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Number of items: 182.

Conference -Invited talk
Boike, J. ORCID:, Chadburn, S. , Cannone, N. , Schulz, A. ORCID:, Biskaborn, B. K. ORCID:, Maturilli, M. ORCID:, Masaki, U. and Westermann, S. (1997)
The Bayelva high Arctic permafrost long-term observation site: an opportunity for joint international research on permafrost, atmosphere, ecology and snow ,
Svalbard Science Conference 2017 - cooperation for the future, Oslo, 6 November 2017 - 11 November 2017 .
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Conference -Conference paper
Abegg, C. , Dethloff, K. , Rinke, A. ORCID: and Romanov, V. (1997)
Influence of planetary boundary layer parameterization on Arctic climate simulations ,
ACSYS Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate WMO/ICSU/IOC World Climate Research Programme (WCPR) Proceedings .

Conference -Conference paper
Arntz, W. , Gutt, J. and Klages, M. (1997)
Antarctic marine biodiversity an overview ,
Antarctic communities: Proc 6th SCAR Biology Symposium, Venice 1994 (B Battaglia, J Valencia, D Walton) Cambridge Univ Pr , Cambridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Bathmann, U. (1997)
Southern Ocean JGOFS-Phase II ,
Bericht über den 5 JGOFS-Workshop27 /28 November 1996 in Bremen (M Giese, G Wefer, Hrsg ) Ber FB Geowissenschaften, Univ Bremen 89 .

Conference -Conference paper
Behrmann, G. (1997)
The phylogeny of the homodontal set of teeth and the dentition of toothed whales (Odontoceti) ,
European Research on Cetaceans 11: Proc 11th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society (P G H Evans, E C M Parsons, S L Clark), Stralsund, Germany .
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Conference -Conference paper
Beyerle, G. , Schäfer, H. J. , Neuber, R. ORCID:, Rairoux, P. , Schrems, O. and McDermid, I. S. (1997)
Dual wavelength Raman lidar observations of tropical cirrus clouds during the ALBATROSS campaign 1996 ,
Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere Optical Society of America, Washington DC, OSA Technical Digest Series 5 .

Conference -Conference paper
Bluhm, H. (1997)
Megafauna as indicators for the recolonization of abyssal areas impacted by physical disturbances ,
Proc International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, Metal Mining Agency of Japan, Tokyo .

Conference -Conference paper
Boike, J. ORCID:, van Loon, W. K. P. , Overduin, P. P. ORCID: and Hubberten, H. W. (1997)
Solute movement in the active layer, Siberia ,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Physics, Chemistry, and Ecology of Seasonally Frozen Soils, June 10-12, 1997, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA .

Conference -Paper
Boeckmann, C. , Biele, J. , Neuber, R. and Niebsch, J. (1997)
<title>Retrieval of multimodal aerosol size distribution by inversion of multiwavelength data</title> ,
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.11016

Conference -Conference paper
Bullini, L. , Arduino, P. , Cianchi, R. , Nascetti, G. , D'Amelio, S. , Mattiucci, S. , Paggi, L. , Orecchia, P. , Plötz, J. , Berland, B. , Smith, J. W. and Brattey, J. (1997)
Genetic and ecological research on anisakid endoparasites of fish and marine mammals in the Antarctic and Arctic-boreal regions ,
Antarctic communities: Species, structure and survival. SCAR Biology Symposium, Venice, 1994 (B Battaglia, J Valencia, D W H Walton, eds ) Cambridge Univ Pr , Cambridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Dethloff, K. , Rinke, A. ORCID:, Hebestadt, I. , Christensen, J. H. , Botzet, M. and Machenhauer, B. (1997)
High resolution climate simulations over the Arctic with special emphasis on Spitsbergen ,
Proc Third NySMAC Meeting (I Floisand, H Gernandt, E Stoltz-Larsen, F Stordahl, M Wada, eds ) NILU Report OR 19/97 .

Conference -Conference paper
Foell, E. J. , Bluhm, H. , Borowski, C. , Thiel, H. , Ahnert, A. and Schriever, G. (1997)
German environmental risk assessments in the Southeastern Pacific Peru Basin DISCOL revisited ,
Proc 29th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 1997 OTC Paper .

Conference -Conference paper
von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Gernandt, H. , Neuber, R. ORCID: and Rex, M. ORCID: (1997)
Ozone deficits in the lower and middle stratosphere of the Arctic Polar Vortex ,
Atmospheric Research in Ny-Ålesund, Proc. Third NySMAC Meeting, eds.: I. Fløsand, H. Gernandt, E. Stoltz-Larsen, F. Stordahl, M. Wada), NILU Report OR 19/97 .

Conference -Conference paper
Gernandt, H. (1997)
The Koldewey-Station in Ny-Aalesund - Contributions to atmosphreic studies in the Arctic. ,
Proc. 3rd NySMAC Seminar (I Floisand, H Gernandt, E Stoltz-Larsen, F Stordahl, M Wada, eds. ) NILU Report OR 19/97 .

Conference -Conference paper
Gernandt, H. (1997)
Network for detection of stratospheric change (NDSC) - Steering Committee Meeting ,
Ny-Aalesund Newsletter, 2nd edition, November 1997 .

Conference -Conference paper
Gernandt, H. , Dethloff, K. , von der Gathen, P. ORCID:, Kurganski, M. V. , Pisnichenko, I. A. and Kaneto, S. (1997)
Dynamical forcing of the interannual variability of polar stratospheric ozone ,
Proc First SPARC General Assembly, Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC) WMO/TD-NO 814 .

