzen, H. and Rutgers v. d. Loeff, M. ORCID: (1998)
228Ra als Tracer für die Verbreitung von Schelfwasser in der Arktis und im südlichen Atlantischen Ozean ,
19. Internationale Polartagung, 28.9.-2.10.1998, Bern, Schweiz. .

Conference -Invited talk
Dethloff, K. (1998)
Regional climate simulation of the Arctic atmosphere ,
Acsys-NEG Workshop Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Dethloff, K. , Handorf, D. ORCID: and Weisheimer, A. (1998)
Natürliche Klimavariabilität in einem gekoppelten Atmosphäre-Ozean- Zirkulationsmodell moderater Komplexität ,
Kick-off-Workshop des HGF Stategieverbundprojektes, Potsdam. .

Conference -Invited talk
Dethloff, K. (1998)
Der Puls der polaren Atmosphäre ,
Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Forschungsstelle Potsdam. .

Conference -Invited talk
Dethloff, K. (1998)
Simulation of Arctic climate by means of a regional model ,
ACSYS - NEG Workshop, Kiel. .

Conference -Poster
Isla, E. , Barcena, M. A. , Palanques, A. , Plaza, A. , Puig, P. , Guillen, J. , Flores, J. A. and Sierro, F. J. (1998)
Paleoceanogrphic evolution in the Western Bransfield Strait (Antarctica) from last 2000 yr record of carbon and opal storage. ,
VI International Conference on Paleoceanography, Lisbon, Portugal, August, abstract. .

Conference -Poster
Ditzer, T. , Förster, M. , Köhler, P. ORCID:, Glauner, R. and Huth, A. (1998)
The process-based stand growth model FORMIX3-Q applied in a GIS-environment for growth and yield analysis in a tropical rain forest ,
IUFRO-Conference Process-Based models for Forest Management. 30.08.-04.09.1998, Rovaniemi and Saariselkä, Finland. .
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Conference -Invited talk
Eisen, O. ORCID: (1998)
Die Surge des Variegated Glacier - Zusammenhang mit kurz- und langfristigen Klimaeinflüssen ,
Eingeladener Vortrag, Seminar des Instituts für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität Innsbruck, 14. Oktober 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Köhler, P. ORCID: (1998)
Comparison of measured and modelled growth on permanent plots in Sabahs rain forests ,
Workshop Modelling of Ecosystems. Westerhever, Germany.-11.11.1998. .

Conference -Talk
Köhler, P. ORCID: (1998)
Process-based modelling of tropical rain forest - simulations with FORMIND and FORMIX ,
IUFRO-Conference Process-Based models for Forest Management.} Rovaniemi and Saariselkä, Finland.08.-04.09.1998. .

Conference -Talk
Didié, C. and Bauch, H. A. (1998)
Benthische Tiefsee-Ostracoden im Nordatlantik und ihre Reaktion auf spätquartäre Klimawechsel ,
SEDIMENT '98, 9.-12.6.1998, Erlangen, Deutschland. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1998)
Zeitlicher Trend im Redfield Verhältnis des ozeanischen Tiefenwassers ,
Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel. Dezember 1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1998)
Marine algae: Decelerators of global warming? ,
Ecologia Europaea, French Academy of Sciences, Strasbourg. August 1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1998)
Effekte von CO2 auf das marine Plankton ,
Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg. Juni 1998. .

Conference -Poster
Ramdohr, S. , Plötz, J. , Carlini, A. and Engelschalk, C. (1998)
Physiological adaptations in the lipid metabolism of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) ,
Meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals, XXV SCAR & COMNAP Meetings, July 1998, Concepcion, Chile. .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. , Plötz, J. , Ramdohr, S. , Kreyscher, M. and Sellmann, L. (1998)
Southern elephant seals and Antarctic sea ice ,
Meeting of the SCAR Group of Specialists on Seals, XXV SCAR & COMNAP Meetings, July 1998, Concepcion, Chile .

Conference -Talk
Plötz, J. (1998)
New tools for studying the migratory and foraging behaviour of Antarctic seals ,
SCAR-APIS Seal Group workshop, 31 August-4 September 1998, Christchurch, New Zealand. .

Conference -Poster
Heilmayer, O. , Hetzel, U. and Weidemann, W. (1998)
Aspects of the population dynamics of two populations of Musculium lacustre (O.F. MÜLLER 1774) (Bivalvia: Eulamellibranchiata: Sphaeriidae). ,
13th World Congress of Malacology, Washington .

Conference -Invited talk
Schröter, J. ORCID: and Yaremchuk, A. I. (1998)
Variance estimation of inverse solutions ,
WOCE/GODAE Workshop on basin-wide and global data assimilation, Johns-Hopkins University Baltimore, U.S.A., March 9 - 11 .

Conference -Poster
Kuhn, G. ORCID:, Hoffmann, A. , Diekmann, B. ORCID:, Gersonde, R. , Brathauer, U. , Fütterer, D. and Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
Accumulation rates of biogenic and terrigenous components in Late Quaternary sediments of the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean): response to rapid global climate changes ,
6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, Lisbon, August 24-28, 1998, ICP VI Program and Abstracts: 146. .

Conference -Poster
Hoppenrath, M. (1998)
Sand-dwelling dinoflagellates of the Wadden Sea (List/Sylt), with special emphasis on Roscoffia capitata. ,
NTNU Vitensk. mus. Rapp. bot. Ser. 1998-I; .