Conference -Conference paper
Graf, W. , Minikin, A. , Oerter, H. , Mulvaney, R. and Wagenbach, D. (1997)
Preliminary results from isotopic and chemical investigations on the 182 m ice core B25 from the southern dome of Berkner Island ,
Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme, Report 11 .

Conference -Conference paper
Hagedorn, B. , Boike, J. ORCID:, Becker, H. , Gintz, D. and Bolshiyanov, D. Y. (1997)
Spatial and temporal geochemical variability of waters in the Levinson-Lessing Lake catchment, Taymyr, Siberia (4 N, 98 E) ,
Proceedings of the 11th International Northern Hydrology Basin Workshop, 1997, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA .

Conference -Conference paper
Herber, A. ORCID:, Debatin, S. , Graeser, J. , Gernandt, H. , Schulz, K. H. , Naebert, A. , Gundermann, J. and Alekseeva, G. (1997)
Measurements of the spectral optical depth of aerosols with moon and star light during polar night 1994/95 and 1995/96 in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen ,
Proceedings of the International Radiation SymposiumI 1996: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation. Fairbanks, Alaska, 1996 (W L Smith, K Stamnes, eds) Deepak Publ., Hampton, Virginia, USA, 19-22, ISBN 0-937194- .

Conference -Conference paper
Jarre-Teichmann, A. , Brey, T. ORCID:, Bathmann, U. , Dahm, C. , Dieckmann, G. , Gorny, M. , Klages, M. , Pagès, F. , Plötz, J. , Schiel, S. , Stiller, M. and Arntz, W. (1997)
Trophic flows in the benthic shelf community of the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica ,
In: Antarctic communities: Species, structure and survival (Battaglia, B., Valencia, J., Walton, D.W.H. eds), Cambridge Univ Press, Cambridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Jokat, W. ORCID:, Fechner, N. and Studinger, M. (1997)
Geodynamic models of the Weddell Sea embayment in view of new geophysical data ,
Ricci, C.A. (ed.), The Antarctic Region: Geological Evolution and Processes, Terra Antartica, Publication, Siena .

Conference -Conference paper
König-Langlo, G. and Herber, A. ORCID: (1997)
Bipolar intercomparison of surface radiation fluxes ,
Proc Third NySMAC Meeting (I Floisand, H Gernandt, E Stoltz-Larsen, F Stordahl, M Wada, eds) NILU Report OR 19/97 .

Conference -Conference paper
Kurbjeweit, F. (1997)
Reproduction of Calanus propinquus and Metridia gerlachei in spring and summer in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica ,
Antarctic communities: Proc 6th SCAR Biology Symposium, Venice 1994 (B Battaglia, J Valencia, D Walton) Cambridge Univ Pr , Cambridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Medlin, L. , Kooistra, W. H. C. F. , Gersonde, R. , Sims, P. A. and Wellbrock, U. (1997)
Is the origin of diatoms related to the end-Permian mass extinction? ,
Nova Hedwigia .

Conference -Conference paper
Medlin, L. (1997)
Genetic variability and phytoplankton species ,
Proc 2nd International Conference on Pelagic Biogeography ICoPB .
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Conference -Conference paper
Neuber, R. ORCID: (1997)
Nine years of polar ozone and aerosol observations at the German Arctic Station (Spitzbergen) ,
Proceedings of the 24th Annual European Meeting on Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods .

Conference -Conference paper
Nixdorf, U. , Lambrecht, A. and Steinhage, D. ORCID: (1997)
Geophysical-glaciological investigations in the grounding zone area of the Ekström Ice Shelf ,
Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme (FRISP) Report .

Conference -Conference paper
Rinke, A. ORCID:, Dethloff, K. , Christensen, J. H. , Botzet, M. and Machenhauer, B. (1997)
High resolution regional climate simulation over the Arctic ,
Proc ACSYS Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate, WMO/ICSU/IOC World Climate Research Programme (WCPR) .

Conference -Conference paper
Rudels, B. , Muench, R. D. , Gunn, J. and Schauer, U. (1997)
The Arctic Ocean north of the Siberian Shelves Basin exchanges, slope convection and intermediate and deep water characteristics ,
Proc of the Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate, Rosario, 1997, ACSYS Office, Oslo .

Conference -Conference paper
Rudels, B. , Schauer, U. and Muench, R. D. (1997)
Deep saline mixed layer and temporal variations in the Eurasian Basin Water Column ,
Proc of the Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate, Rosario, USA, 1997, ACSYS Office, Oslo .

Conference -Conference paper
Saborowski, R. ORCID: and Buchholz, F. (1997)
Impact of a climatic gradient on the physiological ecology of the pelagic euphausiid, Meganyctiphanes norvegica. ,
Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft.1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Schauer, U. and Fahrbach, E. (1997)
Interannual variability of a dense bottom water plume in the western Barents Sea ,
Proc of the Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate, Rosario, USA, 1997 ACSYS Office, Oslo .

Conference -Conference paper
Schauer, U. , Rudels, B. , Loeng, H. , Jones, P. , Muench, R. , Swift, J. and Björk, G. (1997)
Barents Sea water input to the Eurasian Basin through St Anna Trough ,
Proc of the Conference on Polar Processes and Global Climate, Rosario, USA, 1997 ACSYS Office, Oslo .

Conference -Conference paper
Schrems, O. (1997)
The NDSC-Station Ny-Ålesund, Annual Report 1997 ,
20 pp .

Conference -Conference paper
Schrems, O. , Stebel, K. and Neuber, R. ORCID: (1997)
The evolution of polar stratospheric clouds above Ny-Ålesund ,
Atmospheric research in Ny- .

Conference -Conference paper
Schriever, G. , Ahnert, A. , Bluhm, H. , Borowski, C. and Thiel, H. (1997)
Results of the large scale deep-sea environmental impact study DISCOL during eight years of investigation ,
Proc 7th Internat Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Conference -Conference paper
Schriever, G. , Ahnert, A. , Borowski, C. and Thiel, H. (1997)
Results of the large scale deep-sea environmental impact study DISCOL during eight years of investigation ,
Metal Mining Agency of Japan, Tokyo .

Conference -Conference paper
Smetacek, V. (1997)
Integrations- und Spezialisierungstrends in der Biologischen Meereskunde: Neues vs regeneriertes Wissen? ,
Meereswiss Berichte IOW .

Conference -Conference paper
Tan, T. L. (1997)
Biolog metabolic fingerprints for clustering marine oligotrophic bacteria from polar regions ,
Microbial Communities. Functional Versus Structural Approaches (H Insam, A Rangger, eds ) Springer, Berlin .

Conference -Conference paper
Thiel, H. (1997)
Environmental protection of the deep sea a challenge for engineers, scientists and politicians ,
Proc 7th Internat Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Conference -Conference paper
Thiel, H. and Rice, A. L. (1997)
The environmental consequences of large-scale research in the Deep Ocean ,
Proc 7th Internat Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Conference -Conference paper
Watanabe, M. , Iwasaka, Y. , Hayashi, M. , Nagatani, M. , Nakada, H. , Adachi, H. , Fujiwara, M. , Gernandt, H. and Neuber, R. ORCID: (1997)
Distribution of particulate sulfur in the winter Arctic stratosphere: Balloon-borne measurements of particle number concentration ,
Proc NIPR Symp Polar Meteorol Glaciol .

Conference -Conference paper
Weigelt, E. ORCID: and Jokat, W. ORCID: (1997)
Seismic profiles across the Lomonosov and Gakkel ridges ,
Arctic ridges: Results and planninmg, Workshop report, Interridge .

Conference -Conference paper
Su, X. , Samtleben, C. , Baumann, K. H. and Thiede, J. (1997)
Response of Northeast Atlantic coccolith floras to increased climatic instability since the last 5.2 million years ,
The first international conference; Application of micropaleontology in environmental sciences, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 15-20, 1997. - ANAMET, Herzlia, Israel (ISR) .

Conference -Conference paper
Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Schneider, R. , Lum, K. , Koprivnjak, J. F. , Sisak, M. and Buchholz, F. (1997)
Antioxidants in dab (Limanda limanda). ,
Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft.1 .

Conference -Conference paper
Alexandrova, O. A. , Shevchenko, V. P. , Fahl, K. ORCID: and Stein, R. ORCID: (1997)
Particulate lipid composition in the ice-covered western Laptev Sea. ,
Annales Geopysicae, Supplement II to Volume 15, Supplement II to Volume 15 .

Conference -Conference paper
Abegg, C. , Dethloff, K. , Rinke, A. ORCID:, Hebestadt, I. and Romanov, V. (1997)
Influence of planetary boundary layer parameterization on Arctic climate simulations ,
Proc. of the ACSYS conference on Polar processes and global climate, Rosario Resort, 3.-6. Nov. 1997, WMO/TD No. 908 .

Conference -Conference paper
Karsten, U. , Franklin, L. A. and Wiencke, C. (1997)
Effects of UV and PAR radia-tion on mycosporine-like amino acid concentrations in Chondrus crispus (Rhodo-phyta) ,
Phycologia 36, Suppl. .

Conference -Conference paper
Bischof, K. , Hanelt, D. and Wiencke, C. (1997)
UV-radiation affects depth zonation of polar macroalgae. ,
Proc. 7th Congress of the European Society of Photobiology Stresa (Italy) .

Conference -Invited talk
Hanelt, D. and Wiencke, C. (1997)
UV-radiation impairs photosynthesis of Arctic macroalgae ,
Proc. 7th Congress of the Eur. Soc. of Photobiol. Stresa (Italy) .

Conference -Conference paper
Wilhelms, F. ORCID:, Kipfstuhl, S. , Schwager, M. , Thorsteinsson, T. , Fritzsche, D. ORCID:, Firestone, J. and Miller, H. (1997)
Continous Physical Properties from the N-GRIP Ice Core ,
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco .

Conference -Conference paper
Schwager, M. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Miller, H. , Thorsteinsson, T. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID:, Fischer, H. , Wagenbach, D. , Werner, M. ORCID: and Sommer, S. (1997)
The North Greenland Traverse 1993-1995 ,
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco .

Conference -Conference paper
Jung-Rothenhäusler, F. , Kipfstuhl, S. , Schwager, M. , Wilhelms, F. ORCID: and Thorsteinsson, T. (1997)
Revised Accumulation Distribution in Northeast Greenland using Data from the AWI North Greenland Traverse 1993-95 ,
AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco .

Conference -Conference paper
Andruleit, H. , Schröder-Ritzrau, A. and Thiede, J. (1997)
Pelagic biota in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. A comparison of coccolithophora and radiolarian fluxes in the Greenland Sea. ,
Pelagic Biogeography ICoPB II, Proceedings of the second International Conference. IOC/UNESCO .

Conference -Conference paper
Klenke, M. (1997)
Aufbau eines hydrologischen Informationssystems für das Einzugsgebiet der Sieg: Erfassung von Landnutzungsstrukturen aus Fernerkundungsdaten ,
Angewandte Geographische Informationsverarbeitung IX, Salzburger Geographische Materialien .