Conference -Talk
Dolven, J. K. , Cortese, G. and Bjørklund, K. R. (1998)
Surface sediment radiolarian faunal provinces and a paleotemperature reconstruction across the Younger Dryas/Holocene boundary in the eastern Norwegian Sea ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, Moscow, Russia .

Conference -Invited talk
Cortese, G. and Bjørklund, K. R. (1998)
Radiolarian faunal provinces in surface sediments of the Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian (GIN) Seas as deducted by multivariate techniques ,
SFB313, Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, July, 26th, Kiel, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Cortese, G. and Bjørklund, K. R. (1998)
Cyclic Messinian Radiolarian rich diatomites from Falconara, Sicily, Italy ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wagner, D. (1998)
Methane production and release of trace gases from subarctic tundra, Siberia ,
Second TUNDRA Meeting, Utrecht, The NetherlandsDecember 1998. .

Conference -Invited talk
Uenzelmann-Neben, G. ORCID: (1998)
Neogene Sedimentation History of the Congo Fan. EOS Transactions, 79, p. F498. ,
AGU Fall Meeting, December, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Uenzelmann-Neben, G. ORCID:, Gohl, K. ORCID:, Ehrhardt, A. and Seargent, M. (1998)
Agulhas Plateau, SW Indian Ocean: New Evidence for Excessive Volcanism. EOS Transactions, 79, p. F871. ,
AGU Fall Meeting, December, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Asmus, H. ORCID: and Asmus, R. ORCID: (1998)
Trophic structure and dynamics of the intertidal ecosystem, the Sylt Römö Bay - are there actual changes in the food web of the Wadden Sea? ,
Lecture, ECSA 29, Estuarine Research and Management in Developed and Developing Countries, 13-17 July, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. .

Conference -Talk
Asmus, H. ORCID: and Asmus, R. ORCID: (1998)
Carbon flow in seagrass beds of the Sylt Römö Bay ,
Lecture, ECSA - Workshop on Intertidal Seagrass Beds and Algal Mats: Organisms and Fluxes at the Ecosystem Level, 7-13 August, List, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Asmus, R. ORCID: and Asmus, H. ORCID: (1998)
Benthic sinks and sources of dissolved and particulate material in the Sylt-Römö-Bay ,
Lecture, Baltic Sea Science Conference, 23-26 November, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Schanz, A. (1998)
Prey detection of arctic necrophagous amphipods ,
Poster, EMBS 33, 7-11 September, Wilhelmshaven, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Kempken, F. , Jacobsen, S. and Kück, U. (1998)
The biology of Restless, a fungal member of the hAT-transposon family ,
Poster, 4th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Leon, Spain. .

Conference -Invited talk
Strasser, M. (1998)
Mya arenaria - an ancient Invader of the North Sea Shore ,
Invited Lecture, Symposium Exotic Invaders of the North Sea Shore, 19-21 Feb., Sylt, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Strasser, M. (1998)
High recruitment of the bivalve Cerastoderma edule after a strong winter in the intertidal Wadden Sea ,
Benthic Ecology Meeting, 12-15 March, Melbourne - Florida, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Hillenbrand, C. D. , Grobe, H. ORCID: and Fütterer, D. (1998)
Paläoumweltrekonstruktion an antarktischen Kontinentalrandsedimenten im Amundsenmeer (pazifischer Sektor des Südpolarmeeres) ,
SEDIMENT ´98, 9.-13. Juni, Erlangen, Deutschland. .

Conference -Conference paper
Thiede, J. , Nørgaard-Pedersen, N. and Spielhagen, R. (1998)
High-resolution stratigraphy of Upper Cenozoic northern high latitude glacial marine sediments ,
GEOSCIENCE 98, 14-18 April, Keele University, Bristol, UK .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Samtleben, C. , Andruleit, H. , Baumann, A. , Hass, C. ORCID:, Jensen, S. , Kohly, A. , Schröder-Ritzrau, A. and Schiefer, P. (1998)
Der Ozean: Planktongemeinschaften im Holozän des Nordatlantiks - zuverlässige Zeugen des Klimawandels? ,
Geo-Berlin '98, 150 Jahre Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, 6-9 Okt., Berlin, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Bauch, H. , Kassens, H. , Erlenkeuser, H. , Spielhagen, R. and Grootes, P. (1998)
Holocene sedimentation history of the Laptev Sea shelf: Implications of sea-level changes in the Arctic ,
Third International Conference on Arctic Margins (ICAM III), 12-16 Oct., Celle, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, F. (1998)
Forschungsinsel Helgoland ,
Öffentlicher Vortrag, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven. .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Kassens, H. , Spielhagen, R. and Wolf-Welling, T. (1998)
Cenozoic glacial history: the northern hemisphere story and perspectives ,
European Drilling Forum, 19-21 Oct., Edinburgh, UK .

Conference -Poster
Thiede, J. , Cepek, M. , Brückmann, W. , Hay, W. , Söding, E. , Spieß, V. , Tiedemann, R. ORCID: and Wefer, G. (1998)
Vereinheitlichte Chronostratigraphie für DSDP Bohrungen in der Umgebung des Walfischrücken, Südatlantik ,
Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Ocean Drilling Program / Deep Sea Drilling Project", 4-6 März, Freiburg, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Henrich, R. , Baumann, K. H. , Huber, R. and Meggers, H. (1998)
Veränderungen pelagischer Karbonatflüsse seit dem Pliozän: Rekonstruktion polarer atlantischer Wassermassen im Nordatlantik (Synthese der Ergebnisse der ODP Legs 105, 151 und 162 ,
Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Ocean Drilling Program / Deep Sea Drilling Project", 4-6 März, Freiburg, Germany .