Conference -Conference paper
Karcher, M. ORCID:, Harms, I. H. , Dethleff, D. and Nies, H. (1997)
Transit times and pathways of contaminants in the Arctic Ocean ,
AMAP Int.Symp.on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic and Third Int.Conf.on Environmental Radioactivity in the Arctic, Extended Abstracts, 46-50, Tromsoe, Norway. .

Conference -Conference paper
Köhler, P. ORCID: (1997)
An individual based rain forest model: FORMIND ,
B. Hahn-Schilling (editor). Forest management planning with growth models. Workshop Report No. 8, Malaysian-German Technical Cooperation Project, Forestry Department of Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia. .

Conference -Paper
Boersma, M. (1997)
Offspring size in Daphnia: does it pay to be overweight? ,
doi: , hdl:10013/epic.15485
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Conference -Invited talk
Rex, M. ORCID: (1997)
Messung des Ozonabbaus in der arktischen Stratosphäre mit der `Match-Methode' ,
Kolloquiumsvortrag, Institut für Bioklimatologie und Emmissionsforschung, Universtät München .

Conference -Talk
Bischof, K. (1997)
Beeinflusst UV-Strahlung die Photosynthese polarer Makroalgen? ,
6th Scientific Meeting of the Section Phycology within the German Botanical Society, Friedrichroda, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Bischof, K. , Hanelt, D. and Wiencke, C. (1997)
UV-radiation affects depth-zonation of polar macroalgae ,
7th International Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy. .

Conference -Talk
Soltwedel, T. ORCID:, Roth, P. and Delauney, L. (1997)
Oxygen sensors for deep-sea research (Vortrag) ,
ALIPOR Annual Meeting, Aberdeen, Schottland, UK.-08.01.1997 .

Conference -Invited talk
Kumke, T. (1997)
Multidimensional Infiltration - Insights and Perspectives ,
Colloquium at the Technical University Carolo Wilhelmina Braunschweig. .

Conference -Talk
Streck, T. , Kumke, T. and Richter, J. (1997)
Nonsorbing tracer transport in soils at the regional scale ,
International conference on Regionalization in Hydrology, Technical University Braunschweig. .

Conference -Invited talk
Strass, V. ORCID: (1997)
Sea ice in the Weddell Sea ,
Earth Sciences Departmental Seminar, The University, Liverpool. .

Conference -Talk
Knust, R. (1997)
A comparison of impacts by fisheries, euthrophication and / or pollution ,
Disturbances in coastal marine ecosystems. Ecosystem Research Wadden Sea.-06.02.1997. .

Conference -Conference paper
Rott, H. , Skvarca, P. , Rack, W. and Stuefer, M. (1997)
Significant Ice Retreat in the Region Patagonia - Antarctic Peninsula Oberved by ERS SAR ,
ESA SP-414 (Proc. of the 3rd ERS Symp.) .

Conference -Invited talk
Pörtner, H. O. ORCID: and Sartoris, F. J. (1997)
Invasive studies of intracellular acid-base parameters: environmental and functional aspects. ,
Society for experimental Biology, Canterbury Conference.. .

Conference -Talk
Bamber, J. L. , Hardy, R. J. and Huybrechts, P. (1997)
Interpretation of balance velocities on the Greenland ice sheet ,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA)December 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Kerr, A. , Huybrechts, P. , Sugden, D. E. and Summerfield, M. A. (1997)
Continental Morphology and East Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity ,
Fourth International Conference on Geomorphology, Bologna (Italy)August - 3 September 1997. .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1997)
Comparison of existing Antarctic ice sheet models ,
Third EISMINT Workshop on Model Intercomparison, Grindelwald (Switzerland)September 1997. .

Conference -Invited talk
Huybrechts, P. (1997)
Comparison of grounding-line treatments in glaciological models ,
Third EISMINT Workshop on Model Intercomparison, Grindelwald (Switzerland)September 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Rex, M. ORCID: (1997)
A reduction of stratospheric ozone loss rates during ongoing PSC activity - a feature unique to the Arctic ,
Fourth European Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone Research, Schliersee, Germany .

Conference -Invited talk
Wiencke, C. (1997)
Recent advances in the investigation of Antarctic macroalgae ,
Seminars Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Napoli.1997. .

Conference -Talk
Karsten, U. (1997)
UV and photosynthetic active radiation induce formation of mycosporine-like amino acid compounds in the marine red alga Chordrus crispus ,
Proceedings 7th congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy. - 13. 09. 1997 .

Conference -Talk
Bischof, K. (1997)
UV radiation affects depth zonation of polar macroalgae ,
Proceedings 7th congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy, 8. - 13. 09. 1997,O 35. .

Conference -Talk
Hanelt, D. (1997)
UV-radiation impairs photosynthesis of arctic macroalgae ,
Proceedings 7th congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy, 8. - 13. 09. 1997,O 34. .

Conference -Talk
Gómez, I. (1997)
Light availability and light use characteristics of Antarctic marine brown algae. Implications for competitative abilities ,
Proceedings 7th congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy, 8. - 13. 09. 1997,O 147. .

Conference -Invited talk
Wiencke, C. (1997)
Lebenszyklen, jahreszeitliche Entwicklung und Tiefenzonierung antarktischer Makroalgen ,
Polarökologisches Kolloquium, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. 06. 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Niehoff, B. and Hirche, H. J. (1997)
The reproduction of Calanus finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea in spring ,
ICES Anual Science Meeting, Baltimore, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Niehoff, B. and Hirche, H. J. (1997)
On the reproduction of Calanus sp. in a western Norwegian fjord ,
First Annual TASC Meeting, Gilleleje, Denmark. .