Conference -Poster
Thiede, J. , Söding, E. , Brückmann, W. , Cepek, M. , Tiedemann, R. ORCID: and Wefer, G. (1998)
Das Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network (ODSN): Status und Dienste ,
Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Ocean Drillling Program /Deep Sea Drilling Project", 4-6 März, Freiburg, Germany .

Conference -Poster
Thiede, J. , Winkler, A. , Wolf-Welling, T. and Stattegger, K. (1998)
Cenozoic Artic-North Atlantic sedimentation (ODP Legs 151/909, 162/985 ,
Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Ocean Drilling Program / Deep Sea Drilling Project", 4-6 März, Freiburg, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. (1998)
Interglacialer = varmetider i Nordvesteuropas palæoceanografi ,
Klimadebatten - geologisk set (DFG), 21 Nov. 1997, Kopenhagen, Denmark .

Conference -Poster
Thiede, J. , Cepek, V. , Spieß, V. , Wefer, G. , Brückmann, W. , Hay, W. , Söding, E. and Tiedemann, R. ORCID: (1998)
A standardized chronostratigraphy of DSDP sites at the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic ,
6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, 23-28 August , Lisbon, Portugal .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. (1998)
Folgen einer Klimaänderung: Natürliche Klimaänderungen in der geologischen Vergangenheit und ihre Aussagekraft für die Zukunft ,
VDEW-Symposium "Treibhaus oder Eiszeit? Die Rolle der Stromversorger im Spannungsfeld von Klimaforschung und Klimaschutzpolitik, 22-23 Oct. 1997, Mannheim, Germany. .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Drachev, S. and NAD, S. (1998)
Scientific Drilling in the Arctic ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, 17-20 Febr., Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. and Bauch, H. (1998)
Quaternary environment of the Eurasian North (QUEEN): An overview of ongoing activities ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, 17-20 Febr., Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Kassens, H. , Dmitrenko, I. , Timokhov, L. and Scientific Party of the Laptev Sea System Project (1998)
Land-shelf coupling in the Siberian Arctic: The Laptev Sea System ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, 17-20 Febr., Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
Thiede, J. , Nørgaard-Pedersen, N. and Spielhagen, R. (1998)
Arctic Ocean Pilo-Pleistocene record: Implications for circum-arctic glaciation history ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, 17-20 Febr., Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Conference paper
Waite, D. , Frey, S. , Immler, F. , Müller, M. ORCID:, Rairoux, P. , Rodriguez, M. , Stein, B. , Wedekind, C. , Wille, H. , Wöste, L. and Zimmer, W. (1998)
Multiple Wavelength Rotational Raman Lidar For Calibration Free Determination of Tropospheric Temperatures / Singh, U. N. , Ismail, S. and Schwemmer, G. K. (editors) ,
Nineteenth International Laser Radar Conference, NASA- Publications, Langley Research Center .

Conference -Talk
Stachura-Suchoples, K. (1998)
The microfossil record of environmental changes in the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic) during last 200 years. ,
Symposium and workshop: Gdansk Basin, Gdansk, Poland. .

Conference -Poster
Stachura-Suchoples, K. (1998)
Rozprzestrzenienie bioindykacyjnych gatunków okrzemek (Bacillariophycae) w osadach powierzchniowych Zatoki Gdanskiej. ,
XVII Sympozjum Sekcji Fykologicznej PTB, Poland. .

Conference -Poster
Lüder, U. , Knoetzel, J. and Wiencke, C. (1998)
Anpassungen des Photosyntheseapparates der endemisch antarktischen Rotalge Palmaria decipiens an jahreszeitlich unterschiedliche Lichtbedingungen ,
Berichtskolloquium "Antarktisforschung mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in arktischen Eisgebieten" der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, June 9-10, Munich, Germany .

Conference -Poster
Lüder, U. , Knoetzel, J. and Wiencke, C. (1998)
Anpassungen des Photosyntheseapparates der endemisch antarktischen Rotalge Palmaria decipiens an jahreszeitlich unterschiedliche Lichtbedingungen ,
Botanikertagung, Aug. 30 - Sep. 6, Bremen, Germany .

Conference -Conference paper
Rice, A. L. , Gage, J. D. , Weikert, H. , Wolff, G. , Hall, P. , Vincx, M. , Treguer, P. , Laubier, L. , Patching, J. , Sibuet, M. , Brey, T. ORCID:, Danovaro, R. , Duineveld, G. and Roberts, D. (1998)
High resolution temporal and spatial study of the benthic biology and geochemistry of a north-eastern Atlantic abyssal locality (project Bengal) ,
Third european marine science and technology conference (MAST conference), Lisbon, 23-27 May 1998: Project synopses,Vol.1: Marine systems .

Conference -Talk
Deubel, H. (1998)
Struktur und Verbreitung benthischer Lebensgemeinschaften am Lomonossowrücken und in angrenzenden Tiefseebecken der zentralen Arktis. ,
Kolloquium für Ökologie, Naturschutz, Spezielle Botanik und Spezielle Zoologie, Universität Marburg, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Graeve, M. ORCID: and Scailteur, Y. (1998)
Lipid analysis of Antarctic amphipods: a supplementary tool for ecologists to estimate the feeding mode. ,
Conference on Marine Lipids, Brest, France.. .

Conference -Poster
Jacobi, H. W. , Weller, R. ORCID: and Schrems, O. (1998)
Latitudinal distribution of PAN mixing ratios over the Atlantic Ocean ,
Joint International Symposium on Global Atmospheric Chemistry, 19-25 Aug., Seattle, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Müller, C. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Kleiber, H. P. , Niessen, F. ORCID:, Schoster, F. and Stein, R. ORCID: (1998)
Late Quaternary sedimentary facies, inorganic geochemistry and stratigraphy in the deep-sea off the Laptev Sea ,
2nd Annual QUEEN Workshop, Februar 5 -8, St. Petersburg, Russia. .

Conference -Talk
Matthießen, J. ORCID: (1998)
RV Akademik Boris Petrov Expedition to the Kara Sea, summer 1997 ,
2nd annual QUEEN workshop, February 5 - 8, St. Petersburg, Russia. .

Conference -Invited talk
de Vernal, A. , Turon, J. L. , Rochon, A. , Matthießen, J. ORCID: and Kunz-Pirrung, M. (1998)
Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts as tracers of sea-surface temperatures, salinity and seasonality in high latitude marine environments ,
6th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates Dino 6, June 7 12, Trondheim, NTNU, Rapp. bot. ser. 1998-1: .

Conference -Talk
Marret, F. , de Vernal, A. , Harland, R. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Rochon, A. , Turon, J. L. , Zonneveld, K. , Hoeck, R. and Willems, H. (1998)
Pole to pole dinoflagellate cyst distribution in surface sediments: Ecological and oceanographical significance ,
6th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates Dino 6, Juni 7- 12, Trondheim, NTNU, Rapp. bot. ser. 1998-1: .

Conference -Talk
Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Turon, J. L. , Eynaud, F. and Labracherie, M. (1998)
Dinoflagellate cysts evidence for sea-surface conditions in the southeastern Norwegian Sea during the last glacial/interglacial cycle ,
6th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates Dino 6, June 7 12, Trondheim, NTNU, Rapp. bot. ser. 1998-1: .

Conference -Talk
Hass, C. ORCID:, Baumann, A. , Baumann, K. H. , Kohly, A. , Jensen, S. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Samtleben, C. , Schäfer, P. , Schröder-Ritzrau, A. and Thiede, J. (1998)
The weird and the boring periods of the Holocene as reflected in plankton records from the Nordic Seas ,
Workshop on "Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic", 6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, August 23, Lisboa, Portugal. .

Conference -Poster
Manthé, S. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Cortijo, E. , Peypouquet, J. P. , Labracherie, M. , Turon, J. L. , Labeyrie, L. and Duprat, J. (1998)
Influence of the North Atlantic Drift on the high climatic variability between 45-30,000 years B.P. in the southern part of Norwegian Sea ,
6th International Conference on Paleoceanography, August 23, Lisboa, Portugal. .

Conference -Talk
Schröder-Ritzrau, A. , Andruleit, H. , Baumann, A. , Hass, C. ORCID:, Kohly, A. , Jensen, S. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Samtleben, C. , Schäfer, P. and Thiede, J. (1998)
Particle flux variability in the polar and Atlantic domains: The micropaleontological view ,
Workshop on "Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic", International Conference on Paleoceanography VI, August 23, Lisboa, Portugal. .

Conference -Poster
Boucsein, B. , Fahl, K. ORCID:, Knies, J. , Matthießen, J. ORCID: and Stein, R. ORCID: (1998)
Reconstruction of organic carbon deposition along the Laptev Sea continental margin ,
3rd International Conference on Arctic Margins, 12.-16. Oktober, Celle, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Kunz-Pirrung, M. , Fahl, K. ORCID:, Spielhagen, R. F. and Stein, R. ORCID: (1998)
Aquatic palynomorphs as tracers for changes in surface water conditions at the Laptev Sea continental margin during the last deglaciation ,
- 3rd International Conference on Arctic Margins, 12.-16. Oktober, Celle, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Müller, C. , Kleiber, H. P. , Knies, J. , Matthießen, J. ORCID:, Niessen, F. ORCID: and Stein, R. ORCID: (1998)
Late Quaternary sedimentation processes and paleoenvironmental development along the Laptev Sea continental margin ,
3rd International Conference on Arctic Margins, October 12 -16, Celle, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Lobbes, J. M. , Fitznar, H. P. and Kattner, G. (1998)
Dissolved organic matter in the Eurasian Arctic Ocean: Origin and fate. ,
Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego. - 13.02.98. .

Conference -Poster
Fitznar, H. P. , Lobbes, J. M. and Kattner, G. (1998)
Riverine amino acid and lignin discharge to the Siberian shelves. ,
Ocean Science Meeting, San Diego, 09. - 13.02.98. .

Conference -Poster
Kattner, G. , Lobbes, J. M. and Fitznar, H. P. (1998)
On the riverine contribution of organic matter to the Arctic Ocean ,
Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Oceanography, Lucca, Italien. - 08.05.98. .

Conference -Talk
Hagen, W. , Kattner, G. , Sargent, J. R. and Falk-Petersen, S. (1998)
Life cycle strategies and the lipid diversity of polar zooplankton. ,
30th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, Liège, Belgien. - 08.05.98. .

Conference -Talk
Bussmann, I. ORCID: and Kattner, G. (1998)
Distribution of dissolved organic carbon in the central Arctic Ocean ,
30th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, Liège, Belgien. - 08.05.98. .