Conference -Invited talk
Kattner, G. (1997)
Dissolved organic substances in the Arctic Ocean ,
Seminarvortrag University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg. .

Conference -Invited talk
Kattner, G. (1997)
Importance of lipids in Arctic and Antarctic organisms ,
Special Seminar, Dalhousie University, Dal Tech, Halifax, Canada. .

Conference -Invited talk
Helmke, E. (1997)
Welche Rolle spielen psychrophile und barophile Bakterien in den pelagischen und benthischen Tiefseegemienschaften des Südpolarmeeres? ,
Kolloquium des Instituts für Meereskunde Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Helmke, E. (1997)
Sind psychrophile and barophile Bakterien Kuriosa oder erfüllen sie an extremen Standorten wesentliche Funktionen ,
Kolloquium des Inst. f. Mikrobiologie und Molekularbiologie der Universität Greifswald. .

Conference -Invited talk
Helmke, E. (1997)
Leben unter hohem hydrostatischen Druck ,
Kolloquium des Inst. f. organische Chemie der Universität Göttingen. .

Conference -Poster
Niehoff, B. and Hirche, H. J. (1997)
A new system of gonad maturation stages in Calanus finmarchicus ,
First Anual TASC Meeting, Gilleleje, Denmark. .

Conference -Talk
Schiel, S. (1997)
The role of copepods in Antarctic systems ,
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Schiel, S. (1997)
Are small copepod species of significance in the Southern Ocean? ,
Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fé, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (1997)
Welche Rolle spielen kleine Copepodenarten in der Antarktis? ,
Institut für Polarökologie, Universität Kiel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schiel, S. (1997)
Warum interessieren uns die Lebensleistungen antarktischer Copepoden? ,
Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde. .

Conference -Poster
Saborowski, R. ORCID:, Bröhl, S. , Schumann, P. , Salomon, M. and Buchholz, F. (1997)
Impact of a climatic gradient on the physiological ecology of the pelagic euphausiid Meganyctiphanes norvegica ,
8. Crustaceologen-Tagung, (3-6 April), Helgoland, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Köhler, P. ORCID: (1997)
An individual based rain forest model: FORMIND ,
Workshop Forest management planning with growth models. Malaysian-German Technical Cooperation Project, Forestry Department of Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia.-31.10.1997. .

Conference -Talk
Köhler, P. ORCID: (1997)
Parameter research for the tropical rain forest model FORMIX4 ,
Malaysian-German Sustainable Forest Management Project, Forestry Department of Sabah, Sandakan, Malaysia.11.1997. .

Conference -Poster
Didié, C. , Bauch, H. A. and Wolfsdorf, J. M. (1997)
Deep-sea benthic ostracods as a tool for reconstructing Late Quaternary paleoceanography of the northern North Atlantic ,
AGU Fall Meeting, 7.-12.12.1997, San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Didié, C. , Bohrmann, G. and Fischer, G. (1997)
Productivity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: indications from surface sediment samples (5°W-45°E) ,
EUG '97, 23.-27.3.1997, Strasbourg, France. .

Conference -Invited talk
Kattner, G. (1997)
The potential of fatty acids as biomarkers in marine zooplankton ,
Kolloquium, Stazione Zoologica de Napoli, Neapel. .

Conference -Invited talk
Riebesell, U. (1997)
Direkte Effekte von CO2 auf marines Phytoplankton ,
Max Planck Institut für Limnologie, Plön. Dezember 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Riebesell, U. (1997)
Responses of marine phytoplankton to changes in CO2 ,
5th Int. Carbon Dioxide Conf., Cairns, Australien.-12. September 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Riebesell, U. (1997)
Algal responses to increasing CO2 concentrations ,
6th Int. Phycol. Congr., Leiden, Niederlande.-16. August 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Plötz, J. (1997)
Dark spots on and around the White Continent and their consequences for Antarctic research and conservation ,
Conference on Antarctic Environmental Law, Geneva, June 1997.. .

Conference -Conference paper
Heilmayer, O. , Hetzel, U. and Weidemann, W. (1997)
Ungewöhnliche Sphaeriidendiversität eines anthropogen gestalteten Habitates ,
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL), Tagungsbericht 1996 (Schwedt/Oder) .

Conference -Talk
Cortese, G. and Bjørklund, K. R. (1997)
Radiolarian occurrences in the cyclic Messinian Diatomites and claystones of Falconara, Sicily, Italy ,
InterRad VIII, Meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Students, September, 8th 13th, Paris, France. .

Conference -Talk
Cortese, G. and Bjørklund, K. R. (1997)
Enriques monograph on the classification of living Polycystine radiolarians and Phaeodaria from the Gulf of Naples ,
InterRad VIII, Meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Students, September, 8th 13th, Paris, France. .

Conference -Talk
Dolven, J. K. , Bjørklund, K. R. and Cortese, G. (1997)
Late Pleistocene-Middle Holocene radiolarian biostratigraphy, assemblages, and paleotemperatures in the southeastern Norwegian Sea ,
Interrad VIII, Meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Students, September, 8th-13th, Paris, France. .

Conference -Talk
Bjørklund, K. R. , Cortese, G. , Swanberg, N. R. and Schrader, H. J. (1997)
Radiolarian faunal provinces in surface sediments of the Greenland, Iceland and Norwegian (GIN) Seas ,
InterRad VIII, Meeting of the International Association of Radiolarian Students, September, 8th 13th, Paris, France. .