Conference -Poster
Kattner, G. , Graeve, M. ORCID: and Hagen, W. (1998)
Exceptional lipids and fatty acids in the pteropod Clione limacina ,
Conference on Marine Lipids, Brest. - 20.11.98. .

Conference -Talk
Mackensen, A. ORCID: (1998)
Stable carbon isotopes in benthic foraminifera: Accurate proxies in high-latitude paleoceanography? ,
International Symposium on Foramininfera, Monterrey, Mexico. .

Conference -Poster
Mackensen, A. ORCID: (1998)
Stable carbon isotopes in benthic foraminifera: Accurate proxies in high-latitude paleoceanography? ,
International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP VI), Lissabon. .

Conference -Invited talk
Oerter, H. (1998)
Grönland - Bilder aus 10 Jahren Arbeit und Reisen ,
Kreisvolkshochschule Landkreis Diepholz, Kirchdorf. Okt. 1998. .

Conference -Poster
Hagen, W. and Kattner, G. (1998)
Energetische Anpassungen an eine extreme Umwelt: Zur Rolle der Lipide im polaren Zooplankton ,
DFG-Berichtskolloquium "Koordiniertes Programm Antarktisforschung", München .

Conference -Poster
Kattner, G. and Hagen, W. (1998)
Life Strategies and Lipid Metabolism of Polar Copepods ,
33rd EMBS, Wilhelmshaven. .

Conference -Conference paper
Kindermann, L. (1998)
An Addition to Backpropagation for Computing Functional Roots ,
Proceedings of the International ICSC/IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC'98), Vienna. .

Conference -Conference paper
Protzel, P. , Kindermann, L. , Tagscherer, M. and Lewandowski, A. (1998)
Adaptive Systemidentifikation mit Neuronalen Netzen zur Profilsteuerung in Walzwerken ,
VDI Berichte .

Conference -Conference paper
Kindermann, L. (1998)
Computing Iterative Roots with Neural Networks ,
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP98), Kitakyushu. .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. , Plötz, J. , Ramdohr, S. and Sellmann, L. (1998)
Southern elephant seal migration and Antarctic sea ice ,
In: Miller H (Hrsg) Koordiniertes Programm Antarktisforschung. Berichtskolloquium im Rahmen des Koordinierten Programms Antarktisforschung mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in arktischen Eisgebieten. Reports on Polar Research, Alfred Wegener Institute .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. , Plötz, J. , Ramdohr, S. , Kreyscher, M. and Sellmann, L. (1998)
Southern elephant seal migration and Antarctic sea ice ,
2nd International Symposium on Physiology and Ethology of Wild and Zoo Animals, 0710 October 1998, Berlin, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. , Plötz, J. , Ramdohr, S. , Kreyscher, M. and Sellmann, L. (1998)
Southern elephant seal migration and Antarctic sea ice ,
21st Symposium on Polar Biology, National Institute of Polar Research, 0304 December 1998, Tokyo, Japan. .

Conference -Poster
Bornemann, H. and Plötz, J. (1998)
Advances in logger technology for studying the at-sea behaviour of pinnipeds ,
21st Symposium on Polar Biology, National Institute of Polar Research, 0304 December 1998, Tokyo, Japan. .

Conference -Talk
Bornemann, H. and Plötz, J. (1998)
Southern elephant seal migration and Antarctic sea Ice ,
German ARGOS users meeting, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 25 June 1998, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Bornemann, H. and Plötz, J. (1998)
A unique data management concept for a comparative study of the foraging and migratory behaviour of seals ,
APIS Meeting, SCAR-Group of Specialists on Seals, XXV SCAR & X COMNAP Meeting, 17 July 1998, Concepcion, Chile. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bornemann, H. and Plötz, J. (1998)
Nahrungswanderungen des südlichen See-Elefanten in Abhängigkeit zur Meereisbedeckung ,
Polarökologischen Kolloquium, Institut für Polarökologie, 26 October 1998, Kiel, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Gersonde, R. , Abelmann, A. , Arz, H. , Brathauer, U. , Censarek, B. , Hale, W. , Kuhn, G. ORCID:, Mulitza, S. , Niebler, S. , Paetzold, J. , Segl, M. , Sieger, R. , Zielinski, U. and Wefer, G. (1998)
Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperatures and sea ice distribution in the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean ,
AGU 1998 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Eos Trans. Suppl. Abstract OS22F-08. .

Conference -Poster
Bergmann, M. ORCID:, Wieczorek, S. K. , Atkinson, R. J. A. and Moore, P. G. (1998)
Composition, damage and survival of non-target invertebrate discards from the Nephrops fishery in the Clyde Sea area, Scotland, UK ,
ICES Symposium: Marine benthos dynamics: environmental and fisheries impacts, 5-7th of October 1998, Crete (Greece). .

Conference -Talk
Timmermann, R. and Beckmann, A. (1998)
Seasonal variability of sea ice in a coupled ice-ocean model focussed on the Weddell Sea ,
EGS 23rd General Assembly, April, Nice, France. .

Conference -Talk
Beckmann, A. , Hellmer, H. ORCID: and Timmermann, R. (1998)
A Numerical Model of the Weddell Sea: Large Scale Circulation and Water Mass Distribution ,
EGS 23rd General Assembly, Nice, France. .

Conference -Poster
Timmermann, R. , Beckmann, A. and Hellmer, H. ORCID: (1998)
Sea Ice in a Coupled Ice-Ocean Model Focussed on the Weddell Sea ,
30th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, Liege, Belgium. .