Conference -Poster
Wagner, D. , Pfeiffer, E. M. and Bock, E. (1997)
Methanogenic bacteria isolated at low temperature from the Elbe river marshland ,
Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Allgemeiner und Angewandter Mikrobiologen, Hamburg.-19. März 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Wagner, D. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (1997)
Charakterisierung der organischen Bodensubstanz einer Reis-Weizen-Fruchtfolge in Hinblick auf die Methanbildung ,
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Konstanz.-14. September 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Jacobsen, S. , Kempken, F. and Kück, U. (1997)
Distribution of the Restless transposon in different Beauveria nivea strains ,
Vortrag, 19th Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Jacobsen, S. , Kempken, F. and Kück, U. (1997)
Distribution of the Restless transposon in different Beauveria nivea strains ,
Poster, 19th Fungal Genetics Conference, Asilomar, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Hillenbrand, C. D. , Bonn, W. J. , Grobe, H. ORCID: and Fütterer, D. (1997)
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions from Antarctic continental margin sediments ,
SCAR-GLOCHANT und IGBP-PAGES Workshop "Late Quaternary Sedimentary Record of the Antarctic Ice Margin Evolution (ANTIME)", 6.-11. Juli, 1997, Hobart, Australien. .

Conference -Poster
Clayton, M. N. and Wiencke, C. (1997)
Macroalgal biodiversity in Antarctica ,
Poster, 6th International Phycological Congress, 9-16 Aug., Leiden, The Netherlands Phycologia 36, Suppl. .

Conference -Poster
Karsten, U. , Franklin, L. A. and Wiencke, C. (1997)
Effects of UV and PAR radiation on mycosporine-like amino acid concentrations in chondrus crispus (Rhodophyta) ,
Poster, 6th International Phycological Congress, 9 - 16. Aug., Leiden, The Netherlands Phycologia 36, Suppl. 179. .

Conference -Talk
Buchholz, F. (1997)
Blühende Gärten unter Wasser: Flora und Fauna des Helgoländer Felssockels ,
Öffentliche Vorlesung, Universität Hamburg. .

Conference -Poster
Hamm, C. ORCID:, Reigstad, M. and Wassmann, P. (1997)
Chemical tracing of Phaeocystis sedimentation in the Balsfjord, Northern Norway ,
ASLO-Meeting 1997, Santa Fe, USA. .

Conference -Poster
Meyer, H. ORCID:, Eisenhauer, A. , Rachold, V. , Hubberten, H. W. , Hansen, B. , Kassens, H. , Spielhagen, R. F. , Lindemann, F. and Stein, R. ORCID: (1997)
Sr- and Nd-isotope ratios and concentrations of Arctic Ocean sediments ,
EUG 9, Strasbourg, March 23-27th .

Conference -Poster
Stachura, K. (1997)
Diatom evidence of the former river mouth in the recent Vistula River run-off. ,
15th Baltic Marine Biologists/27th Estuarine and Coastal Sciences Association Symposium, Finland. .

Conference -Poster
Stachura, K. , Zgrundo, A. and Witkowski, A. (1997)
Occurrence and significance of Chaetoceros (Bacillariophycae) resting spores in the Holocene sediments of the Baltic Sea. ,
XVI Sympozjum Sekcji Fykologicznej PTB, Wdzydze Kiszewskie, Poland. .

Conference -Talk
Witkowski, A. , Lange-Bertalot, H. and Stachura, K. (1997)
New and confused species in the genus Navicula (Bacillariophyceae). ,
XVI Sympozjum Sekcji Fykologicznej PTB, Wdzydze Kiszewskie, Poland. .

Conference -Poster
Kriews, M. and Schrems, O. (1997)
Elementverteilungen in Schmelzwassertümpeln und Schnee auf dem Eis des Arktischen Ozeans ,
Poster, 13. ICP-MS-Anwendertreffen im GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, 7.-9.Sept., Geesthacht, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Kriews, M. and Schrems, O. (1997)
Elementverteilungen in Schmelzwassertümpeln und Schnee auf dem Eis des Arktischen Ozeans ,
Poster, 13. ICP-MS-Anwendertreffen im GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, 7.-9.Sept., Geesthacht, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Bornemann, H. and Plötz, J. (1997)
Wanderungen der südlichen See-Elefanten zu ihren Nahrungs- und Überwinterungsgebieten ,
Stabilität und Dynamik von Flachwasserökosystemen angesichts globaler Umweltveränderungen, Seminar at the Alfred Wegener Institut for Polar and Marine Research, 27 November 1997, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Huebscher, C. , Breitzke, M. , Michels, K. , Spiess, V. and Wiedicke, K. (1997)
Seismostratigraphie des östlichen Bengal-Schelfes ,
57. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, 3-7 März, Potsdam .

Conference -Poster
Molis, M. ORCID: (1997)
Bio-indicators in coral reefs ,
International Society of Reef Studies, 3.-7. January, Boston, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Lohmann, G. ORCID: (1997)
The freshwater forcing of the thermohaline circulation ,
Paläoklima-Modellierungs-Workshop in Kiel am 7. und 8. November 1997. .

Conference -Poster
Gili, J. M. (1997)
Benthic Hydroids collected during the "Victor Hensen" cruise 1994 in the Magellan Region" ,
IBMANT, 7-11. April, Punta Arenas, Chile. .

Conference -Poster
Friedrich, J. , Dinkel, C. and Wehrli, B. (1997)
Benthic fluxes of nutrients and redox sensitive metals in the north-western Black Sea. ,
LOICZ conference Global change science in the coastal zone 10/1997, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands. .