Conference -Talk
Huebscher, C. , Breitzke, M. and Spiess, V. (1998)
A high-resolution reconnaissance seismic survey in the Bengal Fan ,
EGS 18th General Assembly, Nice, France. .

Conference -Invited talk
Breitzke, M. (1998)
Vom Sedimentkorn zur marin-seismischen Sektion - Abbildung und Modellierung der Mikro- und Makrostrukturen mariner Sedimente ,
Sonderkolloquium, 8 January, GEOMAR, Kiel .

Conference -Talk
Breitzke, M. , Spiess, V. , Huebscher, C. , Zuehlsdorff, L. , Janke, A. , Bleil, U. and Uenzelmann-Neben, G. ORCID: (1998)
Die neogenen Sedimente der Ceará Schwelle im Abbild unterschiedlicher, hochauflösender marin-seismischer Messsysteme ,
58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 3 April, Göttingen. .

Conference -Talk
Huebscher, C. , Breitzke, M. , Spiess, V. and Zuehlsdorff, L. (1998)
Hochauflösende seismsiche Messungen im Bengal Fächer ,
58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 03 April, Göttingen. .

Conference -Talk
Spiess, V. , Huebscher, C. , Zuehlsdorff, L. , Boeke, W. , Breitzke, M. and Janke, A. (1998)
Ein Konzept zur Optimierung höchstauflösender marin-seismischer Messungen ,
58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 3 April, Göttingen. .

Conference -Invited talk
Breitzke, M. (1998)
Lithologische Klassifizierung mariner Sedimente mittels hochauflösender Ultraschall Transmissionsmessungen ,
4. Arbeitssitzung der FKPE ARGE "Bohrloch- und Gesteinsphysik", Hannover. .

Conference -Poster
Spiess, V. and Breitzke, M. (1998)
A High-Resolution Seismic Survey on the Ceará Rise - Imaging the Terrigenous Input during the Neogene by Different Marine Seismic Systems ,
AGU Fall Meeting, 6-10 Dec, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. (1998)
Elastische Wellenausbreitung in marinen Sedimenten - Teil 1: Hochauflösende Ultraschalluntersuchungen an terrigenen und biogenen Sedimentkernen ,
58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 3 April, Göttingen .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. (1998)
Elastische Wellenausbreitung in marinen Sedimenten - Teil 2: Biotsche Modellierung und Inversion von Ultraschalluntersuchungen an marinen Sedimentkernen ,
58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 3 April, Göttingen. .

Conference -Poster
Zuehlsdorff, L. , Spiess, V. , Huebscher, C. and Breitzke, M. (1998)
Hochauflösende seismische Vermessungen an der Ostflanke des Juan de Fuca Rückens - Hinweise auf thermisch gesteuerten Fluidaufstieg ? ,
58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 30 März - 3 April, Göttingen. .

Conference -Poster
Breitzke, M. (1998)
Terrigene und biogene Sedimentkerne - Abbilder ihrer Mikrostrukturen in hochauflösenden Ultraschall Transmissionsuntersuchungen ,
Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Ocean Drilling Program/Deep Sea Drilling Project" (ODP/DSDP), 4-6 März, Freiburg. .

Conference -Poster
Zuehlsdorff, L. , Spiess, V. , Huebscher, C. and Breitzke, M. (1998)
Hochauflösende seismische Vermessungen an der Ostflanke des Juan de Fuca Rückens in Verbindung zu ODP Leg 168 - Hinweise auf thermisch gesteuerten Fluidaufstieg ? ,
Kolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Ocean Drilling Program/Deep Sea Drilling Project" (ODP/DSDP), 4-6 März, Freiburg. .

Conference -Poster
Herzfeld, M. , Schodlok, M. and Tomczak, M. (1998)
Water mass formation, upwelling and fronts in the Great Australian Bight ,
TOS (The Oceanographic Society) and IOC (International Oceanographic Commission) Meeting on Coastal and Marginal Seas,June 1998, Paris, France. .

Conference -Talk
Schodlok, M. and Hellmer, H. ORCID: (1998)
Spreading of water masses formed in the Weddell Sea ,
EGS Conference, April 1998, Nice, France. .

Conference -Talk
Fach, B. , Hofmann, E. E. , Klinck, J. M. , Locarnini, R. A. and Murphy, E. J. (1998)
Relationship between biological transport and the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Scotia Sea ,
Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Diego, USAFebruar 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Fach, B. , Hofmann, E. E. and Murphy, E. J. (1998)
Modeling studies of krill survival during transport across the Scotia Sea ,
Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California; 6-10 Dezember 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Molis, M. ORCID: (1998)
What butterfly fish can tell us about a reef´s condition ,
International Society of Coral Reefs European Symposium,1-4 Sept. 1998, Perpignan, France. .

Conference -Talk
Esper, O. ORCID:, Schneider, R. , Zonneveld, K. A. F. and Willems, H. (1998)
Assemblages of calcareous and organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts of the Late Quaternary Agulhas Current (South Atlantic) in relation to climatic change ,
Sixth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO 6), Juni, Trondheim, Norwegen. .

Conference -Poster
Benthien, A. ORCID: and Müller, P. (1998)
Biased alkenone temperatures caused by lateral sediment transport in the Malvinas Current region. ,
6th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP VI), 24-28 Aug., Lisbon, Portugal .

Conference -Talk
Orejas, C. (1998)
Suspension-feeders - key players in Antarctic ecosystems? ,
SCAR (Scientific Commite for Antarctic Research) Biology Symposium, 31. August-4 Sept., Christchurch, Newzeland. .