Conference -Poster
Gili, J. M. (1997)
Benthic hydroids collected during the Victor Hensen cruise 1994 in the Magellan Region ,
IBMANT, 7-11 April, Punta Arenas, Chile. .

Conference -Invited talk
Klaas, C. ORCID: (1997)
Distribution and grazing impact of microprotozoa in different water masses of the Southern Ocean during Austral spring ,
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Miami, USA. .

Conference -Talk
Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID: (1997)
Eisbergdrift im OGCM: Unterschiedliche Ergebnisse bei Lagrangescher bzw. Eulerscher Formulierung? ,
Paläoklima-Modellierungs-Workshop, Kiel.-08.11.1997. .

Conference -Invited talk
Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID: (1997)
Meltwater-induced circulation changes in the northern North Atlantic Ocean ,
1st ENAM II Workshop, Salzau, Germany.-13.04.1997. .

Conference -Talk
Stattegger, K. , Haupt, B. , Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID: and Seidov, D. (1997)
Numerical modelling of the ocean-sediment system in large basins: The Late Quaternary in the northern North Atlantic ,
Fundamental Geologic Processes, Jülich, Germany, 27.02.-01.03.1997, Terra Nostra .

Conference -Poster
Stattegger, K. , Haupt, B. , Schäfer-Neth, C. ORCID: and Seidov, D. (1997)
Numerical modelling of the oceansediment system in large basins: The Late Quaternary in the northern North Atlantic ,
87th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung, Jülich, Germany.02.- 01.03.1997. .

Conference -Talk
Gerdes, D. and Montiel, A. (1997)
Distribution patterns of macrozoobenthos: a comparison between the Magellan Region and the Weddell Sea (Antarctica). ,
IBMANT Workshop, April 1997, Punta Arenas, Chile. .

Conference -Invited talk
Köck, M. ORCID: (1997)
Marine Naturstoffe - Neue Wege zur Strukturaufklärung ,
Hoechst-Marion-Russell, Frankfurt. April. .

Conference -Invited talk
Köck, M. ORCID: (1997)
NMR-spektroskopische Strukturuntersuchungen mariner Naturstoffe ,
Wochenendseminar für Liebig-Stipendiaten des Fonds der chemischen Industrie, Heidelberg. - 4. Mai. .

Conference -Talk
Köck, M. ORCID:, Junker, J. , Lindel, T. and Reif, B. (1997)
New NMR Methods for the Constitutional Assignment of Polycyclic Marine Natural Products ,
1st Euroconference on Marine Natural Products, 2. - 6. November 1997, Athen, Griechenland (Vortrag OP.07, Abstractband S. 31). .

Conference -Invited talk
Wilhelms, F. ORCID: (1997)
Reise ins polare Eis ,
Abendvortrag im Kolloquium des astronomischen Arbeitskreis Kassel e.V. am 10.10.1997. .

Conference -Conference paper
Biebow, N. (1997)
Dinoflagellate cysts as paleoproductivity indicators: An example from the Peruvian upwelling cell at 11°S ,
9th meeting of the European Union of Geosciences (EUG9), Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9, Abstract Suppl .

Conference -Talk
Bohrmann, G. , Suess, E. , Linke, P. , Lammers, S. , Zuleger, E. , Wallmann, K. , Biebow, N. , Weinrebe, W. , Dählmann, A. , Greinert, J. , Sahling, H. , Mirbach, N. and Winckler, G. (1997)
Die Cold Vents im Aleutengraben: Untersuchungen mit FS SONNE und dem Tiefseeroboter ROPOS vor Alaska ,
BEO Statusseminar: Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE, 19.-21. March 1997, Kiel. .

Conference -Talk
Biebow, N. (1997)
Dinoflagellate cysts as paleoproductivity indicators: An example from the Peruvian upwelling cell at 11°S ,
9th meeting of the European Union of Geosciences (EUG9), 23.-27. March, 1997, Strasbourg, France. .

Conference -Talk
Kubatzki, C. (1997)
Biogeophysical Feedback During the Last Glacial Maximum ,
XXII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 21-25 April, Vienna, Austria. .

Conference -Poster
Kölm, J. , Engdahl, A. , Schrems, O. and Nelander, B. (1997)
FTIR and UV spectroscopic study of bromide oxides and their photoisomerisation in argon matrices ,
International Conference on Chemistry and Physics in Matrices, 2-7 August, Spital am Pyhrn, Austria. .

Conference -Talk
De La Rocha, C. , Brzezinski, M. A. , DeNiro, M. J. and Shemesh, A. (1997)
Silicon isotope ratios in biogenic silica as a paleoproductivity proxy: the first results. ,
1997 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Baltimore, USA. .

Conference -Talk
De La Rocha, C. , Brzezinski, M. A. , DeNiro, M. J. and Shemesh, A. (1997)
Lower silicic acid utilization in the glacial Southern Ocean revealed by silicon isotope natural abundances. ,
1997 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA. .

Conference -Invited talk
Bornemann, H. (1997)
Neue Einblicke in die Lebensweise antarktischer Robben unter dem Eis ,
Tage der Forschung 1997, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 05 Nov. 1997, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Bornemann, H. (1997)
Bedeutung der Spitzenkonsumenten für den Energiefluss in den Schelfgebieten des östlichen Weddellmeers ,
Max-Planck-Delegation am Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 05 Jun. 1997, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Poster
Ploug, H. , Stolte, W. , Epping, E. H. G. and Jørgensen, B. B. (1997)
Diffusive boundary layers and growth in Phaeocystis colonies - a microelectrode study. ,
American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). Santa Fe, New Mexico.10-14 February. .