Conference -Poster
Wehrli, B. , Friedrich, J. and Dinkel, C. (1998)
Benthic fluxes of Nutrients and Redox-Sensitive Metals in the North Western Black Sea ,
"Ocean Sciences Meeting", AGU-ASLO, 1/1998, San Diego, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Friedrich, J. and Rutgers v. d. Loeff, M. ORCID: (1998)
Lead-210 and Polonium-210 in the Southern Polar Ocean - Tracer for Particle Export? ,
"Ocean Sciences Meeting", AGU-ASLO, 1/1998, San Diego, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Friedrich, J. , Dinkel, C. , Wehrli, B. , Friedl, G. , Pimenov, N. , Wijsman, J. and Gomoiu, M. T. (1998)
Benthic nutreint cycling and diagenetic pathways in the north-western Black Sea. ,
EU-EROS 21 "The interactions betwen the Danube, Dniestr and Dniepr Rivers and the north-western Black Sea. final meeting on the North-Western Black Sea,6/1998, Ispra, Italy. .

Conference -Invited talk
Klaas, C. ORCID: (1998)
Calcarious phytoplankton. ,
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research. .

Conference -Poster
Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID:, Schulz, M. and Stattegger, K. (1998)
Modelling iceberg drift, glacio-marine deposition and bias in radiocarbon dates during Heinrich Events ,
International Conference on Paleoceanography VI, Lisboa, Portugal. .

Conference -Talk
Schulz, M. , Erchinger, E. , Haupt, B. , Sarnthein, M. , Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID:, Stattegger, K. and Seidov, D. (1998)
Meltwater catastrophes in the North Atlantic and their effect on the carbon cycle ,
International Conference on Paleoceanography VI, Lisboa, Portugal. .

Conference -Poster
Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID: and Stattegger, K. (1998)
Large-scale geostatistics: GSLIB and spherical coordinates ,
Annual Meeting of the International Association of Mathematical Geology, Ischia, Italy.- 09.10.1998. .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID:, Junker, J. and Lindel, L. (1998)
Neue Wege in der Konstitutionsaufklärung organischer Verbindungen ,
GDCh-NMR-Diskussionstagung – Praktische Probleme der Kernresonanzspektroskopie, 12. - 13. Januar, Erlangen .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID:, Junker, J. , Lindel, T. , Belofsky, G. , Jensen, P. and Fenical, W. (1998)
Proton-poor Marine Natural Products: A Challenge for the Constitutional Assignment by NMR Spectroscopy ,
9th International Symposium on Marine Natural Products, 5. - 10. Juli, Townsville, Australien (Vortrag OR13, Abstractband o. S.). .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID:, Junker, J. and Lindel, T. (1998)
New Methods for the Constitutional and Configurational Assignment of Natural Products by NMR Spectroscopy ,
16th National Organic Conference, 12. - 17. Juli, Leura, NSW, Australien (Abstractband S. 70). .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID: and Junker, J. (1998)
NMR and DG for the Configurational Assignment of Organic Compounds ,
Fourth Australian Molecular Modelling Workshop, 19. - 22. Juli, Sydney, Australien (Vortrag T11, Abstractband S. 26). .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID:, Junker, J. , Assmann, M. , Lindel, T. and Fenical, W. (1998)
Neue Naturstoffe aus marinen Pilzen und Schwämmen ,
7. Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Symposium Bioorganische Chemie, 21. – 23. September 1998, Paderborn. .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID:, Junker, J. , Lindel, T. and Fenical, W. (1998)
Structure Elucidation of New Natural Products from Marine Fungi using NMR Spectroscopy and the Computer Program COCON ,
Franco-German NMR Conference II (New Frontiers in Magnetic Resonance), 27. – 30. September 1998, Obernai, Frankreich (Vortrag P1***178, Abstractband o. S.). .

Conference -Invited talk
Smetacek, V. (1998)
Phyto- and Zooplankton ,
NEBROC Course for Advanced students, NIOZ, Texel, NL. .

Conference -Talk
Biebow, N. , Nuernberg, D. , Tiedemann, R. ORCID: and KOMEX, s. p. (1998)
Geological investigations in the Sea of Okhotsk ,
6th Zonenshain Conference on Plate Tectonics, 12.-20. February, 1998, Moscow, Russia. .

Conference -Poster
Bauch, H. A. , Erlenkeuser, H. , Fahl, K. ORCID:, Spielhagen, R. F. , Henrich, R. and Weinelt, M. S. (1998)
Reduced Ocean Heat Flux to the Arctic Ocean During the Eemian ,
QUEEN Workshop, 05-08 Febr., St. Petersburg, Russia. .

Conference -Talk
Kubatzki, C. (1998)
The Importance of Bio-Geophysical Feedbacks and the Role of the Ocean for Paleoclimate Simulations ,
The earth`s changing land. GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference in Global Change, 14-18 March, Barcelona, Spain. .

Conference -Poster
Kubatzki, C. (1998)
Investigation of Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks with the Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Biosphere Model CLIMBER-2 ,
The earth`s changing land. GCTE-LUCC Open Science Conference in Global Change, 14-18 March, Barcelona, Spain. .

Conference -Talk
Kubatzki, C. (1998)
Presentation of my PhD work ,
Gemeinsames Seminar, spring, FU Berlin, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Kubatzki, C. (1998)
The Importance of Bio-Geophysical Feedbacks and the Role of the Ocean for Paleoclimate Simulations ,
BIOME 6000, IGBP workshop, 06-11 Oct., Jena, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Kubatzki, C. (1998)
Bio-Geophysical Feedbacks and the Role of the Ocean in Paleoclimate Simulations ,
CLD project meeting, 07-08 Jan., Madrid, Spain. .

Conference -Talk
De La Rocha, C. , Brzezinski, M. A. and DeNiro, M. J. (1998)
Towards an improved proxy for silicic acid utilization: construction of global silicon isotope budgets. ,
1998 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Dec 1998, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Pfeiffenberger, H. ORCID: (1998)
Observations of an IT User in charge of an ATM-MAN ,
IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks,17-20 MAY 1998, Banff, Alberta, Canada. .

Conference -Invited talk
Buchholz, C. ORCID: (1998)
Massenkultur von Brauntangen - Induktion der Sporogenese im Labor. ,
Meereskundliches Kolloquium des Instituts für Meereskunde, Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Ploug, H. (1998)
Diffusion limitation in the pelagic environment ,
The Oceanographic society (TOS), ParisJune. .

Conference -Invited talk
Ploug, H. (1998)
Respiration rates in Elbe-aggregates ,
Institute for Hydrobiology and Fishery Research, Dept. of Hydrobiology, University of Hamburg. .

Conference -Poster
Ploug, H. and Grossart, H. P. (1998)
Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon turnover in marine snow in oligotrophic water. ,
6th European Marine Microbiology Symposium (6th EMMS) Sitges, SpainMay. .

Conference -Invited talk
Plötz, J. (1998)
Schutz des antarktischen Lebensraumes - Das Madrider Protokoll zum Antarktisvertrag ,
Seminar Umweltschutz in der Antarktis, 21. Oktober, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Lembke-Jene, L. ORCID:, Zahn, R. and Schönfeld, J. (1998)
Glacial-Interglacial variability of Caribbean deep water results from carbonate dissolution indices. ,
ICP 6, International Conference on Paleoceanography, Program and Abstracts, Lisbon, Portugal. .

Conference -Poster
Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Salomon, M. , Tarling, G. A. , Matthews, J. B. L. and Buchholz, F. (1998)
Somewhere between the seas: the ups and downs of Northern Krill in the Kattegat ,
33rd European Marine Biology Symposium (7. 11. September), Wilhelmshaven, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
PANGAEA Presentation ,
Workshop of the EU-Project ADEPD (Atlantic Database for Exchange Processes at the Deep Sea Floor), Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde 1998-01-13 to 1998- .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1998)
PANGAEA as an information system for data from polar research ,
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Bernto 1998- .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
PANGAEA Presentation ,
EU-Project "Eurasian Ice Sheets", Potsdamto 1998- .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1998)
PANGAEA as an archive for sediment sample metadata and data ,
Workshop of EU-project EUROCORE, Southampton Oceanographic Centerto 1998- .

Conference -Talk
Bornemann, H. and Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
A unique data management concept for a comparative study of the foraging and migratory behaviour of seals. ,
APIS Meeting of the SCAR-Group of Specialists on Seals at the XXV SCAR & X COMNAP Meeting, Concepcion, Chileto 1998- .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
PANGAEA Presentation for southern elephant seal migration and Antarctic Sea Ice ,
German ARGOS user meeting 1998, AWI, Bremerhaven .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
Data preservation for the Cape Roberts Project (CRP) ,
Workshop/sampling party, McMurdo Station, Antarctica. .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: (1998)
Introduction to the information system PANGAEA for marine geosciences ,
GEOMAR - Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel.-10. Juli 1998. .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1998)
Einführung in Pangaea und Nutzung für die Geowissenschaften ,
Nidersächsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung, Hannover .

Conference -Talk
Diekmann, B. ORCID: (1998)
Sedimentological proxies for deep water paleo-circulation in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean ,
NOAA/CORC Southern Ocean Ventilation Workshop, Lamont-Doherty-Institute, 01.-04.06.1998, New York, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Burkill, P. , Edwards, E. , Ullrich, S. , Rick, J. ORCID:, von Bröckel, K. and Zeller, U. (1998)
Plankton community structure in the surface mixed layer during monsoonal forcing ,
JGOFS meeting, Paris, France, Paris, France, 1998 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Rick, S. , Rick, J. ORCID: and Brockmann, U. H. (1998)
Effects of elevated N/P ratios on the phytoplankton in the freshwater-saltwater interface of the river Elbe plume ,
33rd European Marine Biology symposium, Wilhemshaven, Germany, Wilhemshaven, Germany, 1998 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Rick, J. ORCID:, Rick, S. and Brockmann, U. H. (1998)
Copper silicate interaction at the diatom-water interface: Implications for the carbon, nutrient, and heavy metal assimilation and the development of the plankton community structure ,
33rd European Marine Biology symposium, Wilhemshaven, Germany, Wilhemshaven, Germany, 1998 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Rick, J. ORCID: and Rick, S. (1998)
Primary production and community respiration in the German Bight and Wadden Sea waters (North Sea) ,
ASLO/ESA - Meeting: The Land-Water Interface: Science for a Sustainable Biosphere. St. Louis, Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1998 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Rick, S. , Brockmann, U. H. and Rick, J. ORCID: (1998)
Effects of high N/P ratios on the planktonic system of the German Bight ,
ASLO/ESA - Meeting: The Land-Water Interface: Science for a Sustainable Biosphere. St. Louis, Missouri, USA, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1998 - unspecified .

This list was generated on Tue Oct 8 04:36:28 2024 CEST.