Conference -Poster
Prufert-Bebout, L. , Ploug, H. and Garcia-Pichel, F. (1997)
Light as controlling factor for the vertical distribution of benthic cyanobacteria and diatoms. ,
American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). Santa Fe, New Mexico.10-14 February. .

Conference -Invited talk
Plötz, J. (1997)
Schutz des antarktischen Lebensraumes - Das Madrider Protokoll zum Antarktisvertrag ,
Seminar Umweltschutz in der Antarktis, 16. - 17. September, Bremerhaven, Germany. .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1997)
PANGAEA Präsentation ,
Paläoklimatagung, Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mainzto 1997- .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1997)
PANGAEA Präsentation ,
Geologisches Institut und SFB, Universität Tübingen .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1997)
PANGAEA Präsentation ,
Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1997)
PANGAEA Präsentation ,
Nidersächsisches Landesamt für Bodenforschung, Hannover .

Conference -Talk
Diepenbroek, M. , Grobe, H. ORCID: and Reinke, M. (1997)
PANGAEA - An information system for marine science ,
MAST workshop on project data management, 11-13 June 1997, Institute for Space Applications, Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy (European Commission DG XII) .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1997)
PANGAEA Präsentation ,
"Muddy Coast '97", Terramare, Wilhelmshaven .

Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID:, Diepenbroek, M. and Reinke, M. (1997)
PANGAEA/SEPAN - An information system for ocean data ,
Ocean Data Symposium, 1997-10-15 to 1997-10-18, Dublin Castle, Ireland .
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Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Thiede, J. (1997)
Information System for the ESF/QUEEN Programme (QUEEN/PANGAEA) ,
Initial workshop for the EU/ENRICH-Project QUEEN (Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North) and proposal, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven. .
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Conference -Talk
Grobe, H. ORCID: and Diepenbroek, M. (1997)
PANGAEA Presentation ,
APIS (Antarctic Pack Ice Seal) Programme Meeting, SCAR Expert Group on Seals, AWI, Bremerhavento 1997- .

Conference -Poster
Reinke, M. (1997)
German Marine Data Management Initiative ,
MAST workshop on project data management, 11-13 June 1997, Institute for Space Applications, Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy (European Commission DG XII). .

Conference -Paper
de Baar, H. , Stoll, M. , Lancelot, C. , Veth, C. , Timmermans, K. , van Leeuwe, M. and Hoppema, J. (1997)
Plankton blooms: A biological pump for carbon dioxide uptake in the Antarctic Ocean ,
Sixth International Phycological Congress, Leiden, the Netherlands, 9-16 August 1997, Phycologia 36: 23 (Suppl. 4S), meeting abstr. 88. .

Conference -Talk
Louanchi, F. and Hoppema, M. ORCID: (1997)
A modelling study of the CO2 sources and sinks in the Southern Ocean ,
Fifth International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Cairns, Australia, Abstract AB0029September 1997. .

Conference -Talk
Rick, J. ORCID:, Rick, S. and Brockmann, U. H. (1997)
Copper silicate interaction in marine planktonic systems: Effects on nutrient and carbon assimilation, species composition, and metal transfer in multispecies enclosures ,
Aquatic Sciences Meeting, ASLO 97, Current and Emerging Issues in Aquatic Science, Santa Fe, NM, USA, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 1997 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Dürselen, C. D. and Rick, J. ORCID: (1997)
Spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the German Bight during the last decade. II. Importance of non-indigenous species ,
ICES-Meeting "The Temporal Variability of Plankton and Their Physico-Chemical Environment", Kiel, Germany, Kiel, Germany, 1997 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Dürselen, C. D. and Rick, J. ORCID: (1997)
Spatial distribution of phytoplankton in the German Bight during the last decade. I. Total phytoplankton biomass and index of diversity ,
ICES-Meeting "The Temporal Variability of Plankton and Their Physico-Chemical Environment", Kiel, Germany, Kiel, Germany .

Conference -Talk
Rick, J. ORCID: (1997)
Spatial phytoplankton distribution in the German Bight - Time series from 1986 to 1996 ,
ICES-Meeting "The Temporal Variability of Plankton and Their Physico-Chemical Environment", Kiel, Germany, Kiel, Germany, 1997 - unspecified .

Conference -Talk
Dürselen, C. D. , Poremba, K. , Tillmann, U. ORCID: and Rick, J. ORCID: (1997)
Relation between primary production and bacterial carbon demand in coastal water of the German Bight ,
"New Challenges for North Sea Research - 20 years after FLEX `76- Meeting“, Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, Germany, 1997 - unspecified .

Conference -Invited talk
Rick, J. ORCID:, Dürselen, C. D. , Gärtner, U. , Göbel, A. , Klawon, A. , Baumann, M. E. M. , Rick, S. , Rieling, T. , Fehner, U. , Koschinski, P. , Wolff, C. , Tillmann, U. ORCID:, Poremba, K. , George, M. , Hesse, K. , Tillmann, A. , Schaumann, K. , Weide, G. , Buchholz, F. , Mehrkühler, C. , Kabatnik, C. , Müller, R. , Weber, A. , Krause, M. , Diel-Christiansen, S. , Kopp, R. , Reimer, A. , Brasse, S. , Brockmann, U. H. and Raabe, T. (1997)
Balance of production and respiration in German Bight planktonic communities ,
KUSTOS - TRANSWATT Meeting, Hamburg, 1997 - unspecified .

This list was generated on Tue Oct 8 04:40:50 2024 CEST.